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Everything posted by Peacaf

  1. Don't worry, the success of TOW has to be measured in years, not in play groups or specific areas and without sales figures. We'll see if the Hype lasts more than a year. Apart from the fact that GW doesn't care how many people play, what matters to them is how many people buy.
  2. No, it's out of stock due to massive purchases by TOW players who are selling out the entire AoS range to use in TOW.
  3. The blissbarb archers are out of stock and not temporarily.
  4. Who is the real Phoenix King? Besides Anvilgard it's not like it was close to Ulgu...
  5. Malekith had scars all over his body, he can now transform into a lizard with wings and he told his mother that he was going to teach the twins a lesson. If his mother conquered a city of Sigmar, why not him?
  6. There is a sector of the Warhammer Fantasy and TOW community that will never get over End Of Times and hates Age of Sigmar and its community to death, because they have romanticized Fantasy to a point of no return and absolute ridiculousness.
  7. I will continue playing with them in Legends, my Pestigors, Gorthor and company, I am not going to sell them, too many decades on their metal backs. Of course, the second hand and the recasts are my new suppliers of GW miniatures for the rest of my armies.
  8. The more variety of miniatures, the better and if they serve to encourage other players to play, paint, read, etc. even much better.
  9. Disappointing if there is no sixth book or book similar to Wrath of Archaon with the fall of Hammerhall. And very sad that we have not even seen a justification for the end of BOC.
  10. It seems credible to me, the dragon ogors and the chimera are once again part of the warriors of chaos. Will Malerion be that hero? Will Tyrion arrive with the new Lumineth?
  11. What have I missed about BOC? The return of Morghur? A one-eyed cygor hero in homage to Khazrak?
  12. Do you know that Bretonnia and Khemri had rules and points in AoS? There may come an expansion page or a faq that spiders and savages informing you that they are going to legacy.
  13. They can be eliminated with the new expansion book, images from them have not been shown for promotion or announcement and instead they can be eliminated in AoS. It wouldn't be the first time that GW releases rules for something and after a year or two discontinues miniatures or scenography.
  14. What's left in CoS? 4 profiles of the Empire and as many dwarves, with a Darkoath style box resolved. Orcs and Goblins in ToW have not taught spiders or savage , so it would not be strange for them to be exclusive to AoS or discontinued. And Warriors... too popular and best-selling to remove from any game.
  15. Everything that has a faction in TOW disappears from AoS, example BOC. Or disappear from TOW, example Skaven.
  16. The point is very simple, Fantasy was a game that GW killed due to low sales and profits. To think that in a massive way and the majority of TOW or old Fantasy players are going to renew their armies with more expensive miniatures is to be very optimistic or oblivious to reality. And of course Fantasy players buy AoS miniatures, from the beginning it happened with the Blood Warriors/Reavers. But a minority and this will continue to be the case, the majority will do the same thing they did 15 years ago, buy cheaper alternatives or continue with their already closed army with some specific purchase.
  17. Yes, in the fifth, sixth edition and at the beginning of the seventh. Then the hegemony of 40k began.
  18. That's a lie, you just have to look at the numbers of participants in GTs like Talavera 40K and Fantasy in Spain. And many players who didn't spend the money more than 15 years ago because Fantasy seemed expensive to them, aren't going to start spending it now buying new minis or AoS releases that are more expensive, with a different scale and having TOW with low prices or other cheaper alternatives instead.
  19. You're right Fantasy was a bestseller and its audience still buys many miniatures. What's more, Stormcasts sell because people use them to make conversations with knights of the realm on foot. Legos have been used in 9th age tournaments, please let's be realistic.
  20. There are very few TOW players who are buying AoS miniatures, first because all AoS miniatures break the scale and because of the prices. I see more players with 3D printing, buying old models or from other companies. Not to mention that the majority already have their army built.
  21. We're going to have chorfs, so goodbye BOC. 8 factions within Chaos are a lot and they will do something with the Aelfs because there cannot be 4 factions if Malerion comes out.
  22. It is a missed opportunity by GW, I can understand that they eliminate some units and release more monodio units due to copyright. But removing an entire army... they should have done that when they removed Khemri and Bretonnia.
  23. The band has been announced as Slaves and that is how it appears in the image...
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