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Everything posted by BarakUrbaz

  1. Yeah, a lot of the talk about which factions are "safe" kind of reminds me of this endless cycle I see mainly in 40k. A certain faction hasn't gotten any refreshes in a while, people constantly whine about how neglected they are, GW finally gets around to updating said faction, people move onto complaining about the next faction that hasn't gotten an update. Its just that now since the always present "is this army going to get squatted" paranoia from AoS fans has been kicked into overdrive from the recent tragedies this has morphed into "any army that hasn't gotten sufficient updates is prime candidate for squatting". When Ogors and Fyreslayers get updated people are going to start to say that Kharadron and Idoneth will be on the chopping block.
  2. The Transfigured aren't really that crazy, like I believe Gardus Steel-Soul is considered one of them and he just has a glowing aura from his Reforgings.
  3. Plus the Old World core rulebook directly mentions Fimir.
  4. Gobsprakk was pretty much Kragnos' champion but they seem to be getting a divorce.
  5. Fyreslayers got a whole bunch of support. Looking at them they got: *Initial release in 1E. *Endless Spells and Terrain in 2E. *Auric Flamekeeper hero with 3e Battletome. *Grimhold Exile for Dawnbringers. *Vulkyn Flameseekers Warband for Warcry. *New Store Anniversary Runesmiter. That's far more support than what Beasts got.
  6. I believe it has always been referred to as the Empire of Man in-universe, even though there are dozens of other Human kingdoms out there and it isn't even the largest human nation (Cathay is, though Cathay is run by dragons).
  7. >All Resin is being phased out by 2025 due to tax reasons Wouldn't that require the discontinuing of The Old World, Necromunda and Blood Bowl? If they were really planning that they wouldn't make a new Resin Ungrim Ironfist.
  8. I wonder if the somewhat specific names for the Old World factions have something to do with this; Dwarfen Mountain Holds instead of Dwarfs, Empire of Man instead of Empire, Orc and Goblin Tribes instead of Orcs and Goblins etc.
  9. That's just the Chamon Allgate fortress from the Realmgate Wars.
  10. I believe its stated Ionus Cryptborn hasn't been Reforged since the Realmgate Wars, and his new model had the Thunderstrike keyword added through errata.
  11. Reminder that the Squats were removed from 40k in 3rd Edition, 11 years after they were introduced in Rogue Trader.
  12. I honestly think the next CoS style teaser preview thing will be for Chaos Duardin. GW only did those long-term teasers in order to hype up major refreshes of old concepts. They started with the Sisters of Battle refresh, then the Lumineth (who were fundamentally a refresh of the High Elves), then Leagues of Votann (refresh of the Squats), then Cities of Sigmar (refresh of human infantry). Chaos Dwarfs fit this theme of being an old concept that drastically needs a modern reimplentation, and have enough of a cult classic reputation (hell, the trailer for Chaos Dwarfs in Total War Warhammer has 2.5 million views, that's one hell of a big advertisement) that I feel GW will see it as worthy of feeding into the hype.
  13. I think Fyreslayers are completely safe due to this https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/01/01/celebrate-this-years-store-anniversaries-with-a-fyreslayer-and-a-tau-empire-ethereal/ I mean, I'm pretty sure that alone is a sign GW still has plans for them.
  14. There was the Ironjawz warband that had the first Weirdbrute. I think Myari's Purifiers had the first Vanari Bladelord in it, and Dread Paegant featured both the first Blissbarb Archer and Slaangor Fiendblood.
  15. A little note here: the lore section of Pyre and Flood puts a lot of emphasis on this River Aelementor named Daxio Whitecrest, who is apparently the most powerful River Aelementor in Hysh (albeit currently inactive due to his river being polluted during the Spirefall, but the Lumineth are working on cleaning it up). I'm pretty sure they're setting this guy up to be the named character for the River Temple, like Avalaneor for the Mountains and Severith for the Wind. Also it's confirmed he's a horse so there's that, people were already guessing that from the River helmets but now we're certain.
  16. I don't think you can get Bray-Shamans outside of the Vanguard which is on the list. EDIT: Thunderstrike Brotherhood is on Last Chance to Buy in the webstore despite not being on the list of discontinued products. I mean, they'd have to do something about the Lord Relictor because he's on the same sprue as the oldtype Retributors and Prosecutors (Vandus Hammerhand at least has a seperate sprue).
  17. Quick, if we all complain enough they'll reveal the Chorf trailer!
  18. Big Stabbaz are just part of the regular Savage Orruks kits. Because they were originally just a unit upgrade in Warhammer Fantasy.
  19. Reminder that literal Squats came back after all.
  20. Well, you have to consider the "soft competitive" people; who don't go out trying to win tournaments but buy units they hear are strong so they can win local games.
  21. I think Grey Knights from 40k would probably be the best example I could think of.
  22. Clearly, the only way to be safe is to choose an army that will never be updated but at the same time will never be discontinued.
  23. Gor-gor comes and sirens wail Mournful drone of babbling fail Thunderous gnashing firestorm Flames illuminate his form Gor-gor comes and you must die Swats F16s from the sky Admit you crave the gift he brings you Fall and worship tyrant king you
  24. Well there is Monkey King who is one of the biggest names in Cathay lore.
  25. Real talk, back when the squatting of Beastmen was only a rumor people were saying "why doesn't GW just go out and honestly say this stuff instead of leaving us to speculate? If they have bad news just tell us openly." And then they told the bad news openly, and everyone's having a ragevomit about now.
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