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Everything posted by GloomkingWortwazi

  1. I wonder why we're only seeing sprues/models for the Skaven side getting leaked? No leaker love for Stormcast sprues? 😜
  2. They did yeah. I guess the difference I should have highlighted is the use in product naming, not lore copy.
  3. Here, take my 2 cents - I don't need it: 💸 I think sometimes people confuse the purpose of "AoSification"... things began to get "AoSified" the same way we got reworks of 40K faction names into silly stuff like Astra Militarum in place of Imperial Guard. These two changes go hand-in-hand. The 40K renaming and in some cases slight redesigns were to serve two purposes; update items in need while tweaking the visual IP slightly, and to give them names that are easily defended. The AoS path is somewhat similar, except that the visual IP overhaul needs/needed far more work to be protectable but also be unique, as did the names. As an example, High Elves aren't unique or defendable in their old iteration. Now they are "Aelves" specifically and you're putting yourself at risk for using that name without approval elsewhere. They also don't look like the previous incarnation anymore. This distinguishes them from generic high fantasy. When it comes to Skaven, they are already a unique name that is defendable, and share little with pre-established visual IP for anthropomorphised rats. They aren't in need of any extreme "AoSification", just a tidy up and some things to demonstrate an advancement in narrative. They're one of the few factions that needs a heavy shift in visual identity.
  4. Good pickup! Yeah looks like the supposed amalgamation we've been hearing about.
  5. Surely not? No trophy rack. Probably the Clawlord/HQ.
  6. Yeah I'm happy that they will compliment my wad of IoB clanrats too. They're miles nicer, but also still thematically in-sync.
  7. RIP slingwall. Those little buggers aren't coming back.
  8. I can't see any part overlap on the models shown, so assuming 20 also.
  9. Totally, very popular range for kitbashing. However, I think their sales dip is more to do with their cost to point ratio and model count. They're one of the fairly obnoxious/cost prohibitive armies to players.
  10. Maybe they will just end up being hirelings or lackeys like the stab grots and pot grots? Like a... cannon hobgrot or a hobgrot bodyguard duo to a chorf boss... that kind of thing? Probably fairly visually distinct, better armour instead of scrap stuff or something like that?
  11. Custom PO Number and Order number can be made out. If someone knows the person, let them know please.
  12. Packing slip contains two line items btw. Image is too low res to get the item names though.
  13. Yeah, it's a packing slip... they didn't think that one through too well.
  14. Just what the Doctor ordered! This guy looks great 🎶Galvanize - The Chemical Brothers plays🎶 Uh, hope whoever posted this is aware there is some potential personal data leakage that can be pulled out of the image with clever filtering.... 😰
  15. I'm just going to yell blindly into the void and hope for a confused, sad or like from the Clans Whitefang et al: Beasts "began" their removal when the Alarielle book was canned and the story pivoted, Kragnos was introduced to setup a new half-human half-whatever race in destruction ready for a rework/alternative product with a similar aesthetic, gallet canned, spider incarn canned, ToW army/product plans pivoted due to internal issues that have been semi documented/semi rumored, beasts were surrendered earlier than originally anticipated and production issues along the whole timeline from A to B didn't help matters. *hides in a cave before someone reflects the sun at them*
  16. I am glad that Colin's legacy lives on beyond him and Aly's work as a sculptor is a foundation of this hobby, as are many of the other older sculptors and designers. Heck, they are foundational in leading me down part of my professional path. Lots of them look quite dated now, but they remain very nostalgic and flavourful for me. The 4E and Mordheim era plastic and metal Skaven he was involved in will always have a special place in my heart, especially Veskit, and I am only missing a few of these sculpts for my collection. Same for the 6E Grave Guard. I'm sure older Dwarf players would feel the same about those sculpts. Now that's not to say I don't want some modern ninja rat sculpts outside of Underworlds. I most certainly do!
  17. That would be nice, so long as it's not just annoying "order book, chaos book, destruction book" nonsense and actually tells us some solid info.
  18. Yep. I want that damn Mek. This is why I see box splitters as a service. To the eBay mobile! 🏎️
  19. Still, nice to have a Beast Snagga box to go with the other Ork Combat Patrol now.
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