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Posts posted by Someravella

  1. 2 hours ago, Gailon said:

    Nagash also had the keyword, but somewhere it was confirmed that he will have a warscroll in each index with the keyword for each faction. But I’m sorry I can’t remember where that was confirmed. 

    Yes, but I wouldn't expect a different warscroll (I think it will only change the keywords).

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, cyrus said:

    Right ! 

    Stormcast are and will be the AOS posterboys forever.


    In the Lord Vigilant article there is a lore tidbit which in way was anticipated by Whitefang hinting Death will be a main protagonist in 4th edition :

     Somehow – rumours claim the blessing of the death god Morrda – the Lord-Vigilants retain enough control and balance to sally into battle at the head of the Ruination chambers, wielding hallowed greataxes imbued with crematorial fire that can reduce a foe to ashes with a single powerful strike. Their relationship with death doesn’t end here, as their Gryph-stalkers can drain foes of life and transfer that vitality to the Lord-Vigilant in an act that bears an uncanny resemblance to the necromancy practised by Nagash.


    Voodoo kruleboyz incoming.

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  3. 19 minutes ago, novakai said:

    I mean it already a wild assumption that Kragnos BoD army would be part of Warclanz since there nothing that suggest they are Orruks (kind of goes against the name of the book)

    well also both Armies have more units then Fyreslayers and that a seperate army

     Kragnos would just keep functioning as Nagash and just have a profile in every Destruction Battletome regardless if he every get his own army.

    Yep, I know BoD will not be orruks, but they could be in their army as troggoths/grots/hobgrots are.

  4. I think that soups are mostly done because of two things: sharing faction mechanics and combine army concepts/aesthetics that are not enough to support a whole faction. Some of them are even combined with actual "political" subfactions within the same faction (e.g., Krethusa and Morathi), and I think it is not strange that some factions go this way. Maybe this happens to Gitmob and GSG or Malerion and DoK, the same way that KB were included to OW and Darkoath were included to S2D.

    That said, KB could go this way: one group following Gobsprakk and another following Kragnos and his race (because I think that there is too much connection KB-Kragnos and it cannot be broken easily)... ending up with "orruk warclans" as a combination of KB, IJ, and BoD (because, otherwise, IJ would be too few to be a faction on their own).

    However, I have some doubts... what would happen with Kragnos and him being able to be used across all the Destruction armies?

  5. I think that GW has made a mistake in the title of the skaven "warlock engineer" warscroll. Everything in skaven warscrolls is WARP (warplock jezzails, warpfire, warpblast, etc.), and in my opinion the engineer should hence be WARPlock engineer.


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  6. KB having their own tome means emancipation, being a faction of Destruction on their own and not a kind of "subfaction" of the common, popular orruks, in the same way as duardin and aelven are split into in their own tomes "because they are not the same".

    Edit: rewritten a bit better.

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  7. 2 hours ago, bethebee said:

    easiest way to make Stormcast compelling for a game like that is to make "reforges" a mechanic, where all of your deaths are canon and there are long-term consequences to them.  maybe as you die more and more, you're forced to take perks with great upsides but even more dramatic downsides.  you may deal monstrous melee damage and generally blend enemies, but you also enter fits of blind rage and crack like an egg.  you might be able to cast massive spells, but you lose control as you cast them potentially harming friend and foe.  you gain health whenever you damage or kill an enemy, but slowly lose it otherwise (potentially even forcing you to harm allies just to survive!).  once you get enough deaths you might even unlock suicidal abilities like the airstriking-your-own-location tactic used by Celestent Prime, damning you to an even quicker downfall despite gaining an excellent finisher.

    it can effect more then just combat too.  in dialogue you might find yourself saying things you didn't pick (generally being more callous and cruel), and you'd slowly lose your memory which could mean you'd lose track of which NPC is which, or even find yourself doing entirely incorrect objectives because your mind is so scrambled.  this of course could have story implications as well.  you could be unable to do certain actions such as utilize basic machinery, and take on more of a doom-guy "punch the stuff till it works" approach (with good and bad results).  your ending would be at partially determined by how much of you there is left by the end of it, meaning that those who want the "good" ending would have to play with care to avoid a miserable fate.

    add in a variety of weapons, a compelling faction to fight, and that's a pretty good primer for the setting as a whole.

    edit: i also think that this would naturally lend itself to a very "personal" story; as big and fantastical as the realms are i really like the stories that tell you a lot about the people within it.  going through the world as a lone stormcast and seeing the torment and dehumanization they go through on a personal level would only make the horror of it happening a billion-fold even stronger.  it's something GW also seems to be focusing on more with the new line coming out, which i think is an excellent move since IMO it's basically their selling point.

    Didn't Sekiro had a long-lasting penalty the more time you died? The dragon flu or something like that.

  8. Unfortunately, it's well known that social media thrives on clickbait and visceral reactions, and the "antiwoke" topic in IPs is a perfect field to exploit. How many YouTubers say and repeat the exact same things, or give credence to rumors without any basis, just to create "content" and get views...

    For me, the worst part of all this is that it shows, once again, that many "fans" fail to understand satire and take those worlds as a utopia instead of a dystopia (it happened recently with Helldivers, Starship troopers, and Fallout). And that's where it hurts those "fans": it's not about a minor retcon to include women (which changes practically nothing), but it's a breach in their fantasy.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    1) Roll a D6 Chanting Roll
    2) Gain that many RP unless it's a 1 (then you lose D3 RP).
    3) Decide whether you want to "Cast" the Prayer with your points
    4) If you do, cast the prayer and lose the RP cost. If not, keep the points.

    You can decide to hoard RP for better effects.

    As it is written, I understand that you must choose a prayer before rolling the chanting roll (maybe some prayers will have bonus/penalties for the roll? Or, it may be to prevent you from rolling to gather points if you do not have non-repeated prayers).

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