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Everything posted by Gutsu17

  1. A hundred people = a hundred opinions, but the killteam beastmen really look like just some chaos mutants that are made to be a part of the general chaos faction to me, too much man and too little beast, cant really explain it, just a taste thing
  2. Heres a thing about designing new beastmen, i dont think we need to, imho, they are in the same spot as Skaven, Ogres, Bonesplitterz, Seraphon before the refresh, they got their unique aesthetic and concepts, that fit AoS perfectly, and they openly benefit from being transfered to a more open and magical setting, skaven can make time travel and holes in reality, Seraphon can do crazy techno-magical ****** and not be passive and asleep 90% of the time, Bonesplitterz can hunt kaiju type creatures etc. without it harming the consistency and stakes of other parts of the setting. Same applies to the Beastmen, how are beastmen gonna gather in a giant horde of horns and pure wild brutality and tramble civilizations, when destruction of a single city can be lore-defining? Give me a box of bestigors that look like the new beastlord and i will ****** boiling water, thats all. On an unrelated note, i really hope they dont get too inspired by the Killteam beastmen if you ask me, they are among the models that better be left with heroic proportions, also, this guy's beast parts seem to be couple sizes too small for his man parts
  3. I dont get the hype for the "weird chaos mutant" type beastmen, they got a badass barbarin with horns, the new beastlords and how good Bestigors aged shows how actually cool that is, heck, most beastmen plastic models that arent centigors or dragon ogors still look atleast okay, and they dont count because centaurs look dumb most of the time, only times gw managed to pull that out is the forge world chorf character, and centaurion
  4. Like waste majority of Underworlds teams, arent they from Beastgrave?
  5. If anything, GW can turn beasts into units in chaos armies, Slaangors for slaanesh, Tzaangors for Tzeentch, normal Bestigors for S2Ds, and the same for pestigores and khorngors
  6. Cant agree with you on the Ironbreakers, but old Longbeards are awesome, love them
  7. You are reading into it too much imho, "We want the games to be separated" and "We dont want any cross compatibility" are very different, and its seems that the second one is true, they added support for Boingrot Bounderz for example, while it is probably their general rule, i dont think its one of those thingws they follow to the tee, look at horus heresy, new stuff for HH is only usable in HH, but it still uses a bunch of 40k modelslike scouts
  8. Absolutely aggree with you, gw doesnt squat things just because they want, or because they are old and ugly, or because they are unpopular, they may not invest in it, but they arent squatting it unless theres a financial reason. Gw squats thing when they dont have money to support it, thats why prior to 40k 8th ed and closing of FB, they were phasing out specialist games (epic, battlefleet, mordheim, necromunda and more) which culminated in Warhammer fantasy being squatted as a result of being less valuable than 40k (if 8th ed wasnt as much of a success that it was, gw would start squatting 40k factions until we are left only with space marines). Now GW has plenty of money, and can allow itself to support more nieche things, thus the comeback of a bunch of old stuff and even more of it in the form of Killteam, warcry, underworlds. So i personally take any rumors of squatting with a giant grain of salt, gw will be squatting things when space marines cant support this thing with their sales anymore, thats how it works, and space marines are selling like hotcakes currently
  9. And, most of the "this faction is getting deleted/souped" rumors were wrong, and i dont see why gw would do that, especially considering that if they wanted to squat them, there was a perfect oppounity with TOW release, just dont give them the 3rd ed book until OW comes out
  10. If bretonnia can get foot knights, cities definetly can too
  11. Pure speculation, but Arch-knight is probably something akin to Chapter master from fantasy, which would also fit with the animal theme and space marine chapters, this is a knightly order of the Golden bear or whatever, its chapter master wears a helmet in shape of a bear
  12. It could be a unit of just Knights, lead by an Arch-knight as unit champion
  13. To me it feels much more Darkest dungeon style, because of how angular it seems
  14. And in addition, how much "this faction is being removed" or "those guys will be squated with x faction" we got? and how much of that came true?
  15. Because the models are old and unatractive to new players compared to gg, ij and kb
  16. They will look same as night goblins, and will probably expand to more different cratures to ride, centiepides for example, different bugs are used pretty often across the updated GG range, so it could be a tie feature
  17. Highly doubt orks and goblins know the difference between bones and an exo-skeleton
  18. The Wild Waaagh or soething like that, the wereboar orks would be really awesome, but they sadly abandoned the idea of transforming units like old Morathi
  19. It is a suit worn by a warlock engineer in the story, not a rat ogre thats 90% flesh
  20. They are upgraded rat gores, the thing in the stoy is a "walking, gun-studded coffin of green-tinged metal" that has a rattling gun
  21. That can be simply put in the units rules, "You can only have 1 unit of Command Corps in your army" no need to go into the core rules
  22. While Sylvaneth arent literally elves, it is who the army appeals to, people who like elves,even if they are actually spirits of the forest that look like half elf-half tree
  23. We have 3 elven armies (sylvaneth, lumineth and daughters) i see no problem with having equal amounts of Elven and Dwarven factions
  24. Pretty sure theres no Savage Orcs on OW, you can have a very limited number of them
  25. I personally dont see it as literally Queek, as Queek only has a single unnaturaly obidient bodyguard, not a regiment of them
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