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Posts posted by Luperci

  1. 4 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    I don't remember where it from but apparently 40k going to do a Demon of chaos box release for each of the gods and will updated ones like Blue Scribes and Epidemius 

    you also have the nu-greater demon design form the 9th edition codex. Would make a cool alternative build

    I Feel Like Not Whole Lot Of People Know Of Or Seen This,, 54% OFF

    i myself would be a sucker if they ever update the Bloodthirster the current 8th edition one doesn't do it for me unlike the others. Maybe it the posing or derpy alternative head but it doesn't hit as good as Kabanda or the original. Skarbrand is still cool tho

    Good Bloodthirster proxy or too big? : r/WorldEaters40k

    40Years Minis 16 Bloodthirster

    Plastic exalted greater daemons like those pieces of art would be incredible 

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  2. 7 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    I hope they do a huge daemons release with 40k and update them all in one go. Dont know if it even possiblem

    If it's 40k I hope we see some forge daemons, I'm still not over this art from arks of omen


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  3. 10 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    Did u already remove Bonesplitterz from Orruk Warclans?

    Its quite interesting that Orruk Warclans a 100% AoS army after removal of BS. 

    The other thing i noticed are most of the daemons kits are still from whfb. The rumoured update of the chaos daemons would make sense for armies that need updating.

    Also noticed Order is by far the most updated Grand Alliance.

    That checks out for order. 

    New daemons would be great, I'd really love to see some new unit types for them, it's been ages since they got anything brand new outside of characters I think, it'll be interesting if they do it a god at a time(aos release) or all 4 together (40k release)

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Done with the kits count (doesn't includes stuff going out from the Warcom post).

    It is surprising how many kits from WHFB we still have around. I doubt we will get rid of all of them in this ed:


    anything that came out in the end times I've seen people say are very aos in their design, possibly designed with aos in mind. Which I can agree with, doubt we'll see any of that stuff replaced for the foreseeable future, if ever.

  5. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    Let's be honest. The AoS fanbase is made up of like a 70% of 40k people as well  xD 

    that's definitely true but also a lot of the more stubborn oldhead gamers we don't have in aos, since it's just a newer game. Either way most people in both communities are pretty chill I've found, like if you walk into a gamestore irl, odds are you'll find some awesome people

  6. 1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:


    A Firebelly update would be so damn epic. All it takes is a new Priest and 2 new units or even just a sprue upgrade kit for the NEW Gluttons and Ironguts!!

    I will say, reimagined "dragon ogors" would feel right at home with new firebellies

  7. 4 hours ago, Ookami said:

    KO have aetheric navigators for at least unbinding enemy spells. And I hope they will remain spell in the bottle to have access to endless spells.

    Also, I don’t know about allies system in 4th edition, yet if it is still there, we can access allied wizards and at least them taking common lores. 

    Just a guess though.

    Ah I didn't know about those mechanics that's pretty cool

  8. 10 minutes ago, ArtistDog said:

    Add me to the chorus of people really excited for 4th Edition both in rules & models! 

    On another topic, I've been painting some Sacrosanct SCE while I've got the interest and I'd forgotten how poorly suited to speedpaints they are with the all of big flat cloth surfaces. I have to admit the sculpts from Dominion, Leviathan, & the upcoming Skaven all seem pretty well-suited to Contrast in comparison. I know some people dislike the amount of modeled detail on modern GW miniatures, but I do think it's an intentional choice to go along well with these paints and it does make sense to me. 

    I massively agree, I've found vanilla space marines actually pretty hard to go from beginner to intermediate level paint jobs just because of the large flat areas. They're great if you just slap down base colours but edge highlighting that stuff is way harder than a skaven clanrat or Tyranid termagant with lots of textures all over

    • Like 3
  9. 4 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    WAAC players and tournament players do that. 

    When you play with friends you build a thematic list and enjoy the experience. You are both responsible for a nice evening of gaming. Be it one of the past editions of warhammer, TOW or AoS. Maybe I am just lucky with my friends, but we never abuse options to WAAC.

    Now it seems more and more options are taken away because somethings are abused by WAAC players.

    I am fine with a lots of things that we have seen with the previews, but why limiting one spell lore per army and not per wizard. Certainly when that army contains different races or beliefs.



    Tbf if the design was better, fluff should be reflected in the rules and reward you for playing thematic armies, but we'll see I suppose 

  10. 8 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    God I hope so, those models are great and can change how you play. 

    Giving the factions that don't have any their own set at last would be nice

    Edit: if that is happening what will KO get I wonder, since they don't have any priests or wizards afaik, don't think there are any other factions like that 

  11. 1 minute ago, CommissarRotke said:

    they aren't gone though? The 11 Cities are now allowed to match up subfaction rules/traits and formations however you want to. Love Greywater for the blackpowder focus but want to set your army in Excelsis? Well, now you have the ability to make your Excelsis force the gunnery school or rifle garrison or however you want to tie it together.

    I'm just a bit confused at this pushback in all honesty. It makes more sense logistically and lorewise--why WOULDN'T every COS have a detachment of gunnery forces or cavalry?

    I think in an ideal world you could have, subfaction flavour rules, and then pick a battle style army ability, but we know by now that that's probably too much complexity to balance. And also idk if aos has the design space to come up with subfaction traits that would be equally compatible with all the army styles.

  12. 1 minute ago, MitGas said:

    Same here! I really thought AoS 3 was a downgrade compared to 2nd ed as it just felt like that with some extra rules slapped on and 4 looks to change quite a bit for the better as they really went back to square one and rethought some things. 

    Ultimately I‘d like a simple game with room for some tactical play in there and so far 4th seems to deliver that. Too soon to say for sure, none of us have played 4th but I really like what I see. I don‘t even care if Tzeentch got way weaker in the overall ranking, we‘ve been among the best for ages anyways (almost as long among the best in AoS as Thousand Sons were the absolute worst in 40k before they got their own codex 😂) bit I want simple, good rules cause my group is lazy as heck. AoS 3.0 killed their enthusiasm and I don‘t want more or new friends! 😁

    Slightly off topic but thousand sons seemed to me one of the more interesting indexes in terms of flavour and army rules.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

    From what I've seen so far I'm now more excited for 4th edition than any previous edition of AoS 😁👍🏻

    I'm also pretty excited about a lot of the changes, honestly I didn't get the impression that magic was losing loads of flavour from today's article, we've yet to see any full spell lores it looks ok to me so far. The ritual points thing for priests is an interesting way to differentiate them from wizards too.

    • Like 2
  14. 15 minutes ago, novakai said:

    I just more hoping that Formation are flesh out and every army battletome has good ones.

    because 40K sort of stumbles in this area with their version of it (detachment). With OrK having good variety of them and Custodes and Ad mech having issues with their detachments.

    tau only having 4 detachments and 1 of them is for kroot is embarassing quite frankly, they're all flavourful but even then it's half the amount we've heard will be coming for csm, hopefully with the faction packs starting with 4 each, they'll have to at least have 1 or 2 new ones for the full battletome

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  15. 1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:


    Really liking the new shaman scroll. Can get them to a power lvl 2 pretty easily. 6 armor save from 5 hurts but maybe if the wrekkaz and ragerz don't get consolidated wrekkaz may become a shaman bodyguard type unit instead. 🤔

    And if the orruk clans are separated these weirdos become our only shooting. 🤘🤪🤘

    It is fitting I suppose, I'm not sure what ranged units the IJ could get, archers would feel out of place, crossbows and cannon too high tech imo.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Why not? If the minis are done far in advance, as you said, they could easily have access to the final model render.

    from what I've heard that's just not how GW works, if the rules writers want less guns, they'll make them weaker, not stopping new models from having guns

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  17. 9 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I think this edition is completely the opposite. They are designing rules based on the minis look and lore.

    I meant that models are designed far in advance of rules being written and rules writers don't have an input on model design

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  18. 1 hour ago, Grungnisson said:

    I could easily see GW winding down shooting in the game in general. Seeing the changes to the rules so far, previous removal of a lot of firepower from Cities and now from Stormcast, I think the aim is to make ranged comat less common and less impactful. Not eradicated, but limited across the board and more tightly controlled.

    Models design and rules design have a big disconnect, if we see less guns it won't be because of a game design choice, it'll be an aesthetic design choice

  19. 8 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    Yeah, what even are Grand Alliances now anyway?

    Apart from categories on the webstore and an indication of which Mega Gargant you can have in your army?

    It determines whether you can take archaon, kragnos, nagash or uhh gotrek

    • Like 4
  20. 1 hour ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    Yeah female stormcast rock I really appreciate that they actual make moulds for female SCE to have that distinction but isn't in your face about it.

    As for the community acceptance (to not go there for to long) maybe it my years of as a Halo player but female supersoldier is not huge deal anywhere. They're just too much immaturity in over there

    .....but if GW can please stop making the side cut a thing 😛

    Those Conquistador freeguilder look so sweet i really wish in the furure thry use them in the pipeline since don't look out of place with the Dawnbringer. They honestly just look like elite version of steelhelms imo. With the cogfort rumor to be coming an man can dream 🙏 



    A mercenary warband of pre vedra reform freeguilders that have been cut loose would be great to see

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  21. 14 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:


    Spurious perhaps, but the web shop I typically buy from has added years to certain Stormcast products, like Judicators and Knight-Heraldors. Never mind that the dates aren't accurate (I think), it might still suggest an update for those models. 

    Interestingly, neither Knight-Azyros nor Retributors have received such a labeling.

    I've noticed this before on the GW webstore, it's inconsistent across all the model ranges, I wouldn't take it to mean anything 

  22. 2 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

    I'd love something like this;

    The current "Blight City Incursion" event in the narrative would be a great vehicle for that style of release, and they could even make most of the books self-contained stories that maybe cross over at the end: like how you got snapshots of factions that all met up for the Malign Portent in-canon fight at Nagash's Black Pyramid

    A book or two a year, focusing on a handful of armies at a specific crossroads due to the overarching problem. You could even just break it up by Realm and focus on a small slice of each! Have a bunch of the protagonists meet in the last book like a crossover comic to fight the Big Bad and usher in the new edition. Looking down the barrel of $150 in books in the next couple months, I wouldn't have minded doing Broken Realms or Dawnbrinders and had a much slower pace for the books

    I would definitely like if we jumped around the realms more throughout the edition, you'd get the feeling that everwhere really was just at war at all times.

  23. 7 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I prefer Dawnbringers because Broken Reams feels more like a fight between gods and big names and Dawnbringers is more the mortals in the mortal realms. And Ushoran and Zenestra IMO are the best characters from the whole BR and 3rd ed.

    the scale is definitely something they struggle with, I think it'd be ok if they didn't always try to do these grand narratives that include every faction. For example over a quarter they could release a few army books and a campaign book that included all of those factions. Instead of having a crazy amount of books over the last 6 months of an edition, spread them out a bit more so the narrative feels more continuous?

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  24. 4 minutes ago, RetconnedLegion said:

    Last line of the paragraph. Also add to that their desire to see civilisation crumble and it’s sounding very familiar.



    Ah I see, I wonder if darkoath that worship a specific chaos god exists, can you give them god keywords in the current s2d book (savagers, warqueen etc.)

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