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Everything posted by Ejecutor

  1. Ok GW, we solved it in less than 1h. Give us more!
  2. By the look of the rock it has to have a placement similar to the this, right?
  3. I am super lost with this one. Is it doing break dance on a pointy rock?
  4. I don't have a record to share, but I've been asking about him in my whatsapp groups since I posted his 1 day rules. The consensus is pretty positive. Even some of the biggest spanish youtubers use what he shares as source of truth. Something you woulnd't do if it is someone that could bring you trouble.
  5. Yes. And it has been a good source over the years.
  6. What they were saying is that this is all that they have prepared/planned. If it sells well they would go with more. Also heard them saying that the whole team working on this left and the current one has been working for quite a small time. Like 6 months only.
  7. Nope. That was a different one. Khorosu Wargamer. This was a casual one that received some how the first Battleforce picture. Miniature war is more focused on WHFB and sometimes drops some info here and there from his source about other games. Now is fully focused on TOW, but cannot say everything he knows at once to do not uncover his source.
  8. I dind't got it from Hastings, but from a spanish streamer that is supposed to have a contact inside GW called miniaturewar.
  9. The rumours I've heard is that we would have Bretonia and TK, then 6 months after that Empire/Kislev vs Orcs. Another 6 months after that Dwarvens vs High Elves. If the launch is 24th Feb as it was said on twitter, there's plenty of time to show 5-6 minis/kits.
  10. I don't expect much more new plastic kits. Just 1 or 2. And then another 5-6 resin heroes.
  11. A Morgasht resolving the RE? Maybe something about the Dawnbringers 4 boxes.
  12. I know it is a bit of the "not releated yet but whising more" kind of conversation, but what else could FEC get? I've checked the current BT and there's not really more than one faction in terms of painting variations. It is all focused on FEC from different realms. Do we expect to have different lords apporting new units? And maybe the court being extended as well?
  13. I have the feeling it would be either no boxes or that GW has some sort of secret saved to give us a surprised with boxes for some other armies.
  14. I dont think so. The army would loose flexibility building lists.
  15. I would say this pics sometimes are jusy photoshop, so could be an error while putting it in the setting.
  16. It is indeed. If it is not, as the BT is out there for the painters and youtubers we would soon see leaks for the remaining things, but I doubt there's more.
  17. They are. In the post from the preview they appear under the same section.
  18. I don't think they main reason has been that, but rather than the roster was quite small, so adding new units instead of replacing them was a better option for the overall faction.
  19. Dont forget the clearly needed refresh for Stormcast... and jokes aside, Blades of Khorne pretty likely getting the first box refreshed.
  20. It is not comparable. Bonesplitterz are there just cause WHFB, FS are an AoS faction. About the soup, we still have time 🤭
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