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Everything posted by Freemeta

  1. idk the lore very much but what if Reforging was a lie? instead Sigmar clone them? 😆
  2. yep, and if they could explain where are the Wanderers? kidnaped by skaven? 🐭
  3. i hopre Azyrheim or Hammerhal fall to skaven and chaos. bring this stormcast "death company"
  4. silent people inspired by the representation of insect in japanese manga like Belaf in made in abyss. they have something otherworldy, mystic and horrific.
  5. yep i know reikenor and the pyro ghost things, but if we are speculating on some Dispossessed future release 🤔
  6. maybe this guys: https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/Gazul
  7. nothing about bonesplitterz 😅 edit: they said some things in the video...not enough data etc.
  8. i wanted to play them as a coalition unit in stormcast but losing Duty bound and the 2+to hit is too harsh.
  9. good catch! i had to go to the download section to see it. atm no article about it on warco.
  10. so the official story does not say how phoenicium disapered? this city is still alive? i wonder if something is related to a life+fire crusade=phoenix ?
  11. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/03/06/how-is-the-twin-tailed-crusade-getting-on-in-dawnbringers-book-v/
  12. "2nd generation" city aelf? krethusa followers? more shadowblades? Privateer could be outcast from other races.
  13. from the cursed city rule she is :Blade, Human, Soldier, Saviour of Cinderfall
  14. not sure about Lyssa Revenya being an Aelf
  15. so no new "end of edition army " this time?
  16. haha i read someone is turning 5000😅
  17. yep, i still have the box somewhere, good old times of cardboard minis
  18. i miss old whfb waaagh magic system, generating point with fighting unit, too much point and shaman's head explode. http://redelf.narod.ru/w6/magic/lore_waagh.html i would really like to see this type of system incorporated into a bonespliterz rework, for every units (with many priest).
  19. so they did not play the protectors of Hammerhal army of renown
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