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Everything posted by Gutsu17

  1. 0 chances, AoS subfactions arent that big, AoS suppliments are just "heres new stuff in this booklet because we arent remaking a whole battletome for 5 units" and the chances of them going 40k are close to 0
  2. That would make for a sick battlebox, maybe somewhere in 4th
  3. Maybe this opinion is unpopular, but i never considered weapon options to be really meaningful, maybe in 40k, but definetly not in fantasy, especially when the objectively better option is usually pretty easy to spot, there isnt a reason to take longbeards with hand weapons, or the dfference between thunderers and quarerels is laughable, but quararels are still a better pick so everyone runs them, never really felt any "depth" in that system, it doesnt quite change how you use a unit, compared to how different devastator squad with meltas would play compared to devastator squad with las cannons, most of the time is either i use whatever minis i have, or i use whatever is better
  4. I mean, of slave chaff is considered enough for it to be "Followers of hashut" instead of Chorfs then okay, but its weird, its like calling cities of sigmar "Mammals" because they use horses
  5. To me Gitmob pair perfectly with the Kruleboyz, both being the counterpart to the "normal" orcs and goblins from fantasy
  6. I would say that Fellwater troggoths are pretty much Troggoth for Gitmob already, stylistically
  7. Same aplies to Verminus and Masterclan, you look at them, and think, why is it even a thing?
  8. I would expect them to drop the warcry stuff at some point, maybe make a pdf file with them being a "mercenaries" for all Chaos factions, and if Beasts ARE being squatted, MOST things are getting removed, and STD will not gain that much, as I see it, Ungors, Gors, Bestigors, Cygor/Ghorgon, Bray shaman and Beastlord are all safe in a sense that even if BoCs are axed, they will still exist in S2D
  9. The skaven dawnbringers chronicles story mentions a warlock piloting some kinds of skaven "coffin" walker with a rattling gun
  10. isnt the spire that mute dwarfs are bulding in the last Dawnbringers chronicles made out of stone that is brought from Shyish? What if the new "SCE Deathcompany" are made with death magic?
  11. I still believe that the starter will be Chorfs, its always a new race/faction, and theres quite frankly no space for Skaven to have another clan, if anything they need to combine/axe some of them
  12. Reminds me of when CA showed the TWW2 logo, and people noticed little skaven runes on it before skaven got anounced for the game
  13. I think skaven should be condensed into 3 big groups, Masterclan - basic guys and their agents where we put clanrats, stormvermin, clawlords, greyseers, and eshin stuff as the elite force of that group. Mad-scientists - skryre warmachines + moulder monstrocities, they were alwaysbig allies anyway, and only 2 kits for both of them that arent 20+ years old (HPA and Stormfiends) are a combination of both. And Pestilence as their own separate thing
  14. Its from 2009 which makes it relatively new compared to some of the skaven stuff, I would very much rather see them upadte ogres, weapon teams, gutter/nightrunners, plaguecensers, or plaguemonks who i think roughly the same age, but clearly didnt age very well
  15. Or just rat ogres, the hand even has the right number of fingers. Also i was hoping for a generic "character on stormfiend" kit as a counterpart to Thanquol, warlock/clawlord/moulder on a stormfiend basically to replace the broodhorror and bonebreaker that didnt survive to our days
  16. I dont think Abomination is really on the refresh board, considering it is one of the newesr skavn kits
  17. All terrains are about to be removed and thats why GW released a mawmpit for ogres?
  18. Because people like baseless speculations
  19. Among other interesting bits: "Vedra has even ordered the cogforts on the offensive." and "A half-finished shell of black stone piercing the clouds like a needle through pale cloth, similar in design to the buildings of the Relictor temples...the duardin who were working on it" Cogforts and dispossessed coming soon*coping*
  20. No offense man, im just being a salty looser
  21. They still use chariots, even if most beastmen think its a bit too much
  22. How are Kruleboyz "wild savage" where their entire point is to be oversized goblins that just happen to use shields that look like the evil sun for some weird reason?
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