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Posts posted by Luperci

  1. 1 minute ago, Acrozatarim said:

    Stuff from rumour engines doesn't necessarily come out any time near their RE preview. Even if this is a Morai-Heg-related AoS model, there's no guarantee it'll be out as part of Dawnbringers, is there?

    It's really random, we've had RE that get fully revealed within a month and others that have been like a year+ into the future.

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  2. 9 minutes ago, Ferban said:

    I'm in the U.S. and have been somewhat interested in Stormbringer.  I like most of the minis, but I gotta say, it's disappointing to start with the dominion box.  I already have it.  And while I would like more Gutrippas or Boltboyz, the Dominion ones come without banners and musicians, if I recall correctly.  For those that have already subscribed, have you found it to be worth it?

    Honestly I'd say not worth subscribing, better to buy individual high value issues from LGSs or anywhere else that stocks them. That's what I've done with this and the 40k one a few years back 

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  3. 2 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    Yeah but to me it feels like the Fyreslayers curse of receiving a lack of variety. They could do much more imho with the snake theme.

    DoK should get a new monster or two imo, giant snake/basilisk? Maybe something that replaces the god awful(imo) bloodwrack medusa.

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  4. 42 minutes ago, madmac said:

    A new DoK centerpiece hero would be super cool, I agree. I do like Lumineth a lot but as far as Warcry bands go, eh....they just don't need one, tbh. They have tons of heroes and infantry already, and while I'd probably still buy a unit of LRL scouts I'd really rather see any of the other elf races get their Warcry attention first.

    A potential LRL warcry unit would be a representative of one of the other elemental castes(?) I assume. From what I know there are supposed to be 2 more schools of natural hysh magic alongside the alarith and hurakan. Do correct me if I'm wrong though I'm not a LRL player.

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  5. 9 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:


    I think there's a big difference between a competitive player and a competitive format.

    The game is fundamentally in the latter category by definition - there are winners and losers. 

    That said, I've yet to encounter a person so competitive they were unpleasant to play against. 

    At the last GT I went to, I played against two players who are ranked in the top 10 in the country. They were perfectly lovely human beings, and the games were lighthearted and full of banter. 

    There were several moments where units may have just been out range, where my opponent gave me the benefit of the doubt. And allowed me to take back my move after they explained what their units did in combat. 

    I got absolutely thrashed, tabled in the second or third turns, but the atmosphere was always pleasant and afterwards we had a chat about what decisions I could have made to have the game go another way.

    This game is a social experience, and even at the highest competitive end of the game, you have a duty to your opponent to ensure they have a good time. I think that's the attitude that makes the AoS competitive community so great, (especially compared to 40k!)

    Definitely agree on that last point, I've had all too many bad experiences with 40k players unfortunately. It's just a personal preference thing I suppose, to me it feels like competitive is becoming more and more the default format where I'd rather prefer to play a narrative campaign.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    This sounds reasonable, but I'd have to disagree. The people who play majority of time outside of events are actually more hardcore.

    The best players are invariably the ones who have got 'reps' in with an army. They play weekly, at a gaming club. 

    They might not do events, but through regular gaming, they have honed their skills as a general and in the majority of cases are better players.

    Then you have someone like my mates who are all middle-aged with families, who meet up once a month at a pub for a three game tournament.

    We are 'competitive event players' but most of us are ******, because we don't play as often as we should. But neither do we berate other people, or else make them feel bad, for playing units that are the most points efficient choices in their respective books.

    All I'm saying is that people who play the game with any degree of regularity, whether that's at events or clubs, do in fact care about unit choices and list building.

    GW should recognise that people do play their game, and perhaps at times it might be worthwhile recognising that in tailored bundles like these battleforces.

    I think there's a difference between GW making a balanced game and GW making a competitive wargame. I'm all for the former but I'd rather GW not lean on the competitive aspect too hard. I don't have the chance to play loads and don't really enjoy playing against super competitive players so I'd rather that didn't become the norm.

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  7. In regards to the campaign book "DLC" criticism, I hope GW don't respond to it for aos the same they did with 40k. Arks of omen didn't have any new subfaction rules or army updates and instead the books had extremely niche rules for a separate gamemode and we just didn't get any new faction/subfaction rules iirc. Which is a big shame imo. Then again I'm not a competitive player, everywhere I've played really hasn't cared whether you use physical books or just pull up wahapedia on your phone or whatever.

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  8. 33 minutes ago, Baz said:

    Element Games and Goblin Gaming are good. 

    I've always had great experiences with element up until recently, my monsta-killaz preorder has been delayed apparently. Hopefully it's just a one off though, haven't heard anyone else experiencing similar so far. Also I expect we'll know when the 2 week preorder stops because there won't be a "next week" article on warcom. Unless they double up a weekend I suppose.

  9. 3 hours ago, lele said:

    Yea, Malerion should be in another faction with male actors.......

    Unless DoK gets another release wave in 4th, I feel like it's pretty likely they share a book with Malerion's aelves like an orruk warclans situation. Adding a 4th/5th(depending on if you count sylvaneth) aelf battletome feels like a lot.

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