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Posts posted by LordSolarMach

  1. 2 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    ...Can’t say I’m confident in “a huge road map” that had to be delayed for 7 months and the last one was only huge because of all the patches and bug fixes...

    Andy Hall was referencing the internal roadmap as having years worth of content planned out. He was not making a reference to any published roadmap.

    (He also noted that there are no "brand new races" on it, so anyone expecting Khuresh or Ind any time soon can put those hopes away. Though considering Andy Hall's last comments saying the same thing over a year ago were rationalised away, I'd assume this one will be too.)

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  2. 1 hour ago, Draznak said:

    AoS gets some love on Wh+ :




    Interesting Free Guild soldier style in this teaser... Slightly different from the conquistador look. Can we imagine that is a hint to the future Dawnbringer Crusade ?

    It also has some Pestigors. (Though these look more like creative license than any hints at a new model. Or at least if there were to be new Pestigor models I'd hope that they'd be a bit... more.)


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  3. The alternate build on that Starseer looks a lot like Tetto'Eko (ie. the current resin Starseer).

    I wonder if it will be used as him in The Old World, and the reason he's not as wizened and sitting cross-legged is because he's 300 years younger. (Can Skinks live that long? I know Tetto'Eko was supposed to be ancient by the End Times...)

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  4. 4 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

    That reminds me, didn't the original, forth edition Kroxigor have the option of giant bows? I wouldn't mind seeing Kroxigor with a ranger weapon a la Kurnoth Hunters.

    I could be misremembering, but I don't think there were 4th edition Kroxigor. I started WHFB with the Lizardmen vs Bretonnia 5th edition set, and I believe Lizardmen were more or less new (having been a small component of Slann armies previously).

    The metal Kroxigor from that time (still got 'em!) just have big axes. (Fake edit: these guys. Poking around Stuff of Legend, I don't see any Lizardmen in Citadel Miniatures Catalogues between the Slann in '86 and the ones following 5th edition's release in '97.)

  5. 4 hours ago, MitGas said:

    Maybe a cool armored Sorcerer-Warrior with a bunch of little friends? 🤗 Please GW! We need mortals… although more cute daemons are always a bonus!

    Speaking of this, and having just looked up David Ghallagher's Lizardmen concept art, were you aware that he did a bunch of sketches of Tzeentch Warriors back in 2005? A few of them:DGTzeentch01.jpg.8bbc56c1dfdcc212b775206cba1d1efe.jpgDGTzeentch07.jpg.a68740ff27fe6ccda23850489b88d216.jpgDGTzeentch06.jpg.ad57383bcf409257a5eee1e236044726.jpg



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  6. 17 hours ago, DinoJon said:

    Lustria expansion for Warhammer Fantasy Role-playing gives us an idea of what a Coatl might look like if we get it as a Seraphon release. 


    Interestingly, some of the other art that they've shown off has stuff like Skaven pelts and inlaid skulls, which is straight from David Ghallagher's c2004 concept art.




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  7. 1 hour ago, Chikout said:

    So we've had resin chameleon skinks updated in plastic and then the Slann, the Astrolith bearer, and now the Salamander. We're all but certain that Kroxigors are getting updated. That just leaves some minor heroes in resin. I suppose the big remaining question is whether we are getting a new even bigger Dino, updated knights or hopefully both.

    In 2022 the only true centrepiece model we had was King Brodd. While that was cool, its status as an upgrade sprue meant it wasn't particularly surprising. I'm ready to have my socks knocked off by a new centrepiece. Maybe something like this?


    If we're going for old David Gallagher concept art, I'd love to see his Feathered Serpent brought to life.


    That article from White Dwarf with the ankylosaur/sauropod* was the original Engine of the Gods, before GW made it an option for Stegadons. There was also this Solar Engine looking thing, which was on a Stegadon, that has much more of the Seraphon techno-aztec look, and this Skink Priest ride that has a sphere of rotating rings doohickey.

    *Labelled humourously a "spikeydeathosaur".

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  8. 54 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    Theres a new icon on the map, Grozziks gouge. 

    Sounds like a destro warband hint to me. 🤞

    Aye, couple new bits.

    • Grozziks Gouge (looks squigly)
    • Drake's Rest (Stormcast and/or Canadian rapper's newest venue)
    • Pillars of Jade (in The Wyrdlights, Jade Obelisk associated)
    • Metzlpota's Gaze (lizzies?)
    • The Sundered Scales (also lizzies?)
    • Askurgan Bone-monasteries (funny that Count Moltaire's Bloodhunt is confirmed to not be associated with the Bloodhunt box)


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  9. 2 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    Maybe the next Warcry box is Skaven vs Destruction?

    While we have been cautioned not to read too hard into the map, of the four highlighted areas on it - Skinslough Fen, The Wyrdlights, Bloodmad Ravage, and The Tainted Wound - the first three have had associated warbands.

    The core book says that The Tainted Wound is where the Beastmen have been mucking about,

  10. 6 hours ago, Fibo said:

    Do we know if GW intends to rebuild the entire Seraphon army? Because it's tempting to start the army but not to buy old miniatures that can be remade soon. Is it better to wait a few years in this regard?

    The video revealing the new Saurus, Slann, and Raptadons shows off the following existent models:

    • Skink Oracle on Troglodon/Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur/Saurus Scar Veteran on Carnosaur
    • Stegadon/Engine of the Gods
    • Bastilodon Ark of Sotek/Solar Engine
    • Ripperdactyl/Terradon Riders

    It is extremely, extremely unlikely that a new promotional video would feature models that were planned to be redone/removed, so those are all "safe" if you wanted to get a start on them.

    As others have said, Skinks are generally unlikely to be updated as well, so the 'Start Collecting! Skinks' box is a good pick-up (value wise).

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  11. 3 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    ...On the topic of Salamanders I hopw they go back to the Dimetrodon design they used to have and give us a howdah on top ala Dino Riders!!...

    Science-aside: while having been cemented in pop-culture as one of the most recognisable prehistoric animals (alongside T-Rex, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Pterodactyl,* etc), Dimetrodon were not dinosaurs. They were not even sauropsids, but synapsids (ie stem mammals).

    *Pterodactyl were also not dinosaurs, but pterosaurs, which were at least more closely related to dinosaurs.

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  12. 4 hours ago, EonChao said:

    ...What if it's a Slaangor themed warband. Smaller ones than the Slaangor Fiendbloods, that occupy a similar area to regular Tzzangor (with the Fiendbloods being equivalent to Enlightened)...

    My wish would be for a Centigor dual kit, that had traditional ones also buildable as a new HoS-specific variant.

    And to continue wishlisting, vs Spiderfang.


    Though yes, the "don't try to read into the map" comment's 'like' does have me swerving away from that and back to a full Slaanesh warband.

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  13. 4 hours ago, RileyArlic said:

    So... we're expecting that the last Warcry box will have Slaanesh cultists versus something, yes? It would fit the pattern so far. 

    But then others are thinking that it might be Beasts of Chaos vs Spider Grots, due to an old rumor that suggested we were getting new models for those factions?

    Personally, my BoC speculation is less to do with there being an old Beastmen vs Gits rumour, and more to do with the way the Gnarlwood map has four areas highlighted: Skinslough Fen (Nurgle), The Wyrdlights (Tzeentch), Bloodmad Ravage (Khorne), and The Tainted Wound (Undivided).

    The core book notes that The Tainted Wound is where the Beastmen have been congregating. 

  14. 15 minutes ago, Hawke said:

    Kroxigors... welp, that's my 2024 new army confirmed for me, Seraphon have another patron. They were my absolute favourite as a 10 year old way back when they were metal and their arms fell off every time I pick them up 

    I've got a few of those stuck in the back of a cabinet - I swear I hadn't touched them in over a decade, and yet a couple of their heads had fallen off. Just... time and gravity.

    • Haha 2
  15. 3 hours ago, MitGas said:

    ...(strictly speaking, NL aren‘t exactly likely to devote themselves like that but there are surely exceptions)...

    Trivia: in the original Realm of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness fluff, the Night Lords are noted as being dedicated to the Blood God. Their pauldrons are depicted as being red with black bats and yellow Khorne symbols.

    (That obviously changed, with modern lore being that the Night Lords are - on average - a legion which looks down on the Ruinous Powers as a somewhat useful but dangerous tool.)


    (Death Guard and Thousand Sons not shown presumably because they'd be heavily featured in the second volume of Realm of ChaosRealm of Chaos: The Lost and the Damned.)

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  16. 23 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Are you sure? I had the feeling that the Specialist Studio is still the main studio over Horus Heresy (rules and direction of the whole game) , it's just that the production was not 100% made by Forgeworld (that's why we have a lot of plastic). Forgeworld still has a hand on a lot of Heresy kits.

    I recall it being said, but I can't find a direct quote, no. 

    (I also recall that it was said that everything legion specific was remaining the domain of Forge World, for what it's worth.)

  17. 21 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

    I think TOW will probably be to AoS as HH is to 40k so we can look at that. HH gets a new plastic release every 5 weeks on average now that the launch is over but...

    Horus Heresy has been moved to the main studio, and has become one of the "core games" (which is why it's getting lots of plastic releases).

    I believe the Old World is going to be more of a Forge World thing, so I don't think we can expect remotely comparable support. I'd expect a lot of Made to Order of old kits, plus new resin stuff, with a smattering of new plastic (Kislev at first, later Cathay).


    13 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Wait. Hold up.

    Could this be the heavily rumoured BOC vs Gloomspite box? 

    It was never a dual army box but a WARCRY WARBANDS BOX!!

    The thought had occurred to me, but I wasn't sure where and when that rumour came from. I felt it might shift my post from speculation into wishlisting.

    But if I am wishlisting, I'm definitely with Neverchosen on hoping for Spiderfang vs Centigors. (Specifically, Centigors with a dual build so that they can be classic or a new Slaaneshi variant.)

  18. If those various models were for use in the Old World, the average base size in the game would probably need to shift from 20s to 40s for them to have any hope of ranking up.

    (Also, a green Saurus Warrior would be nostalgia for the 5th edition starter set, I assume? I think by the time Lizardmen got their army book the poster boy colour scheme had already been switched to blue.)

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  19. 4 hours ago, Chikout said:

    ...From the title Nightmare Quest, I would have guessed Death for that box, but if we follow the pattern we are getting Slaanesh Vs Destruction. The name of the other boxes have been rather on the nose so it's a puzzling release to figure out. More questing  Gitz Vs Slaanesh who are  REALLY into horror movies?

    I'm going to probably get annoying, but I'll keep mentioning that Slaanesh (while 100% fitting the pattern, and being my favourite of the Chaos factions so something that I'd really like to see) are not a lock. Specifically, the Gnarlwood map has four areas highlighted: Skinslough Fen (Nurgle), The Wyrdlights (Tzeentch), Bloodmad Ravage (Khorne), and The Tainted Wound (Undivided) which the fluff in the core book says is where the Beastmen have been concentrating.

    From the Warcry core book: Amidst the great festering abscess known as the Tainted Wound, the Beasts of Chaos gather, erecting their foul herdstones and partaking in degenerate festivals of violence, often involving the ritual sacrifice and consumption of prisoners. These primal worshippers of Chaos believe the Gnarlwood to be sacred ground, the burial place of an ancient, mutant entity they call Soulshrieker. 

    Alternatively, from the (soon to be old) BoC battletome: By [the Bray-Shamans] steering the stampedes of their beastherds towards nodes of warping energy, they seek to tear open rents between the Chaos and Mortal Realms, for they believe that when all of existance is reduced to anarchy, Morghur will be made manifest. 


    5 hours ago, GenericEdgyName said:

    ... I see what they were going for with them, but imo they could've leaned into the flesh hound thing even more. I wish they all had those masks, they're awesome...

    It does appear that there are options for the main three at least, comparing the video to the pictures:KhorneFive.jpg.97c597d724fabebc072adf9559dc3dd2.jpg

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  20. 6 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

    Okay Bets starting top then left to right. 
    let's see how right I am over the next couple of months (to years :,( )

    Like your guesses. 16 and 25 seem to be from the silhouetted Horus Heresy preview though. (Potentially a Traitor Assassin?) And 12 from Farsight's base.


    4 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    ...So at this point Nightmare quest is all but confirmed to be Slaanesh vs Destro...

    I still think there's a chance that it's Beastmen over Hedonites, due to what's highlighted on the Gnarlwood map (Skinslough Fen = Nurgle, The Wyrdlights = Tzeentch, Bloodmad Ravage = Khorne, but The Tainted Wound = Beastmen, per the core book).

  21. On 1/17/2023 at 12:07 AM, LordSolarMach said:

    Definite very accurate prediction:


    *High fives self*


    40k: I hate stubbers on Marine stuff, especially when they have the "awkwardly slapped on" look; otherwise, the Dreadnought looks okay. Desolators are... odd. (A belt fed missile launcher? Those missiles don't look like they could be much bigger than a Heavy Bolter round, which is already rocket propelled.) The proper Primaris Lieutenant kit is appreciated - I still find use for bits from the old Space Marine Commander. Hopefully the three images aren't showing off the extant of the options, but it's nice even if so.

    Kill Team: Arbites look stellar, a lot of solid references to the original ones. Drukhari look... as someone else said, it's hard to tell what's actually new. Some neat bits I'm sure, but it doesn't seem to open things up the way Legionaries/Hierotek Circle did.

    Underworlds: The first warband I've been disappointed by. Not because there's anything wrong with them in-and-of-themselves, but because they feel like a wasted opportunity. 

    Warcry: Flesh Hounds are my favourite part of Khorne, so a warband of marauders who love them as much as me gets some big thumbs up. (The only disappointment was that when they did the initial reveal, for a brief, sweet instant, I mistook a couple of them for Khorngors.)

    The vampires... well, the one chap was happily along the lines of what I was expecting. Blown away by the daemon looking one. The rest are also great, though I'm not into the colour scheme they've gone with. I think they'll do well with my general Death scheme (some assortment of green/purple/bone).

    AoS: Slann looks great - love all the options. I know that they pointed out how being in plastic lets them do the clever floating design, but I'd still be paranoid about breaking the thing. Saurus also look great - can't wait for the full reveal of the spear option.

    Raptadons are amazing - love the feathers, and that they're holding their hands like the modern understanding of how a therapod would (palms in) and not the outdated way (palms down). Slightly miss a tick by not running the wing feathers down the second finger like in actual raptors. (Not complaining - these are obviously fantasy creatures. It's just a common quibble.)



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