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Posts posted by Pompe

  1. I think The Geminis might be a great asset to generate DP turn 1. Rund it through your entire army. It has a move of 8" and only does a single MW on a 2+. The The downside being that you can't use auto rum or +1 to hit in the shooting face or combat phase. I'm looking at armies with 10+ units making 12+  DP turn 1 a rather sure thing with some added shooting. Even the lowly blissbarbs most likely won't run to  a single mw. Any input?

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  2. 1 hour ago, Carnith said:

    In my OBR game, I had 13 points at turn 4. Do I bring in 30 daemonettes to go after Arkhan, or a keeper for Sigvald. The keeper's double pile in on nearly any of our units was more beneficial. 


    my favorite summons are still the keeper, Enrapturess vs summoning armies, and daemonettes if I need a major reinforcement. 

    I wish fiends were better summoning. even if it's just 6. A good mobile pseudo anvil/hammer would be nice. 

    I love the big chariots as summons, both the hero and the non-hero version.

  3. 7 hours ago, Sonnenspeer said:

    I'm sure everyone is toying around with a list like this. What do you think?

    Allegiance: Slaanesh
    - Host: Lurid Haze Invaders Host (Host of Chaos)
    Shardspeaker of Slaanesh (135)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Feverish Anticipation
    - Artefact: Oil of Exultation
    - Lore of Pain and Pleasure: Dark Delusions
    Sigvald, Prince of Slaanesh (205)
    11 x Blissbarb Archers (140)**
    11 x Blissbarb Archers (140)**
    11 x Blissbarb Archers (140)**
    10 x Myrmidesh Painbringers (240)*
    - Reinforced x 1
    10 x Symbaresh Twinsouls (260)*
    - Reinforced x 1
    10 x Symbaresh Twinsouls (260)*
    - Reinforced x 1
    5 x Slickblade Seekers (230)
    5 x Slickblade Seekers (230)
    *Bounty Hunters
    **Expert Conquerors

    Total: 1980 / 2000
    Wounds: 144
    Drops: 10

    Im not so sure on the 10 painbringers in bountyhunter. You wont be able to fight with all of then at the same time. And only having one hero to summon from makes the list rather easy to nuter. The thing I can't wrapped my head around is if slickblades are worth it, especially outside of bounty hunters.

  4. 4 hours ago, Jaskier said:

    Slickblades are very nasty, especially if you can get a few buffs on them. Bravery and their 5+ save are their main issues, but even in 2.0 (before unit champions issuing commands) I found they were a very independently strong unit given how mobile they are and their great offensive stats. Like most things in Slaanesh, they could do to be a bit cheaper, but they're generally one of our more efficient damage dealers.

    How do you buff them? The Lord of Pain isn't able to keep up with them and neither is the Shardspeaker. Good relievers of +1 to hit though. 

  5. What's the general opinion on Slickblades? I've not had the chance of fielding them. Are they worth their points? It seems like a good unit to go snipe backyard objective holders. 

    And has anyone found a good way of dealing with double Maw-crushas? I went 3-2 on a tournament a month ago and that was the only game I felt that I had no real answer to my opponents that. Other than Gotrek, Glutos seems to be a good answer to any and all threats. 

  6. 1 hour ago, TMS said:

    @Pompe I'm glad to hear something inspiring like that. I want to give StD a go because of those sweet models and if you can make it work I'm sure I can too. 👍

    Of course you can! But don't think you can play them like any other army. It's more about not fighting/ blocking the enemy than actually making the opponent removing models. Only way to do that is probably through Archaon,  and that play style was not for me. 

  7. I played a 2 day tournament with 20+ ppl and came third a few weeks ago. STD ended up in 2nd place as well, with Tzeentch (changehost) taking first place. I ran Undivided with 0 marauders, 15 warriors, 3x5 knights and 5 marauders horsemen in a ruinbringer and some other stuff in ravagers. 

    I don't think you can play STD like a conventional army e.g. you take a hammer that deletes whatever is in front of it and then start trading units with the opponent. Instead it is about control and not letting the opponent play his game. Since I like the challenge of not having a top tier army and prefer having a few tricks up my sleeve rather than a straight forward combat army STD has proven to be perfect for me. 

    The reason I went for Undivided is the auto immune to battle shock which makes units invaluable roadblocks. It also frees up a few CP which are extremely valuable in STD. Furthermore, the combination of the generals 6++ with the warshrine 6++ and rr saves from 2 x orracular visions and 10+ warriors makes the army incredibly tough. However, for future tournaments I want to try to run half Khorne, half Undivided so I get the best of both worlds. This forces me to bring heroes of both marks and gives me a choice of being more offensive or defensive in ravagers.

    Regarding the low dmg from our units I agree, it is too low to whipe any unit off of the table with certainty. But 5 fully buffed knights does enough dmg to cripple most units so they do not pose as much of a threat any more. As for the block of 40 mortek guard, don't charge them head on. Tag them with one model and render them useless. Maybe STD have to be played like onions /Shrek (not Ogors), with several layers that you let the opponent peel off one by one? 

    Lastly, for me it is much more rewarding to end up in 3rd place with a 2nd tier army such as STD than winning the second largest tournament here in Sweden as I did with Skaventide last spring. It was just not fun to steamroll whatever unit was in front of my monks.

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  8. 8 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    I think it's going to go. Seems bad business to sell incomplete kits. ( reckon it will also change the use of the Khemist, because it's ability to buff one weapon in an army which is forced to mix more is a bit... soft.)

    As in you think it is going to be limited to be in what is in the box?

  9. 1 minute ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    So after a long time of waiting and scheming Queek Headtaker sends forth one of his mighty Leutnants to take-steal what a mighty artefact of power known as the dwarf gouger, should he fail, it might have been his last.

    lets see-spie how things go tonight for our precious little pet-thing


    may be bring glory to Mors!!

    or Die-Die utterly failing.

    Lets scurry-send a Verminlord to protect-kill it if necessary!


    Regarding your list above and specifically the WLV. If it is a competitive environment I would never leave home without it. If it's a non competitive environment I would not bring it. In my all my games it has been the single most over powered thing in the army. In my last game (new Khorne) it single handedly neutered his entire army. And yes, he had Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster and the "auto unbind on a 8"-host. But he also (as most Khorne players will because of how their buffs work) centred most of his heroes and a few good units in one place. An ideal situation for the WLV. Especially since unbind range is 30" and the reach of the spell it's way more.  The Honest Wargamer rightfully dubbed it Warp Lightning Boretex because if cast in turn one at the right spot it can decide the entire game right there. In my case combined with a Jezzail shot he took 700 points off of the table. 

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  10. 41 minutes ago, Andy Bryan said:

    Folks been thinking about mixed skaven with a heavy influence from plague monks.

    Corrupter 260

    Plague furnace 180

    Plague furnace 180

    Warlock engineer 100 item that gives plus one to hit and wound on a skaven tide unit.

    40 plague monks 240

    40 plague monks 240

    40 plague monks 240

    20 clan rats 120

    20 clan rats 120

    20 clan rats 120

    This is a skaven tide list but i reckon it could be strong. Clan rats for objectives.

    Furnace plus one attack on units of monks. Corrupter gives reroll hits Units of 40 monks. Can have two banners.

    Contagion banner mortal chance when they die. Pestilence 2 damage on rolls of six. Doom gong plus one to run and charge. Bale chime 6s to hit increase rend.

    Its still 200 points under.

    Monks would be armed with blade and stave so with prayer from furnace on one unit 7 attacks each when they charge. 

    If using skaven tide ability units of monks can hit on 3s wound on 3s with blad3 and 4s and 3s with stave. Plus one unit could have the skyre buff to be 2s and 2s and 3s and 2s if that item can be used in them.

    Looks really strong 

    Get a congregation of filth to lie number of drops and get another item. You only have one good character for the "hero" scenarios. Otherwise it looks nice! I find myself auto including the warpstorm spell just because it limits my opponent so much :)

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