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Everything posted by Vaellas

  1. Due to it being for pre order this week I would like to see articles about Pyre and Flood. Knowing more about the teams before pre order would be nice.
  2. Possibly the angle. Ravenlord has a gem on their shield.
  3. That could work although I now just realised if there is a Vandus the chances are it may not be in the box as the promotional stuff for it is all Hallowed Knights and Vandus is Hammers of Sigmar. There is a chance he may get his own seperate model after the launch box maybe coincinding with more black library story such as whatever happens in the new season launch novel.
  4. There is a chance that Ruination book lord is a Lord Celastant. Maybe an alternate building for Vandus/ generic Lord Celastant. Agree as well Lord Relictor would make sense given one of the original heroes, their important abilities regarding tethering the souls of the fallen and they are often alongside Lord Celastants in lore. Though that being said Ravenlord was leading the forces so they may be a new type of Celastant themselves so there is a chance book guy is a Lord Castellant which are accompanied by gryph hounds that would be an extra model towards the 25. Just personal preference but I feel a Knight Azyros would fit pretty nicely guiding forces through the Skaven taint with their lanterns and thematically alongside the Prosecutors. Edit: Looking at the picture for the guy currently on the Warcom 4th edition article that looks like book guy he does have an hourglass hanging from his waist like a Lord Castellant does and his axe is close to the halberd. There is a chance it is halberd with the spike pierced in to the ground.
  5. I would honestly love to see Thunderstrike or Ruination Palladors. I am a big fan of Sacrosant as well so having evocators, incantors etc as well would be wonderful. I agree. At a glance they don't seem like the most interesting faction, but delving in to them and their confliction with their identity, fear of losing who they were with each death and despite being eternal they sacrifice a part of themselves piece by piece. It's part of why I like the Sacrosant chamber as well so much since a bunch of them are trying to find a way to essentially save them from their own reforging errors to prevent things such as the Ruination chamber or simply trying to grasp who they were in life. There is a moment in one book involving a Daughter of Khaine revealing some of a Stormcast's past to themselves and the effect it had on the Stormcast really shook them and brought a lot of confliction and yearning and it was interesting to see such mortal reactions from these mighty beings.
  6. Tbh I initially went in for something and decided on Sylvaneth but after talking I ended up going with Stormcast because they seemed like a good entrry point, easy to paint so thought they would be a nice basis to learn then move on to something once I knew more about the game and lore. Still like my Stormcast but honestly Cities, Idoneth and Darkoath are the things that sway me the most now.
  7. Think this is a clear indication that Kharadon will now have canons that fire out Fyreslayers. Just airships everywhere with little angry slayers being launched down on the heads of their enemies.
  8. The river elves are finally here! Now if we can just get some sea elves...
  9. There is still a chance of it being updated. Although Liberators had the same design in the game and the 4th edition trailer, the prosecutors in Age of Ruin still had the old design, but had a newer one in the trailer. That being said the Lord Celestant is one of the few fatcast that I do really like so hapy for it to stay as it is. In fact now that I think about it we still had that Stormcast sword in the ruin engine that looked the same as those wielded by the vigilors and nobody in the trailer had swords like that so we still have swordcast to come. Ngl it would be nice to have some similar to the Duellist from Warcry with dual swords.
  10. It would be nice to see some miniatures soon. It is also curious to see what else is in the box. Previous trailers missed out a few models (Dominion for example, if we look at Stormcast, didn't show Vindictors, Knight Arcanum, Vexillor or Yndrasta) so I am very curious what other heroes models we will see. Also if AoS 4 moves to attaching heroes to units similar to 10th for 40k then maybe that gives us an idea of what heroes it could be like if one goes with Prosecutor maybe it is a new Knight Azyros for example or are we up for some new leaders instead/ as well as updated?
  11. Don't. I need to hold off for the Lumineth, but the Ossiarchs may sway me over and add me to the amalgamations of shame.
  12. Yeah the Kill team and Warcry would be the dream. Hopefully battle report hinted at kill team and hopefully a warcry related video next week. Would be nice to at least see some rules.
  13. *Reaches for the tank of copium and takes a deep breath* Warcry tomorrow announced for pre order right guys? Right guys...? *The tank is nearing empty*
  14. I think this new rule system seems great and makes a nice simpler way to help with learning especially when you nay have a group of friends where some may find some aspects harder than other to grasp at the start so tailor the game for who you are playing with and modules make that more simple. Also with that they mentioned there would be more modules to swap in and out as time goes by. Sure you can pick and choose technically now, but a module system is just a lot more simple for everyone especially if someone finds a lot of it a bit technical at the start when explaining to them.
  15. When I spoke about it in store I was told not entirely sure yet so it may be good to wait and see in case of buying a Vanguard box and finding out later it's changed contents for Spearhead.
  16. Just had a look and my local posted as well. Seems that each store may have a different name for their city.
  17. I would love Thunderstrike Astreia...
  18. I am 100% there with you. Sacrosanct are one of my favourite Chambers lore wise but the Thunderstrike makes between Tzane, Knight Arcanum and Domitans Stormcoven look incredible and it would be great to see at least one new/ updated Wizard going in to some of the early 4th edition models. Don't think we saw one in the trailer so hopefully new/ updated wizard and priest tbh with the first wave of models after the launch box
  19. I still think that BoC will still be a thing. Maybe their name will change with some lore updates like with High elves and Lumineth, but if anything to go by the Beastlord model was an update that the rest may receive and not sure about other books but there was some BoC in the Godeaters Son novel and that is set in The Parch which is also the current setting for Aqshy at the start of 4th edition so they are in the area lorewise.
  20. Maybe this is an indication for Spearhead boxes. I was looking at Vanguard earlier and all of these said temporarily out of stock and now they all say sold out online: Soulblight Gravelords Ossiarch Bonereapers Hedonites of Slaanesh Beasts of Chaos Skaven
  21. For sure. The plus side of it being that for once everyone has access to it rather than it being at an event or something in one place in the world that forces everyone to go there or buy it for twice the price off eBay.
  22. IT'S ABOUT TIME! Stormcast model is a must!
  23. Same. I grabbed some of the marines for less than half of what they cost when they came out as solo boxes. Biologis was £8, Lt with combi was £6 and it was £18 for a squad of Sternguard.
  24. Yeah I normally don't see it when they sell parts of the box separately too bad. There are plenty of people that only want certain parts of the box and can't justify buying the whole thing. I tend to find the individual models sold from these boxes end up a lot cheaper than buying direct from GW and even discount sites so the person that bought them is happy grabbing it cheap and the person selling it made a slight profit back. Feels very different from someone buying a box with the intention of selling the whole thing off at a stupid price because then you are punishing the buyer.
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