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The Lost Sigmarite

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Everything posted by The Lost Sigmarite

  1. Yeah, because more people play SCE than Beasts, Ogres, DE, Spiderfang and Bonesplitterz combined. Simple as.
  2. Yeah we definitely get a clanrat next week. I’m betting on it.
  3. Tbf if they launched Grand Cathay for TOW I would collect them. I’ve become quite obsessed with imperial China as of late and I’m sure GW could do justice to the concept. It probably will not be 1:1 clone to TWW Grand Cathay but if I get the dragon siblings, infantrymen in mountain pattern armour, iron pagoda cavalry and creatures from the Chinese mythology, my wallet will suffer.
  4. I think you’re onto something here. That something is about City dwarfs being closer to ironweld than anything else… I think Cities is going to change its subfactions. It’s no longer gonna be humans, dispossessed, darkling covens - we have to start thinking in terms of freeguild, ironweld, wilder corps as the new fubfactions.
  5. So the AoS Grombrindal model is finally happening ? Took them a few years and a BL from a few years back, but they did it. Interesting that the illustration shows a very “classic” Grombi, he looks like he was pulled straight from WFB.
  6. You forgot Silent People and Malerion always being right around the corner guys trust me I have an inside source at GW
  7. Is this an actual rumour, or just you expressing what you want it to be ?
  8. Is it me, or you could easily kitbash the new Mandrakes into sick looking AoS models for use in a DOK army or even as Chaos elves ?
  9. Tbf they can keep the Lord Celestant, it's a 1st edition fatcast yes but it's also a great mini imo, the best from the 1st wave of SCE alongside the Stardrake and Palladors.
  10. I hate the double turn ever since an IDK player traumatised me with a turn 2 into turn 3 double turn. Tabled me before I could do anything about it.
  11. This whole "if you take a double turn you can't score a battle tactic" will only be impactful if battle tactics are relevant, which remains to be seen. Also : “I often ask competitive players, playtesters, and influencers the same questions,” says Matt. “What they’d add to the game, what they’d change about it, and what they’d remove from it. By far, the number one answer to the last question is this: ‘not the double turn!’ Our players are fiercely loyal to this concept, to the point it’s become a bit of a rallying call!” And these people who "like the double turn", are they in the room with us now ?
  12. New article made me realise, the studio built the rules of AoS4 the same manner I build my notes/revision sheets for exam time (#studentlife). Dividing the whole rule corpus into different "modules", going from the most basic to the most complex and advanced, just like a subject is divided into chapters and lessons of graduating difficulty. Using colour cosing for different things : this is something I personally use a lot to navigate my notes to know at a glance what is what. Same for symbols. Whoever designed to new edition knows what pedagogy is, because I think that shows. I find already more organised than the cluster#@€! that are the 10th edition rule set, that I personally didn't like because it didn't feel very organised (USRs in the middle, etc).
  13. I love this ! This is the exact same structure as a school subject. With the modules representing different lessons/chapters. Like : AoS class. Chapter 1 : core rules. Chapter 2 : commands, etc etc. Students and teachers who post here will definitely see why this is great for a pedagogy standpoint. It’s gonna be super easy to learn the rules, you would learn them “chapter by chapter” and if you have trouble with one aspect of the rules, it’s gonna be very easy to track down the section that’s causing you a problem with this “module” idea. Btw class, first AoS lesson starts at 9am on Monday, we’ll begin with the movement phase, make sure you bring your ruling tape !
  14. Yeah but like mini Incarnates because the minis are smaller than the one Incarnate we have.
  15. I don’t know. Warcry only has a handful of factions left to do new warbands (IDK, KO, Slaanesh, Skaven, Beasts, GSG), at the rhythm of 2 bands/3 months, by next year they’ll have to start doing new bands for factions that already have one.
  16. To be fair if they revamp the endless spells I’d like them to redo the “creature” ones (think gladewyrm, FS infernoth, the OBR bone bird, etc) into actual monsters with health points, a move stat, an attack profile… that you get to summon (ie a casting roll). It would make much more sense that what we have now of them being treated like regular endless spells when these are clearly living (or undead) creatures.
  17. Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t GW produce the endless spells in China instead of Lenton ? And that’s the reason they stopped releasing new ones at the end of 2nd edition ?
  18. Guys, calm down about about the squattings, removals and potential range refreshes. We have no clue about what the core rules of the new edition will be besides the small breadcrumbs GW gives us everyday on WarCom - and that's already enough to keep us talking here for hours. We don't know anything about new minis besides Skaven vs SCE (because it was annonced) and "Chorfs coming back sometimes in the next 3 years". Rest is just unhinged speculation. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day and so is AoS. We can't have range refreshes for Cities, whatever happens to BOC, Malerion and whatever GW puts up all at the same time. Let them cook. So far, it has worked pretty well, because if not, you wouldn't be talking about it with excitement, right ?
  19. Opinion : redoing BOC as a Morghur/Gavespawn faction would finally give fans the Lovecraftian/eldritch abomination Warhammer faction most of them have been talking about online for some time now.
  20. And with that reassurance, we can finally put the BOC squatted debate to bed, for now. And going back to battleshock being gone, I think we'd still have something to represent morale and miniatures fleeing, but it'll be different. But my expectations for it are mitigated. GW has never quite managed to properly represent morale in their games imo.
  21. I like this too. It seems like “you get to pile in = you get to fight = you get to contest the objective.” Simple, effective, makes sense. I think GW is aware of this and whatever symbols they show, it will be readable and not some tiny slop of pixels.
  22. Another argument against it. Would you like to lose that many points on one single dice roll ?
  23. In translations of previous editions of 40k and WFB, wounds were translated as “health points”. I still have it in my old 40k 7th edition rulebook. That’s why I don’t see what the fuss is about wounds becoming health.
  24. “These abilities have clear sequencing: a Declare step and an Effect step, and their timing is written out, colour-coded, and uses symbols.” Crazy they took so long to implement such a basic idea. I use colour coding and symbols every time I have to learn or organise something complex at work and at home. Same for trying to divide processes. To think AoS took 9 years to adopt this system… but better late than never.
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