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Posts posted by Chikout

  1. 29 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    It's also got me thinking if there will be a Spearhead for Darkoath at some point and it appears in that instead?

    EDIT - so as GW still have the Darkoath sets on Webstore, is it still worth picking up a copy to save some money or not worth it?

    Assuming the wilderfiend cost the same as the hero it's about a 30% discount over buying individually. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    The box was 155 €. Individually minus the beast (that we don't know yet its price) it is 136,25 €. It is not the biggest of the discounts, but it also includes the Supplement.

    The launch box had 20 marauders. The individual box only has 10 so it's 180 individually plus the wilderfiend. 

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  3. 4 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    I do hope when i.e Lumineth receives it battletome that the lores will be expanded a bit. As the lore is chosen per amy and not per wizard I find 3 spells not enough, certainly not for one of the more magical armies in the game. Not saying that there need to be 12+ different spells, but 5-7 different spells per lore would be nice. 

    Also was doubling the move characteristic to overpowered? Now it is only +4". Still good for infantry, but not so great for cavalry. 

    And how does the Lore of Hysh work with the Wind and Stone mages?

    r/ageofsigmar - Some War Scrolls from the 4th edition exhibition match in Austin this weekend!

    I'm quite sure there will be more than one lore per faction in the battletomes. Whether we see that in the indexes is another matter. It does look like the lores are limited to three spells each as we've seen the same for three factions now. 

    I'm curious how GW will play with this for the magic heavy factions. Being able to choose two lores at once for 6 spells on the tabletop would be an easy way for magic heavy factions to differentiate themselves. I'm sure the likes of Teclis will still know everything. 

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Ookami said:

    Guys, has someone happened to see the full warscroll? GW mentioned in one of the articles heroes will include list of units they can assign to the respective regiments: 

    …so every HERO lists which units they can include in their regiment, as part of their battle profile. 

    But there were no units lists on the warscrolls provided yesterday. 


    The battle profile isn't in the warscroll. It's the bit at the back of the book that has the points and the battlefield role which will probably be replaced by regiment info in fourth. 

    • Like 2
  5. Just now, zamerion said:

    So the box Will be out on july? Some preorder date aprox?

    Nobody knows for sure and there have been rumours that the warehouse issues has delayed the game by two weeks but the most likely scenario is a pre order mid June and a release in the last week of June or the first week in July. 

  6. 23 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    Apologies if I've missed anything, but do we have any further info on who this dude is and where/when he'll be released?


    He's another engineer. Probably launching on about September with the rest of the Skaven. 

    • Like 1
  7. Here's the Lumineth and Skaven army rosters. Under current points Skaven are 1760 and Lumineth are 1740 but they 2000 in AoS4. It looks like points will be going up by about 10-15% if these armies indicate a trend. 




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  8. 9 minutes ago, novakai said:

    Yeah but the thing is you can do that quick game with sub 1000 points on a balance board and the get the same experience but also get to use the models you want for your army.

    like Instead of 30 SBGL models on the board I can just use the Vengorian lord  as my general and a few side units because he the coolest model that I want to have for my army not the shambling horde aspect from the spearhead

    I don't think you get the same experience at all. The changes they've made to units like have weaker units respawn while stronger units stay off the board for half the game are because the base game doesn't scale well. The same is true for the abilities. 

    There was an event a while ago where GW previewed a game of spearhead followed by a full game of 4th edition. Several people said that Spearhead was a very effective teaching tool. 

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    I want to see the full picture there. If they can upgrade their crits to 5+, if they are still wizards or the range.

    Here you go. This is for spearhead but they've said weapon profiles will be the same for the full game. Screenshot_20240518-204711.png.0454af481f03cb7aa98cf5af7871c0be.png

    Check out the power of hysh battle trait. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    They have been pure thrash for half the edition :(


    Well they're two attacks now, they keep the rend on lofted shots, they still have the ability to crit on a 5+ and auto wound is a solid ability. Of course it all depends on points but that looks like a pretty solid warscroll now. 

    • Like 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Celestant Prime won't be renewed. Otherwise it would have been in THE LIST.

    It's in this photo too. A new celestant prime is very unlikely. Screenshot_20240518-190327.png.44f05958f9867fd63703c7ddbf695e6d.png


    I'm hoping to see a diorama style kit with a chained lightning giest. 

  12. Why I'm so excited about the Skaventide box part 2

    Does anyone remember the game mode designed around the box contents of Dominion or Soul wars that let you play with just the contents of the box? Of course not, there wasn't one. You could try to play regular AoS but it's well known how poorly the game scales to low points. I played warcry with my minis but that required buying a board, some terrain and a whole different rules set. 

    With Skaventide that's all there right in the box. I read or listened to about a dozen impressions of spearhead and they've all been universally positive. This comes from narrative players, experienced players new players and 40k players. The most common refrain I've heard is that Spearhead is what combat patrol should have been.

    Several people have praised it for being a very effective learning tool for the new edition, with one youtuber even calling it elegant which is not a word you normally associate with GW. There are a couple of events happening today so I'm sure we'll have a bunch more impressions coming in soon but at the very least it's a fun way to play your first handful of games that teaches you the core rules of 4th edition. The scenery in the box is small but it's just enough to provide some effective line of sight blocking terrain to stop shooting armies dominate Spearhead, and by having it in the box from the start it encourages players to use it. There's nothing to stop players subbing in something more thematic if they want. 

    I really like the idea of making the core book more like an in universe document. It's a good way of keeping content fresh in the 4th version of the core book. 

    Finally of course there's the fourth edition rules. From everything we've seen so far the rules seem to be thoughtful considered and cleanly written. Again feedback from those who've played it already is very positive. I also disagree with those who think the flavour has been stripped out. I disagree The new prayers endless spells and scenery are examples of impactful flavourful rules. 

    • Like 7
  13. It's kind of a bummer reading some of these comments simply because my own hype is pretty much through the roof. It's early days still but I'm starting to think this might become  my favourite box GW have ever made. Let me explain my feelings about this. 

    Firstly the models. The Stormcast side is spectacular. I've always loved the art of Stormcast with human priests or servants accompanying them, so the memorians is a massive win for me. There's a lot of talk about grimdark but what we can really see in these models is character. There's something about a model carrying a sword and a torch that just speaks to me. I loved the old silver tower model but the new version is a much better representation of a lone hero exploring ancient ruins looking for treasure or heading into the depths of a Skaven infested ruin. 

    The blind Veritant with her guide wolf is just an awesome concept. And a  truth seeker being blindfolded is surely a reference to Lady Justice. 

    The executioner who is also a mercy killer is pretty dark but somehow still comes across as a compassionate version of a commisar. 

    The lord vigilant is an improved version of the second edition model that doesn't have the massive unsculpted section that rather ruined that model. 

    The liberators we've talked about before. The only heads I actually dislike is the leader. There's something about the plume that is odd. Fortunately there are plenty of awesome looking bare heads in the set. 

    The more I see of the prosecutors, the more I like them. The have real presence. Even in the poorly videoed live stream, they stood out. 

    Now for the Skaven side. The big debate seems to be about the clan rats. I was definitely on the side of hoping for 20 clan rats and 10 stormvermin but seeing the full clan rat kit has changed my mind somewhat. Firstly there are two completely different command squads and most importantly two completely different banners. This is a bit of a pet peeve of mine. The steelhelms only have one banner for each unit and they really stand out in a bad way. The Skaven box is much better. It looks like you can build 20 regular clan rats with six of the models having options to turn them into command models. That makes for a total of 26 different poses which isn't bad. The rats themselves are full of character with some obviously having visual nods to particular clans. The comment Sergie made in the video about the different heights if models representing the way a horde of rats move really does come across. 

    Finally some rat Ogors that live up to my imagination. Just an awesome kit and I'm really curious to see the customisation that was mentioned. I'm guessing head and weapon options?? The jezzails are a great update and I love the option for the double barrelled gun. 

    Tubes, pipes, gears and dials. A ramshackle collection of advanced but poorly made tech, pushed along by Skaven because that's easier than building an engine. The ratling warpblaster pushes all my buttons. Very excited to see more Skyre tech in the future. 

    We've already talked about the engineer. It's a cool sculpt but I think I prefer the wackier look of the leaked one. 

    As others have said the grey seer is a fantastic concept perfected. Just a great sculpt all round and the tactical bell is a fun addition. 

    Finally we have the warlord. I understand that some people were hoping for a bulkier beast but the emaciated frame with the fur hanging off is just horrific in the best way. It sells the horror of the faction really well. It also makes a nice contrast with the well armoured and equipped rider. I love both the weapons. The gun loaned from Skyre that looks more advanced than any cities weaponry and the warpstore blade on the glove looks suitably nasty. 

    I'll save the rest of the box for another post as this is getting long but in terms of minis, this box is a very solid win. The only thing dislike is a single helmet which is easily changeable. Compared to Dominion (not a fan of the hobgrots especially the helmets) , Soul wars (a great box let down by odd unit sizes and too many repeated sculpts) and First edition (don't like the bloodreavers or the khorgorath) it's definitely my favourite set so far. 

    • Like 18
  14. 38 minutes ago, Mcthew said:

    So watched the preview (yup, agree that it felt a little out of step but hey ho...). Thoughts about the box: well, it looks really, really good.

    And yet...

    After the initial excitement I did wonder who this is aimed at. Spearhead is an entry level system like combat patrol for those who don't really play AoS. But £160 for entry into an increasingly expensive hobby is way too expensive. Parents I've spoken to won't buy this, they would look at their kids getting into the hobby in a cheaper way.

    And it's unrealistic to think that people with money that are on the fence about Warhammer will suddenly jump into a game that now has 4 ways to play (yep, 4... So much for AoS 4.0 being a less complex game). It would put me off if I'm honest. I wouldn't know what I was buying and would worry who I could play games with (who plays what version of 4th, you know?). So that and the price would stop me as a newbie from investing.

    On the positive side, the models do look great. Loads of eye-candy on show, but still feels lacking in set-piece models unlike Leviathan. Compare that to other starter boxes that are much cheaper than Skaventide, it's not gonna win more converts.

    (Not counting, but that's 3 strikes, isn't it??)

    Seriously, that's fine right, cos there's loads of existing players (like me) here and plenty for them in this box? Well, not so much unless you're a Skaven player (and definitely nothing to stop the tears flowing for Beasts of Chaos or Bonesplitter owners). And if you're an existing Stormcast player can you really justify spending £160 on resculpts of your Liberators and Prosecutors?

    At least Kruleboyz and Nighthaunt were brand new factions and could tempt players to a new faction. This doesn't tick those boxes for me, and with my 15 or so factions it's a bit meh (but I reckon any non-skaven players might be tempted... C'mon you know you want to...)

    But you also get terrain! Yes, and I love me a bit of terrain. Although a couple of crumbly walls? A Warcry terrain-offer this is not.

    You do get cards. Lots of cards. GW loves its cards. I've got a whole stack of them in my Leviathan box gathering dust, but they look good.

    You also get the book, and I love the Core Books. Something to pore over on a rainy day, or light reading before going to sleep (no, honestly, I do that). But I'm not going to pay £160 for a Core Rule book no matter how lovely, because there's only so many ways you can present the same lore over and over.

    And I don't want a hardback version of a game that I know I'll never play (Spearhead). 

    It took me one second to decide I was going to buy Dominion. It took me a little longer to decide I'll never buy Skaventide.

    Ho-hum. Loved 2nd and 3rd launch sets though. Which is nice. And hey, the excitement lasted about 20mins and I'll take that any time, while I sort out my army list for a good ol' game of 3.0.

    (Edit: just to add I may have finally shaken off that FOMO itch I used to get from GW products. It's a nice feeling by the way).

    It's funny. I felt exactly the opposite. I wasn't in love with Dominion from the start and didn't buy it until I found it on sale in December. I didn't like the hobgrots at all initially, especially the helmets. There's nothing in the Skaventide box I don't like and what are the clawlord and the lord vigilant if not centrepieces? 

    The price is slightly less than 2 vanguard/ spearhead boxes and you get the rules, the terrain, the board and a bunch of extra minis. It also isn't much more than the basketball shoes my son wants for his birthday and is less than the Lego set my other son wants. There are many justifiable complaints about GW prices but launch boxes like this are actually a pretty decent value for what you get. 

    Of course I'll buy the game for me not them, but I will probably play spearhead with them. We already play Warcry. 

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  15. 16 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

    I'm actually a little intimidated by the sheer number of clanrats. I was thinking of picking up the Skaven side of the box and trying to figure out a quick painting method with Contrasts, as my usual painting style is too slooooow, but 40 well-detailed clanrats feels a little too much even for that.

    Weirdly enough, more  detailed stuff is easier to paint with contrast. A good example is the leather hafts on weapons. Those used to be a nightmare to highlight but this is just a single coat of contrast. Screenshot_20240517-151713.png.427c81e3acf498eae972266691eacd21.png

    I think the flesh and fur will be fine with just a layer of contrast. You would only need to highlight the cloth to have a mini that looks pretty good. 

    As for the number of clan rats, putting repeated sprues in the box is much cheaper than unique ones. I'm sure that's why there are 40 clan rats. 

    • Like 4
  16. 20 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    I believe they stated on the stream all the unit characteristics and weapon profiles on the Spearhead warscrolls are the same as the main game. 

    Basic profiles may be the same but we know that clan rats have a different weapon ability in the main game. 

  17. 11 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

    I was hoping for a roadmap, myself. But also that they kept hyping “and much more to see” then it was literally what they just showed us. 

    like I’m not mad, I’m just confused about where’s the hype

    I think the clear problems they've been having with their supply chain is the reason we don't have a road map. 

    As for the next reveals, they could go a couple of ways. For Dominion they showed off the Stormcast and warclans battletomes on launch day. For 40k  they showed the Tyranids in July but didn't show off the marines until the Nova open which is at the end of August this year. 

  18. I'm curious what else people were expecting to see. The only thing I felt was missing was an accompanying novel. Just like they did with 40k, I'm sure we'll get other shows later which talk about the battletomes and the other new minis. 

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