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Everything posted by GloomkingWortwazi

  1. Oh, that's a good point I hadn't considered. I assume (hope) staying the same. I'm currently part way through modeling up a 6x tile system board for printing... I ought to wait to get confirmation before I spend a lot of time finishing and then printing it lmao. Parametric or not, that would blow chunks.
  2. Yeah if they revive them, they're in need of a glow up haha. Pretty bad sculpts honestly, underneath is just vacant of detail too. Rough times 😅
  3. Yeah these were what I was referring to. I want these back as a kit! I sold my WQ Silver Tower a few years back and regret not parting it out and keeping these goobers.
  4. I'm more hoping for an overhaul of the spiders aesthetic to match the concept art: That way we get new weird looking cave squig-spiders with moonclan riders and some scuttling grots like the ones from Silver Tower. Definitely felt like a direction they explored and abandoned. Gitmob can get a tome, take the wolves and get the cool stuff like doom divers and all that back.
  5. Wreckin' crew here! What'sappening? I would love some goblin sapper like units. Little wackos like fanatics but with bombs!
  6. "Please excuse my memeing. I BUSTED whichever hand it is I meme with." 😂
  7. Pretty likely too. A bit of a reflection on what the studio is working on in the 3 year or so lag on design to ship.
  8. Yeah I'm probably in the minority here, but I'd rather have sungobbos and the like in a different army. I want to keep the living in caves and being a lunatic thing to the gitz identity.
  9. Using the data from @Ejecutor 's sheet: Top ten lowest kit count (all AoS core branded), alongside top ten lowest kit count (non-WHFB era made FOR AoS core): Probably safe to say Sons don't really count, and magenta can be eliminated for new wave. Non-matching are not coloured and can be considered least in need in a needy bunch. So; DoK, FS, KO, Ogors and Tzeentch looking like hotspot contenders for a decent wave. IDK and OBR co-piloting the "I-need-more-kits-mobile". EDIT: My moneys on Ogors and DoK. At least that seems logical to me 🤷‍♂️
  10. Goblins on rocket powered skateboards! 👺🛹💨
  11. Yep! Plus there's all the legacy WHFB rats with mech arms/legs/eyes and Veskit from Mordheim with his exosuit and cyborg chest/organs/eye. I doubt it's what we're getting now but still might be something we get later on 🤩
  12. 🧠 I'm imagining some Eshin-esque cyborg-ninja rats with Skryre-esque warp-punk NV/IR goggles and grenades... maybe they even kept us waiting, huh? Don't wake me from my daydream... 😍
  13. HH Admech or Necromunda is my guess. Paint job looks like a SDS paint job to me, so Necromunda probably.
  14. I hope the jezzails looks just as good as he does 💓
  15. Clan keywords still there. Nice to have confirmed. Hope is not lost for runners!
  16. I absolutely love it! 😍 He's gonna fit right in alongside all my other warlock incarnations!
  17. Yeah, a very WHFB style sculpt, with no mention of TOW due to the company structure. To be expected, obviously. Still feels weird though.
  18. That's one classically dwarfy dwarf (positively and negatively)
  19. I would love to see some Mortal Realms crafter/forger/chamon daemons! Whacky daemon engine type stuff.
  20. Interesting insight. Would you consider chucking it on sheets and sharing so that we can do some different analyses and what not?
  21. We're probably likely to see some more heavily mutated horned individuals join the Darkoath like the Wilderfiend.
  22. I know it's very "trust me bro" from someone who likes/knows the system, but the KoW unit plate thing is actually pretty easy to memorise when playing, I got used to it very quickly. It's much like the common coherency formations you expect to see for units in AoS and memorise when you look at someone's list and think about how you're gonna verse them, or the common block facings and rows for WHFB. It's actually a bit easier when you're used to the idea because theres a fixed amount across all armies and units. I do understand though that some people don't like the idea of rectangles fighting rectangles. It's a very rank-n-flank centric concept. Anyway, doesn't matter much because we're not getting that system for this edition and probably never. It's kinda funny how close this change moves us back towards WHFB unit blocks. I love it and hate it at the same time!
  23. Even with movement trays, yeah. Spindly stuff is gonna be annoying.
  24. They could also do a WHFB/9th Age kinda thing with heros in units facing off first, then fight into the unit and dying first from enemy hero, or last from enemy unit. That whole thing.
  25. I like the addition of the retreat ability. I'm getting pretty pumped for this edition!
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