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Everything posted by BarakUrbaz

  1. I know I certainly started shopping third-party when the price increases became too much.
  2. The worm cities also appear in a flashback in the Yndrasta book where they were part of the army fighting Doombreed.
  3. You actually get to see these Goblin slave-trader caravans in depth in the Skarsnik Fantasy novel. Skarsnik gets captured by them and eventually manages to rise in power until he can kill the Boss and take it over for himself.
  4. Not really. Space Marines were always the poster boys of the game, they were on the cover of Rogue Trader and had the most pages in the rulebook out of any faction. They were also pretty similar to they are now, being bio-augmented warrior-monks organized into Chapters of a 1000 men. The main difference I'd say was that they were portrayed as a lot cruder in tone; you don't really see Space Marines called "Mad Chainsaw Johnson" with the phrase "KIL KIL KIL" written on their pauldrons anymore. They did have Field Police but the Arbites were already established as the cops of the Imperium, I think the Space Marine Field Police were more a reference to things like the IRL USMC Military Police or the WW2 German Feldgendarmerie.
  5. We already had those with the from Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower. A unit they desperately need to bring back.
  6. Honestly, even though battleplans are one of the most important parts of the game its honestly one of the least interesting things for me to read about.
  7. Soul Wars had four characters in Nighthaunt side (Knight of Shrouds on Steed, Spirit Torment, Guardian of Souls, Lord Executioner). Dominion had four characters in Stormcast side (Yndrasta, Lord Imperatant, Knight Arcanum, Knight Vexilor) and Kruelboyz side (Killaboss on Gnashtoof, Killaboss on foot, Swampcalla Shaman, Murknob with Belcha-Banna).
  8. If I remember correctly Look Out Sir was subject to a multitude of erratas in 40k because of all the weird interactions like this.
  9. That is actually canon. Its stated that any other Chaos God would've been driven insane by the torment of being captured and having their essence forcibly drained to retrieve Aelven souls, but Slaanesh is able to avoid it by finding pleasure in the process.
  10. Biggest error I see is that a bunch of Khorne Bloodbound from early AoS launch are listed as Fantasy Kits. Of those, only Skarr Bloodwrath, the Skullreaper/Wrathmonger dual kit and the Bloodthirsters were released in Warhammer Fantasy End Times.
  11. They could bring back the Syll'esskan Host, the original fourth subfaction for Hedonites.
  12. Whitefang once hearted me when I brought up an interview where David Guymer (who wrote the Grombrindal novel) said he was contacted about doing a tie in for a future Grombrindal model.
  13. Can't wait for Fyreslayers to be redone so everyone complains about Hearthguard being the same while Vulkites look better than them.
  14. Also given that according to Rick Priestly (the writer of Tamurkhan), the Throne of Chaos series was an attempt to reboot the setting in a different way before being canceled in favor of End Times. That means there's zero chance we'd get the actual original intended ending.
  15. I dunno how you can think a guy in full plate armour with a big hat looks identical to a half naked man in a loincloth and a mohawk. Besides, Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines prove that you can sell the exact same army with like 60% of the units being pretty much the same except one is good and one is evil and the audience doesn't get confused at all.
  16. IIRC Chaos Dwarfs were designed less to be "Chaos, but Dwarfs" and more "Dwarfs that have given in to the evil side of Dwarfish nature". Chaos Dwarfs are essentially the greed and spitefulness of regular Dwarfs turned up to eleven.
  17. Well when you look at it the Hellcannon crew is basically proto-Infernal Guard.
  18. Honestly we already know from the Horns of Hashut's design and lore that the Chaos Duardin are going to stick very close to their original themes; fire, slavery, industry, bulls, its all there.
  19. Article refers to Stormdrake Guard as being part of Extremis Chamber. They weren't before, honestly I dunno why they were made a seperate thing to begin with.
  20. Canonically the Nightshriekers wings cannot let them fly, they just jump hella high.
  21. In 40k space marine terms: Lord Commander = Primarch Lord Imperatant = Chapter Master Lord Celestant (also Lord Aquilor and Lord Arcanum) = Captain.
  22. Lord Imperatants actually outrank Lord Celestants. Lord Celestants are in charge of a single Chamber, Lord Imperatants direct multiple Chambers.
  23. Yeah, a lot of the talk about which factions are "safe" kind of reminds me of this endless cycle I see mainly in 40k. A certain faction hasn't gotten any refreshes in a while, people constantly whine about how neglected they are, GW finally gets around to updating said faction, people move onto complaining about the next faction that hasn't gotten an update. Its just that now since the always present "is this army going to get squatted" paranoia from AoS fans has been kicked into overdrive from the recent tragedies this has morphed into "any army that hasn't gotten sufficient updates is prime candidate for squatting". When Ogors and Fyreslayers get updated people are going to start to say that Kharadron and Idoneth will be on the chopping block.
  24. The Transfigured aren't really that crazy, like I believe Gardus Steel-Soul is considered one of them and he just has a glowing aura from his Reforgings.
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