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Everything posted by Grunbag

  1. It also works with skaven , COS , KB , STD , ogor , kharadrons for an era of warmachine in chamon . Maybe grotbag scuttlers too
  2. So with chaos duradin Inc we can’t hope for the realm moves to chamon in V4 right ?
  3. So 2 box for the same models ? One box for AOS and one box for TOW ?
  4. That sucks even more . AoS old models looks terrible but can’t imagine them bringing back the very older models to TOW
  5. That is strange but it could be like gorkamorka dual god faction . And gobbapalooza already regroup them all .
  6. I can’t see how . So many old models left in AoS yet
  7. It means actually the current cross models will have a box for TOW and a box for AoS ?
  8. I feel like gitmob and grotbag will replace spiderfang . Spiderfang received nothing yet and gitmob just got few models already but not enough to make a subfaction . I wish the story moves to chamon so we could have a chance to see grotbag coming .
  9. It’s already the case : « According to the Moonclan, the grots of the Gitmob worship Frazzlegit » so we already have 3 unit of gitmob : snarlfang riders , rippa snarlfang and the gobbapalooza frazzlegit model.
  10. they should separate the games for the miniature of the year . W40k has more player than any other game so it will be always be their miniature that takes the votes .
  11. Unfortunately warco said there will be only one link for AoS . So not them . “In the run-up to Christmas on Warhammer Community, there will be a new miniature revealed for Warhammer Age of Sigmar and a Metawatch reviewing the whole year, a new reveal for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, and plenty else besides. What a treat!”
  12. This isn’t part of the hand IMO . It’s too rectangular . Looks like a part of the bandage
  13. I expect a new KB war machine for big yellerz
  14. When were they announced last year ? edit : 6 December for the orruk mini and 12 December for the FEC ghoul King
  15. They sold them by mistake at warhammer fest
  16. I remember last year we could buy commemoratives series from GW website . Will this happen again ? or maybe it was Christmas minis and w+
  17. It’s really hard to tell because wood work is very similar between COs and KB . Skaven is really close to this either .
  18. I am not sure if it’s a mirrored image, but you are right about the rotation from a gravity perspective
  19. Kruleboyz also customize stolen COS engine/machines , so that’s why some bitz that can look like COS .
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