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The Lost Sigmarite

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Everything posted by The Lost Sigmarite

  1. "Never thought i'd die fighting side by side with an urk" "Wot about soide by soide with a git ?" "No ya wazzock".
  2. Damn I can't wait for Warhammer Fest. They're going to reveal new CoS models, I am sure of it, and this will decide if I will collect them. Anyone here is going to Warhammer Fest ? I would've liked to go there myself, if I had not exams the week following...
  3. I must resist the temptation to do a Seraphon army. I've always loved dinosaurs and I've fantasized about painting those new minis in color schemes to match the paleo documentaries I watched when I was a kid ! Happy for yall Seraphon players. You've been waiting a long time for this one, enjoy your new miniatures.
  4. Umm, I wonder why they would act like that 🤔... maybe because they were the subjects of toxicity from the WFB community, that got them embittered and toxic themselves ? Gaze into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you. This is bad, sad and stupid, but predictable. Still, I have seen many WFB toxic fans over the Internet, I've yet to see AoS ones. And so, being gatekept from WFB and harrassed by WFB players, some AoS players turned into gatekeeping AoS from WFB players wanting to join in... I've been booed and scorned by WFB players for playing AoS, and liking it and defending it on the internet, and that's why I remain on edge around Fantasy players, but I don't want to do on others what I've been done. Everyone is welcome in his branch of the hobby.
  5. Maybe, maybe it's a upgrade sprue to turn the now OOP Vampire Counts skeletons into TK ones. But that would be a really big stretch. You would need to redo all the weapons, shields, some heads, the command... It would be less convoluted to just do new TK skeletons. And yes the old skeleton horses need to go. What being called "Age of Sh**mar players" for 8 years does to mfs. Don't act like you didn't see it coming. The WHFB community always treated AoS players badly, don't expect the same AoS players to throw you flowers now that Old World is around the corner. Of course they're gonna feel scorned and resented. Maybe if the way bigger sect of WHFB players that hate AoS for a living hadn't been a bunch of toxic gatekeepers since 2015, we wouldn't be in this situation. I'm all for entente and prosperity between communities, and it's sad when there's bad blood between some of us wargamers. Because it harms the hobby. But don't act like WHFB fans weren't the ones to have thrown the first stone.
  6. Wouldn't you be more pumped up if there's new snotling wagons ?
  7. I've seen people use that fact to advocate the idea that no one liked Kruleboyz, that they were a flop and that it was a proof GW needed to go back to the classic burly Orc aesthetic from WHFB.
  8. Um akshually... they did a number of units and some big scenery for LoTR since then. Which ones ? There's a lot of priests and chariots in Warhammer Fantasy. Tbf, this is sort of logical. People wanted the old sculpts back, GW brings them back, but with upgrade sprues just like 30k does - same-ish result, less effort. I'm more willing to trust Hastings and Lady Atia on this one - they're right more often than not - and the new plastic boyz is a good direction. GW finally has learned that the basic troops are the ones that require good quality plastic first and foremost ! Could this mean High Elves will finally get spearmen/archers/silver helms that don't look like they come from antediluvean times ? Also btw, about the old kits being... well old and so, a bit dated. They only appear dated compared to newer GW kits. Remember kings, a GW kit from the 2000s will always look better than whatever Mantic churns out in 2023 ! Until next time for more Warhammer facts !
  9. Did Dominion sell well ? I've seen some people say that no, but those were biased people (pretty anti AoS) so I'm not sure. If the Old World starter has a lot of "returning classic" kits inside (aka old kits) à la LoTR starters, it's going to sell less than AoS starters with their 100% brand new plastics inside. It depends how much effort GW will put in TOW, but considering the studio's ""new"" Bretonnian army they just showed, and the 30k starter box (the terminators inside were from 2015), it's more likely it could have preexisting minis.
  10. There's definitely going to be pretty sustained support for TOW at launch and in the short term following launch, if 30k is anything to go by. I'm pretty sure there's going to be "phases" in the support of TOW and we're going to have a phase 1 after launch. Every GW game has had that (even Adeptus Titanicus 😁). One big point about TOW is that my midhammer minis (Empire) will look better there than in AoS. It's personal taste there, but my old leftovers WHFB minis get blown away by AoS models, at least in TOW they will look somewhat better.
  11. Don't worry, by all means AoS is not being killed. The people saying that are just expressing a deranged wet dream of theirs, but they're 1/very delusional and 2/although very vocal, I'm pretty sure they're a minority. Big mouthes to compensate for small numbers. By all means AoS is doing better than WHFB ever did, there is millions of players worlwide, which is in itself is the greatest burn to all the people who actively dislike AoS. Everyone will play his system in his little corner, and a lot of people will cross from the TOW corner to the AoS corner to game with each other and vice versa. I think that's how I will do anyway. And a lot of it will come down to your local players and community. For example, when I started WFB during 8th, there were a lot of old grognards in the FLGS I played in, and they were... sort of demanding (full paint on the table or bust, etc). I know I'm not gonna like that ambiance, so I'm gonna play in the FLGS I moved to a few years back. Who cares what a bunch of foreigners say on the Internet. Your local group of players is what really matters !
  12. Brets vs TK... It would have been a great thematic starter (the 2 extinct armies of GW coming back) but let's face it : those never were the most popular armies in tabletop, and this has also translated into TWW. My money is on Empire vs Chaos or Kislev vs Chaos for the starter, because 1/it's thematic 2/popular armies in both tabletop (well except Kislev) and TWW, and Kislev would allow new novelty in the starter (which is something a good starter should have imo). And Chaos would finally allow GW to upgrade those damn Chaos marauders. Can't believe this kit is still on sale !
  13. Seeing the reactions of some WHFB fans (I mean grognards) about the latest article is pretty fun : - WHTOW fans : Don't give us AoS models we just want the old WHFB ones back - GW : Ok, we are returning WHFB ranges for WHTOW - WHTOW fans : What ? You are returning the old ranges and not giving us entire new ranges of plastic minis ? It's outrageous, it's unfair ! That's before factoring in the base size increase and the realisation there's going to be a lot of rebasing that needs to be done.
  14. That's because the horses are big - the size increase over the years haven't hit them as hard as others. And lots of flat surfaces means you can always mask the lack of details with cool freehands. With new heads, weapons and shields, you could see those knights going on a few more years. I have some Reiksguard and they look like ****** compared to even 2010s models. They essentially ride ponies now. I'd rather see a redo of Empire knights than Bretonnian ones.
  15. Lol. "Classic miniatures". Peak corpo talk right here. I hope those teased Kislev and Cathay ranges will look great - because so far, the Bretonnians don't. Those minis are just slightly younger than me ! That's crazy to think about. Those upgrade sprues - if those 3D renders are upgrade sprues - will have a lot of heavy lifting to do.
  16. Tinfoil hat time : maybe they will start by selling the old kits put "up to date" with upgrade sprues, seeing if they're popular, then decide if they upgrade them or not with modern plastic. A bit like the "cadian upgrade sprue" they pulled for the old cadians that gave them good looking heads, while the 2023 redo of the kit was still in the oven. Which is a really convoluted approach to marketing your minis, but in the short term it can work. Long term though... an upgrade sprue can carry you so far. That or as the Brets weren't really that popular an army in WFB (even during 6th) they don't want to invest much into them. Brets only became a big deal after their range got arrested.
  17. Seems really weird even if it's the case. Do you think the 2000s Brettonians can still hold up in 2023 ? Tbf, I expected the old minis to look absolutely atrocious given how dated they are, turns out they still look ok. Not great, but ok, and that's already a lot.
  18. I'm really confused. Didn't they show 3D renders of upcoming plastic Brettonians in the last Old World update ? Then why are they using the old 2000s minis for the photoshoots ? They don't have access to their own brand new plastic kits ?
  19. Def expecting an "index" style situation at launch with big, temporary books so that everyone can play with their existing armies while waiting on their army book. Some WFB models from the early-mid 2010s have aged really well, I could see them do that. Why spend much time and energy redoing moulds while the minis made by the old moulds can still hold their own in comparison to your latest releases in the early 2020s ?
  20. I think your core units and some generic characters will be in plastic, as some of the special/rare units. But there's definitely going to be a lot of resin. I think that like HH (or Necromunda, or LoTR since they reworked the game), the overwhelming majority of named characters will be in FW resin. You want the big name man/woman ? It'll be via Forge World. I expect a "Character Series" for TOW like they do with HH, with the big centerpiece characters (like lets say, the Cathay dragon siblings) being in resin. Just like the 30k Primarchs. Same logic for the monsters. Some will be in plastic I'd wager, but some will be resin. A bit like how HH balances out plastic and resin super heavy vehicles. I'd also expect some resin upgrade sprues at some point for TOW.
  21. I hope you're right and it ends up happening like that. Also if TOW will end up like HH, it will have a lot of Forge World resin kits, which I think will deter some people (including me... there's a (among others) reason why HH does not interest me, I am not touching that overpriced resin that's difficult to work with. Full plastic of go home). Only those who truly want it will play it, which means the game will essentially gatekeep itself with just cost and modelling options.
  22. Just play whatever suits you and makes you happy. It's a game, it's supposed to bring happiness ! Personally, I'll wait and see until Old World comes out if the rules are not too complicated and see who plays it in my gaming circle. I don't want it to impact AoS in a negative manner. In a vacuum, I think both games can coexist just fine, but in reality I think it will come down to the communities of both games to decide about which forms this coexistence shapes into. And considerating the fact that a large and very vocal chunk of the WFB/TOW (not all of it, a chunk of it!) hates AoS with all the fibers of their being, I'm afraid for the future of AoS with Old World around. Especially that TOW will leech off AoS players. I really really hope this does not happen and that I'll be proven wrong. Since both can bring more people into the hobby. But considering that certain part of the Old World community...
  23. I really hope Old World comes out end 2023 so we as AoS players can have 2024 all for ourselves and 4th Ed, without Old World (and its players) to steal the show from us in the same year we get a new edition. The release of TOW is going to be a big event and I don't want it to impact AoS negatively by drawing too much attention from 4th Ed and the narrative campaign leading up to it. Old World should be second fiddle to AoS, just like HH is second fiddle to 40k.
  24. I'm gonna take a shot at those rumour engines : from left to right, top to bottom : 40k Necrons, ????, 40k Catachan/Imperial Guard operative, Ghur spider incarnate, FEC, ???? (Necrons ?), 40k Imperium, GSC or Orks, 40k or Necromunda, AoS (Slaanesh or Idoneth ?), AoS Slaanesh, Ogres, Destruction, AoS Nurgle, and same miniature than the incense casket with smoke above. Half of it is probably completely wrong. But these are some of the weirdest rumour engines GW has put out. Especially the geometric blade one.
  25. Could we possibly start to run out of rumour engines ? There's only a few left unresolved.
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