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Everything posted by Grunbag

  1. We haven’t seen the ardboy big boss box , could it be in a ironjawz vanguard only ?
  2. It’s possible they make another orruk wzrclan vanguard with only ironjawz @Elarin maybe knows ?
  3. I would bet on sons of behemat , cause King brodd seems to be part of the book
  4. That would be a perfect warband , and a good way to update fellwater . but if we stick to warcry road map there is no more destruction warband on the way . last warband will be kruleboyz monsta killaz vs order . And in winter it will be order vs death
  5. Warcry roadmap says 4 new wb order vs destruction . we already seen 3 warband and know that first box is ogor vs cities I guess second box will be kruleboyz vs sylvaneth or fyreslayer
  6. Idoneth was revealed in march . So maybe chorf earlier than may in 2024 rumor engine started in September of the previous year of the release for both armies .
  7. Maybe that’s what army of renown is ? A new type of unit , that include one hero + 1 unit together but it doesn’t take the hero slot . You can include 1 army of renown un your list , so it could grow interest into those armies . Biggest issue to me about underworld warband is that they take a hero slot in AoS . If they solve that , that would be great
  8. I guess it will be about those grunstock army of renown
  9. Recent AoS release show that underworld models are used to create new AoS range . So I think it’s a kind of design test before moving or not to AoS
  10. The box doesn’t mention regiment of renown right ?
  11. Why split them when you already can play them separately in a single battletome if you want , but it also give you a 3rd army buy living brutal and kunnin ? Split them in their own battletome will just remove one gameplay , for no gain (and more money to spend into 2 BT instead of one)
  12. Stormcast BT have more page , so I guess they can increase the orruk one I guess . Especially if they remove the BS from the BT that will free some space
  13. I don’t see the point of removing big waaagh just for the sake of splitting BT. it always be popular and perform in the meta , giving players the possibility of playing only gork with IJ or only Mork with Kruleboyz , or gorkamorka with big waaagh . removing it will not improve neither IJ or Kruleboyz , just remove one playstyle . also IJ and KB don’t need to have separated BT to have better enhancement / mount trait / battle tactic or whatever. You can improve them in a single battle tome , just add more pages to the BT .
  14. What about orruk vanguard ? Any news about it ?
  15. They can save headkrakka mini like he can be the source of the civil war by joining the weirdboyz i really wish they will keep big waaagh , i like the possibility of playing either warclans or both in a single army .
  16. I feel like bonesplitterz will be away for next battle tome , and they will focus on gork with ironjawz and mork with kruleboyz . we have new tatooed orruks with weird brutes filled with waaagh frienziness. Looks like bonesplitterz identity will be split into ironjawz and kruleboyz . Maybe an internal war will start between warclan , or kruleboyz and bonesplitterz or something and bonesplitterz will lose the war and move to legends ?
  17. He is a named megaboss on foot , and we already have a generic megaboss on foot . So I guess he is unique named character
  18. It means killaboss on foot , swampcalla shaman , killaboss on great gnashtoof and murknob are no longer buyable anyone yet
  19. I really hope for separated vanguard for kruleboyz and ironjawz
  20. Kruleboyz boss krew is no longer on GW website . Kruleboyz vanguard coming ?
  21. Last battletome from road map is still FEC ? Is that confirmed ? Cause I heard FEC BT is planned for 2024
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