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Posts posted by Luperci

  1. 1 hour ago, MitGas said:

    Yeah, I was really hoping to see it expanded - it totally scratched the Bloodborne/Mordheim itch. Too bad Killteam's rules are IMO the worst GW rules ever as it gets closer to a Mordheim style of game than WarCry to me. Just more options to build your own team... 

    Current kill team?? It's at least better than the previous edition of kill team by far, and more fun than 40k 10th too imo

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

    I still dont understand why two books is better than one. Nothing proves that with two books you receive more or better content.

    I hope at least next edition there's more reward for running pure IJ or KB, feels like big waagh this edition has just been better than either

  3. 1 hour ago, Sarouan said:

    You're not alone on this boat. To me, I already felt like that with 40k's 10th edition and I find a lot of similarities with this new edition of AoS. There are lot of players who enjoy 10th edition, don't get me wrong, but...at our club, a lot of old players gave up and didn't bother to keep going.

    I think it's linked with the high engagement GW asked for us in the previous edition ("here's the new meta balance ! Here's the new FAQ ! Here's the new season rules ! Here's the new point updates !") and we feel it keenly now that we know everything we bought in rules can't even be used for a short time in the new and we'll have to start from scratch once more (again, talking about the rules part).

    It feels like something similar to a burn out.

    I feel like 40k 10th took way too long to start releasing codexes at the rate which they are now, I really hope it doesn't take months into 4th to get the full stormcast and skaven books

  4. 13 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    In other news, GW are stopping using plastic bags in their UK stores (don't know about the rest of the world) sometime in June as part of their sustainability initiative. 

    A good move. Taking your own shoppibg bags has become fairly standard in the UK now so no need for any shop to be giving plastic bags. 

    I kinda wish they'd give some incentive to use the sprue recycling bins they've started setting up, as it stands I go to my LGS or order online over going to a GW store, if they gave out those coins or monthly minis as rewards for recycling sprues that'd be neat

    • Like 3
  5. 36 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    Which didn't do much for Realm of Ruins. Released november 2023 I think and I have seen sales with a 75-90% discount. The Old World and Age of Sigmar are not different enough in aesthetics / gameplay to make a Total War AoS game. The difference between Warhammer I-III will be small and it will probably have a huge backslash from Warhammer die hards that would rather see more expansions for Warhammer III.

    40K is a very different beast. If they make the battles work it will be a huge succes.

    many 40k games haven't done well either and no one would make the argument that 40k is a weak IP. GW just need to be more selective about which studios they let use their IP imo

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, novakai said:

    I mean they could just invent their own continent in one of the Mortal Realms and build it up with its own setting.

    but I don’t think CA  is going to to do an AoS game or just not in the near future at this point in time.

    i don’t even thing AoS IP is strong enough for developer to want to make a game currently. (GW is not really helping in this matter either)


    The IP is definitely strong enough, but I doubt we'll see a TW:AOS game anytime soon, a lot of the TW:W fanbase would not be interested in AOS I don't think, especially not over 40k

  7. 1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

    I literally thought about it when a few posts ago there was a chat about how poor the AoS map is defined. How are you going to create an AoS TWW without that? I thought it would be impossible or very limited.

    they'll probably just focus on the great parch or some new area that doesn't encompass a full realm, unlike WFB, AOS factions have a prescence in pretty much every realm, the setting is very flexible and large enough to create some new area to set it in

    • Like 3
  8. 24 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    Well I think it's fine if the Ruination CHAMBER is Death-based and doesn't really have a lightning aesthetic, but I do agree with you that we really need the other Chamber replacements to stick to the lightning einherjar vibe. I can see the redo of Sacrosanct heavily leaning into a lightning wizard-paladin aesthetic.

    We've seen plenty of it stay around for the first wave of Thunderstrike models: Annihilators and Chariot are likened to the crashing of a storm, Vigilors zap arrows that light up targets, Bastian and the dragons and the Imperatant have lightning ranged attacks.

    New kits after Dominion were:
    Knight Relictor
    Stormdrake Guard
    2h Annihilators

    So we can assume 5 units and 2 heroes coming after the launch box. Easily enough room for lightning gheists. Vandus OR Astreia are likely the 4e named hero.

    Given the main colour scheme is that of the hallowed knights maybe Gardus will get a new mini? His current one is really nice but notably it isn't thunderstrike

  9. Just now, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Hopefully so, what we've seen so far has me super disappointed. Has anyone ever looked at lord relictors and thought - they're definitely the coolest part of the range? So weird they decided to build into that side of things. Gw in the absence of ideas just defaults to making things look gothic and churchy.

    European/catholic religious iconography is tried and tested, I think it looks good, by no means original but when has GW ever been

    • Like 3
  10. 10 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    wouldn't an Enslaver outbreak be much higher up than Necromunda though? i got the impression the Inquisition or Grey Knights dealth with Enslavers because they apparently mass-mind control humans. Seems strange to put them in a ganger game

    Yes but also necromunda is very silly, and they love making callbacks to old stuff (beastmen, squats etc.) it could just be some random ash waste wildlife too.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    Sure, practical logistics will always play their part but I wonder if there is also a kind of creative "narrative" in place at the design studio. Where they want to have a range of kits from different periods to maintain a sort of "ever-evolving" feeling when it comes to factions? 

    Or it could just be simple - Saurus Guard, Skinks, Golbins, Grave Guard...etc still sell well enough not to be replaced. 

    They probably sell well because they're core staples for their respective factions, make a new version of the kit: get even more people into the faction and even some people to rebuy units they already have

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

    1 - Seraphon: Hero

    2 - Slaves: Hero

    3 - Gloomspite: Hero

    4 - Sylvaneth: Hero

    5 - Khorne: Mini-wave of 2 heroes + Khornegors

    The daemons squatted is false data because 40k Daemons book can be the culprit of that

    When emperor's children comes out I wouldn't be surprised if all the daemons just go to their respective cult book and belakor goes to csm

    • Like 2
  13. 4 hours ago, Chikout said:

    First five books, four with just a hero and one bigger release if we follow the 40k model. 

    1- slaves to darkness with chaos sorcerer hero

    2- Nighthaunt with updated Banshee

    3- Seraphon with  saurus hero. Sorry no new temple guard. 

    4- gloomspite with 4 or 5 new kits, gitmob expansion and armoured troggoths. 

    5- Soulblight Gravelords with new necromancer 

    Next summer I'm hoping for a big update for Fyreslayers and/or IDK. 

    I was hoping for updated hexwraiths with the next NH, in the style of the like 3 cav heroes they have, a new plastic mourngul would go a long way to add variety to the army profile too.

    Edit: it's also worth noting that not every codex so far got 1 model outside of tau, necrons got 3 characters and csm are getting 2 characters 

  14. 5 minutes ago, novakai said:

    Yeah but it show they not really trying or they are disinterested with the setting .

    That's a bit of a stretch. I personally prefer 2D animation to 3D so I don't mind, both are a significant investment from GW's side. In terms of the live action thing yeah it's gonna be 40k because brand recognition, also as an art form, animation is still seen by a lot of people as a lower form ot media than live action so that's why it's LA. Ie. If someone hears about a Warhammer animation, a lot of people will think "oh like a cartoon for kids". And animation projects don't get featured on the same stage as LA projects when it comes to big film and television awards, stuff like that.

  15. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    Finally! Sad you lost your source :(

    agreed, it'll be interesting to see if the final db has any hints at the skaven narrative. If the abraxia box is reasonably priced I might be tempted too, varanguard are such an expensive box on their own and if abraxia is worth as much as ionus solo then the db box might be a huge bargain.

  16. 1 hour ago, Lucentia said:

    The Fly exception assumes that the flying unit is constantly floating up in the air, which always felt a little strange to me cos there aren't that many flying units which couldn't just land and take cover behind a wall.  But I guess it covers for things like KO ships where they're just supposed to be airborne at all times.

    I do wonder if there'll be a general reduction in handing out Fly to anything that can jump pretty high, its a very powerful keyword to be tossing around so freely.

    It's always funny to me that a lot of GSG squigs can "fly". I understand why but the mental image takes me out

  17. 1 hour ago, EthanolMuffins said:

    With how backed up and messed up their production lines are rn, I think they will still release a roadmap still but it wont be anywhere near as aggressive. Maybe 2 battletomes per quarter max, wouldnt be surprised to see a quarter with only 1 dropping.

    There will be 23 battletomes come aos 4, 24 if IJ and KB are split. The edition will have 12 quarters, leaving the last 2 or 3 free for end of edition campaign stuff then there should be at least 2 battletomes per quarter if they want to get them all out. I expect q3 this year to be skaven + stormcast. Q4 will probably only be 2 books also. But I think 2025 we'll see most of the books done by end of the year which is like 3 books per quarter. If we see a roadmap it'll be the first 4 books, and then they give us the grand alliance of the first book for next year or something. Maybe not at this showcase but whenever they show off the non launch box skaven and stormcast stuff.

    • Like 3
  18. 3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    We know Malerion won't come in the first half basically because that's when Chorfs are coming. I meant Malerion by the next edition.

    I would hope to see them year 3, maybe we should readjust expectations though.

  19. 18 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    IMO it will depend on how big the next wave is. If we get another 9-12 kits, then both Duardins and DE would disappear. If it is smaller, just Dawis and then once Malerion is released the DE.

    I think if we were gonna see Malerion in the first half of the edition then old DE kits would've left with sacrosanct and beasts. If cities are around the midpoint of the edition then maybe DE kits get cut?

  20. 1 minute ago, KingBrodd said:

    Im sorry but GW is really starting to take the **** with prices increases.


    they could least afford to pay their employees and talent better after their increasing profits year after year, or even just credit them on their work properly

    • Like 10
  21. 35 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

    I'll be delusional and think about some new Fyreslayers lizard thingy.

    something inbetween the baby droth and full size droths would be great. Or something even bigger than the full size droths, a named demigod offspring of vulcatrix

  22. 2 minutes ago, madmac said:

    If we say 8-10 armies, which seems to be the average across editions, I would personally guess







    OBR (only death army that feels lacking atm)

    LRL(?) River temple at minimum kinda demands a follow-up

    DoK(?) (Krethusa feels like the herald of a new direction)

    Sylvaneth(?) (Kurnothi, this time for sure!)

    I'm just not feeling change in the air for KO and IDK right now, unfortunately. They were both basically ignored in Dawnbringers unlike every other order army in my list and there's no real REs or rumors in general swirling around them.

    There a couple REs that could be IDK, fish tail thing and what could be coral or water spray. I would put KO and IDK over sylvaneth, just because sylvaneth already got their second wave

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