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Everything posted by LordSolarMach

  1. It would make total sense for it to be Slaanesh vs [Destruction], fitting the pattern established by the first three boxes. But we don't know.
  2. The video revealing the new Saurus, Slann, and Raptadons shows off the following existent models: Skink Oracle on Troglodon/Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur/Saurus Scar Veteran on Carnosaur Stegadon/Engine of the Gods Bastilodon Ark of Sotek/Solar Engine Ripperdactyl/Terradon Riders It is extremely, extremely unlikely that a new promotional video would feature models that were planned to be redone/removed, so those are all "safe" if you wanted to get a start on them. As others have said, Skinks are generally unlikely to be updated as well, so the 'Start Collecting! Skinks' box is a good pick-up (value wise).
  3. Science-aside: while having been cemented in pop-culture as one of the most recognisable prehistoric animals (alongside T-Rex, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Pterodactyl,* etc), Dimetrodon were not dinosaurs. They were not even sauropsids, but synapsids (ie stem mammals). *Pterodactyl were also not dinosaurs, but pterosaurs, which were at least more closely related to dinosaurs.
  4. My wish would be for a Centigor dual kit, that had traditional ones also buildable as a new HoS-specific variant. And to continue wishlisting, vs Spiderfang. // Though yes, the "don't try to read into the map" comment's 'like' does have me swerving away from that and back to a full Slaanesh warband.
  5. Personally, my BoC speculation is less to do with there being an old Beastmen vs Gits rumour, and more to do with the way the Gnarlwood map has four areas highlighted: Skinslough Fen (Nurgle), The Wyrdlights (Tzeentch), Bloodmad Ravage (Khorne), and The Tainted Wound (Undivided). The core book notes that The Tainted Wound is where the Beastmen have been congregating.
  6. I've got a few of those stuck in the back of a cabinet - I swear I hadn't touched them in over a decade, and yet a couple of their heads had fallen off. Just... time and gravity.
  7. Still curious about this one. Centigor shield? Ogre Maneater's Gutplate, knicked from a Chaos chap? Special Event model?
  8. Trivia: in the original Realm of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness fluff, the Night Lords are noted as being dedicated to the Blood God. Their pauldrons are depicted as being red with black bats and yellow Khorne symbols. (That obviously changed, with modern lore being that the Night Lords are - on average - a legion which looks down on the Ruinous Powers as a somewhat useful but dangerous tool.) (Death Guard and Thousand Sons not shown presumably because they'd be heavily featured in the second volume of Realm of Chaos, Realm of Chaos: The Lost and the Damned.)
  9. I recall it being said, but I can't find a direct quote, no. (I also recall that it was said that everything legion specific was remaining the domain of Forge World, for what it's worth.)
  10. Horus Heresy has been moved to the main studio, and has become one of the "core games" (which is why it's getting lots of plastic releases). I believe the Old World is going to be more of a Forge World thing, so I don't think we can expect remotely comparable support. I'd expect a lot of Made to Order of old kits, plus new resin stuff, with a smattering of new plastic (Kislev at first, later Cathay). // The thought had occurred to me, but I wasn't sure where and when that rumour came from. I felt it might shift my post from speculation into wishlisting. But if I am wishlisting, I'm definitely with Neverchosen on hoping for Spiderfang vs Centigors. (Specifically, Centigors with a dual build so that they can be classic or a new Slaaneshi variant.)
  11. If those various models were for use in the Old World, the average base size in the game would probably need to shift from 20s to 40s for them to have any hope of ranking up. (Also, a green Saurus Warrior would be nostalgia for the 5th edition starter set, I assume? I think by the time Lizardmen got their army book the poster boy colour scheme had already been switched to blue.)
  12. I'm going to probably get annoying, but I'll keep mentioning that Slaanesh (while 100% fitting the pattern, and being my favourite of the Chaos factions so something that I'd really like to see) are not a lock. Specifically, the Gnarlwood map has four areas highlighted: Skinslough Fen (Nurgle), The Wyrdlights (Tzeentch), Bloodmad Ravage (Khorne), and The Tainted Wound (Undivided) which the fluff in the core book says is where the Beastmen have been concentrating. From the Warcry core book: Amidst the great festering abscess known as the Tainted Wound, the Beasts of Chaos gather, erecting their foul herdstones and partaking in degenerate festivals of violence, often involving the ritual sacrifice and consumption of prisoners. These primal worshippers of Chaos believe the Gnarlwood to be sacred ground, the burial place of an ancient, mutant entity they call Soulshrieker. Alternatively, from the (soon to be old) BoC battletome: By [the Bray-Shamans] steering the stampedes of their beastherds towards nodes of warping energy, they seek to tear open rents between the Chaos and Mortal Realms, for they believe that when all of existance is reduced to anarchy, Morghur will be made manifest. // It does appear that there are options for the main three at least, comparing the video to the pictures:
  13. Like your guesses. 16 and 25 seem to be from the silhouetted Horus Heresy preview though. (Potentially a Traitor Assassin?) And 12 from Farsight's base. // I still think there's a chance that it's Beastmen over Hedonites, due to what's highlighted on the Gnarlwood map (Skinslough Fen = Nurgle, The Wyrdlights = Tzeentch, Bloodmad Ravage = Khorne, but The Tainted Wound = Beastmen, per the core book).
  14. *High fives self* // 40k: I hate stubbers on Marine stuff, especially when they have the "awkwardly slapped on" look; otherwise, the Dreadnought looks okay. Desolators are... odd. (A belt fed missile launcher? Those missiles don't look like they could be much bigger than a Heavy Bolter round, which is already rocket propelled.) The proper Primaris Lieutenant kit is appreciated - I still find use for bits from the old Space Marine Commander. Hopefully the three images aren't showing off the extant of the options, but it's nice even if so. Kill Team: Arbites look stellar, a lot of solid references to the original ones. Drukhari look... as someone else said, it's hard to tell what's actually new. Some neat bits I'm sure, but it doesn't seem to open things up the way Legionaries/Hierotek Circle did. Underworlds: The first warband I've been disappointed by. Not because there's anything wrong with them in-and-of-themselves, but because they feel like a wasted opportunity. Warcry: Flesh Hounds are my favourite part of Khorne, so a warband of marauders who love them as much as me gets some big thumbs up. (The only disappointment was that when they did the initial reveal, for a brief, sweet instant, I mistook a couple of them for Khorngors.) The vampires... well, the one chap was happily along the lines of what I was expecting. Blown away by the daemon looking one. The rest are also great, though I'm not into the colour scheme they've gone with. I think they'll do well with my general Death scheme (some assortment of green/purple/bone). AoS: Slann looks great - love all the options. I know that they pointed out how being in plastic lets them do the clever floating design, but I'd still be paranoid about breaking the thing. Saurus also look great - can't wait for the full reveal of the spear option. Raptadons are amazing - love the feathers, and that they're holding their hands like the modern understanding of how a therapod would (palms in) and not the outdated way (palms down). Slightly miss a tick by not running the wing feathers down the second finger like in actual raptors. (Not complaining - these are obviously fantasy creatures. It's just a common quibble.)
  15. Thought about this some more, and I'd be legitimately excited if the Chaos side of it was a duel-kit that made both a classic-BoC-style Centigor unit or a new HoS version.
  16. Don't worry everyone! Warcry: Nightmare Quest will undoubtably be Beastmen vs 'Gitz! *Rocks himself back and forth gently.*
  17. A thought about this: the Gnarlwood map has four locations marked with splashes of colour to differentiate them (Skinslough Fen, The Wyrdlights, Bloodmad Ravage, and The Tainted Wound). Now, we associate Skinslough Fen with the Rotmire Creed (though I don't recall them being explicitly from there...), and the Jade Obelisk are tied into the Wyrdlights (via WarCom). And the coming Khornate lot are probably going to have something to do with the Bloodmad Ravage. But the Tainted Wound... I've seen a lot of people assume that they have something to do with the Horns of Hashut, or Be'Lakor's Legionnaires, but in the rulebook faction blurbs it's stated to be where the Beasts of Chaos gather, erecting herdstones. The same blurb mentions that the Beastmen consider the Gnarlwood to be the sacred resting place of an "ancient, mutant entity" called Soulshrieker. So I think there's a possibility that Nightmare Quest could have to do with BoC.
  18. In the AoS in 2023 video we can see the model in profile, confirming that they have a very human face. Normal brow, nose, lips, etc. And seemingly topped with hair, while lacking bony knobbly bits.
  19. It's a skull. It's an odd skull, and it might be a stylised recreation of a skull instead of a literal skull, but it's a skull. You can see it a bit better in the AoS in 2023 video. // As to it being a vampire, the box is called Bloodhunt and we have "Count Moltaire's Bloodhunt" on the Gnarlwood map next to a vampiric icon.
  20. While I agree on it being Count Moltaire (...or a follower...) I don't know about it being FEC. Their swords, and the general composed vibe, had a lot of people thinking Slaanesh or elves. They are a bit too 'fine', I think.
  21. Heh - I just came by to say that he looks like he has a flesh-mustache. Glad I'm not the only one seeing it.
  22. My guess is that this is from Slaanesh... ... ...'s warband from Warcry: Nightmare Quest. (And the previous silhouette was not Slaaneshi, but a Vampire from Warcry: Bloodhunt, would also be my guess.)
  23. Yeah, in late 5th the Undead book had Vampire Counts spun out of it, with the Tomb Kings following on its heels in 6th. (Funnily enough, in the muttering when it happened, the Legions of Nagash were brought up as a sort of "third pillar" of the Undead book, but we didn't really get anything of its like until the Ossiarch Bonereapers.)
  24. IIRC the previous Underworlds Supply Drop only included a single warband (Godsworn Hunt?), the rest of it being peripherals. (It's why, even if the Supply Drops had been available in Canada, I was leery of them.)
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