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Everything posted by Peacaf

  1. Valkia's ascension occurs in WHF, over a decade ago. And Khorgos had to get the skull of 5 champions and he gets Gavriel's which is supposedly the 5th, what's the problem?
  2. A Verminlord Skyre and Moulder are needed apart from renewing old minis or resin/metal. The Verminking's profile is much better, in fourth gear it will at least be passable.
  3. In the seventh edition, new plastic chaos knights came out, replacing the new chaos knights that came out in the sixth edition. Besides, they were much larger and against armies like Bretonnia the scale was ridiculous and still is. Reading comments I wondered how long some have been in Warhammer or how little they know GW.
  4. Those who don't play or barely play always complain and the reason is the same as always: Why do you know how good and great WHF was? I wish WHF would come back, it was much better than AOS! Oh what's back?! We will continue to complain because in the end we didn't play anything and WHF/TOW weren't that good.
  5. 1- The world of WHF is totally incoherent and anachronistic. With limits of territory and borders that limit resources, in addition to border civilizations that have been advancing for 700 years. That of AoS, since there are no clear limits and borders, justifies and makes infinite conflicts more credible. 2- If an AoS strategy game has to come out, it should be similar to Warcraft 3. 3- In AoS factions are still being built, changing and leaving. A Totalwar or a massive RTS makes no sense in this regard when the factions are about to be defined.
  6. I don't know, the Blood Island box was re-released and liquidated with AoS already on the market because it didn't sell very well in eighth edition.
  7. DOK are going to end up within Malerion's elves, I wouldn't be surprised if mother and son were on the same faction against the twins and their elves.
  8. Units that have been used to protect from fire or to redirect charges have been played for years in Fantasy. Or has no one seen a skaven player with 150-200 slaves? In AoS 4.0 we will probably have units with more defined roles and that seems correct to me.
  9. Obviously I'm exaggerating, but when push came to shove, if your sorcerer could choose the Purple Sun from the Spell Lore of Death, you chose it. Like 13, like Wall of Fire or Sword of Rhuin and so many other OP spells. The rest was in the background because the dice pull went to the powerful spells and you even changed them for the basic one. Which by the way, were chosen at random...
  10. It is always curious to see “True Warhammer” lovers always complain about any rule and be the ones who play AoS the least. If you want varied spells, the right thing would have been to go back to the origins, when each sorcerer had his own spell and nothing else existed. In the end it happens like with WHF, everyone cast the same two or three OP spells and the rest fell into oblivion.
  11. The duration will depend more on the destructive power than having a small interaction or action on the opponent's turn.
  12. Charges, shooting, magic and prayers on the opponent's turn in exchange for 1 CP, very interesting.
  13. Bretonnia has been out of stock for more than 8 years, it is no longer comparable just for that reason. Just like you can't compare with dwarves because half of the range is outside of AoS and probably with the new Cities book it's all there. Slaangors and Tzaangors were playable in BOC, there were lists that played Tzaangors spams and the support has certainly been better than Ogres and even Skaven.
  14. And by the way in AoS for BOC there have been: -Endless spell -The stone -Beastlord -Underworlds Band -Slaangors - Various Tzaangors profiles So they have had new things and at least I have bought them.
  15. Of course, despite lowering the price and reducing the profit margin, they will make more profits. Please. Many AoS players are going to sell their army and it will be even cheaper to buy the army from these players than from GW. Besides, I doubt that BOC in TOW will arrive before 2025, as it is still an AoS army. And yes, you have to see the entire range, because almost the entire range will be old miniatures, which is what will sell the least and not to mention if there are more models per box.
  16. No no . They are going to outsell AoS in a few months. Without having data, of course and despite the fact that a faction that has been out of stock longer and more popular is selling at a lower rate.
  17. To which I have responded to your statement that BOC in TOW is going to sell more than 9 years of AoS. And you will have to sell the new and old things, the old ones no longer sell too after the initial hype of TOW.
  18. Screenshot taken a few minutes ago. Khemri is almost the entire range.
  19. The Orcs and Goblins range has been out of stock longer than Beasts and has not sold at the rate of Bretonnia and Khemri. Too optimistic without taking into account that Bretonnia and Khemri have been out of stock for 8 years and have benefited from the TOW effect as they are the first factions and the situation is normalizing, Khemri can be bought almost everything and Bretonnia in one or two restock will be in the same situation.
  20. What a ****** and what a ****** company GW is. And I'm certainly not going to jump through the hoops of the scam that is TOW. Anyway, I'll continue playing with them with Legends rules and ****** GW.
  21. 1/3 of AoS players have Stormcast. Awesome.
  22. 200 people are numbers that many tournaments dream of. And yes, bravo for GW that the double turn is more relevant than Lethal Hits and other overpriced abilities.
  23. It exceeds 200 people on Twitter and is clearly in favor of the double turn.
  24. The same old cries with the double shift. A single initiative roll is more decisive and dooms a game. You just have to look at the winning ratio of white and black in Chess. Who starts first, hits first. Furthermore, are those "great" strategists who never prepare for the worst really an opinion worth taking into account? And finally, Age of Shitmar is not as perfect as Fantasy/TOW that a few bad rolls on psychology checks, without even entering combat, could destroy a game. Not to mention the classic failed charge, which at least in AoS can be repeated.
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