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The Lost Sigmarite

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Everything posted by The Lost Sigmarite

  1. He seems to be wearing thunderstrike armour. The fur on the shoulders is nothing new, some SCE already have some (imperatant, vanguards) but the halo/collar looks new. Overall not that different from other SCE.
  2. One thing that just popped into my mind is that the word Ruination refers to a chamber of SCE yes but also carries a reference to the Skaven magic lore of Ruin.
  3. I could definitely be trusted with the details of AoS4, trust me GW, yes-yes
  4. I don’t know where this comes from but imagine if it’s from Lenton itself… this is what I would call a “major bruh moment” for GW. Thanks to the random person for the potato cam pics though. Imagine being an enployee and AoS player and you see this… temptation must be so high…
  5. Guys, what if the 12th Dawnbringers faction was Skaven ? So far we have had Nurgle (1), GSG (2), Fyreslayers (3), FEC (4), Warclans (5), CoS (6), SCE (7), Sylvaneth (8), SBGL (9), DoK (10), StD (11). It looks like daemon Khul is becoming less likely, but there's still an empty spot. What if Skaven were to take it ? As a teaser of what will happen in 4th ? Also reinforced by this :
  6. Could you please give us a quick rundown of what it says ? Pretty sure most people here don’t speak Spanish. As a native speaker of a Latin language I can make out a few keywords, but I’m definitely missing 99% of the text here, and probably other users are too.
  7. Remember that fake rumour about an IDK warband made of disgraced Akhelians becoming foot soldiers and taking the aspect of sharks and anglerfish ? I do… Whatever happens, I’m sure IDK will get a warband soon. Only factions without a Warcry band are Slaanesh, Skaven, KO, Sylvaneth, GSG, Beasts, IDK (Sons are apart so I don’t know). They’ll get some in the future for sure.
  8. My take on launch box (what I 100% think will be in it) : 10 liberators, 20 clanrats, 1 grey seer, 1 clawlord, new leaked weapons team Other which I think will happen but I don’t wanna be more specific else I’m gonna be wrong : SCE melee hero, SCE caster, SCE elite unit, SCE centerpiece (can be a big hero or a monster), Skaven “elite” unit, Skaven centerpiece (monster or war machine).
  9. Totally gonna change the subject but talking about who the OBR will be facing in the next Warcry box : - Sylvaneth are hinted at in books as specifically facing OBR in the Gnarlwood and GW is really hinting at Kurnothi rn. - IDK because of some dubious RE and because TGA really wants it to happen. I do think it’s gonna be Sylvaneth…
  10. I had the exact same thought this morning ! Random thoughts like that… But when I saw people were proposing Vermintide as an alternative, I thought “yeah it sounds great, but the Vermintide name carries such a baggage, it’s probably better.”
  11. I don’t believe the OBR are facing the Deepkin unless Whitefang proves it otherwise. As much as I want it to happen, the rumours for an IDK warband are just guesswork from dubious RE.
  12. One can hope but looking at how unexpected this OBR warband was, I think the better thing is to wait and see what happens. Better not to hype yourselves for IDK or Nurgle or whatever and be disappointed when the warband turns out to be something else entirely.
  13. OBR needed some new stuff to beef up their roster, a Warcry band is definitely a step in the right direction while waiting for a future BT.
  14. Ossiarch doggo is now my spirit animal and there’s nothing y’all can do about it. I mean look how happy he looks ! Bounding around, helping his masters collect bones for Nagash…
  15. You mean these ones ? I don’t know, they could be a hundred different things, IDK being one of them. They’re weird RE to be fair.
  16. Wait wait wait, where does that rumour come from ? I know Nurgle RE were dropped recently, but Idoneth ? I do not get it.
  17. It’s a shame rumourmongers are pointing out to no new Eshin/Pestilens minis. New night runners would make a great Warcry band, and the new deathmaster and Underworlds plague monks band were giving me hope for new sculpts.
  18. Island of Blood had both Skaven and Elves on the same sprue - part of an older GW way of making things - that’s why it was never released separately.
  19. I could totally see them being released into Warcry first. A brand new army right off the bat ? I don't really know, seems too good to be true. But Warcry is the perfect setting to introduce such a novel concept - test the waters for a potential bigger release later on. And I do think a Warcry band of Silent Ones would sell well. AoS players will want them to play them, 40k players to convert them.
  20. KO have embraced the creative and shaping part of the dwarf psyche, to the point were their science is so advanced they don't need gods anymore - is totally in line with the philosophy of Grungni, the dwarf god of the forge and by extension, creation and shaping. This is why KO are the Grungni duardins - not because they worship him but because they embraced his philosophy.
  21. I don't know if such a thing exists, I just know the projects he worked on because my local GW manager invited him over a few years back to have a Q&A session with the local community at the local Warhammer store, and I was there.
  22. I could definitely see Maxime leading the project because he designed the Skaven Blood Bowl team. And he's mostly doing AoS projects, like Warcry bands and the Maw-Grunta. (Also based if you follow the blog dé kouzes)
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