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Posts posted by Someravella

  1. 2 minutes ago, Aussiemandias said:

    I just woke up and checked the reveals. MANTICORE. Big Scorpion KITTY! If I hadn't committed to Sons of Behemat, I'd be a Cities of Sigmar convert. So excited for them to have such a cool centerpiece model and more than just drip-fed reveals at long last!

    The underworlds pack doesn't interest me, but hoo boy, Skaven pestilens fans are going to have fun- new censer bearers? \o/


    And the Kruleboyz warband has me interested in getting into the game, whole-heartedly. I just love me some Monster Hunter and monster hunters. Drum Orruk feels very 2am drunk karaoke, like he's belting out some Whitney Houston and I am here for it.


    Best model in the band.

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  2. 40 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    Honestly I am let down by these..  and I'm a huge Kruleboyz fan! HUGE!

    Initial reaction is just an orruk version of the FEC band and seems to be stepping on Bonesplittez design toes. 

    Bye splitters.... ✌️

    It's not bad just not what iI was hoping for. 

    🤞 for maybe some more with the Harbingers Destro book. 

    I feel you, Kulebro.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Acrozatarim said:

    The fact the guy in the crows nest is called a fusil-major suggests vaguely to me that there will be a regular rank and file fusil soldier as well - a fusilier, if you will.

    Well, we have the Great Gnashtoof but not lesser ones...

  4. 8 hours ago, EntMan said:

    Come on now, aren't we all already a bit fed up with how Kragnos has been completely dominating the narrative since his introduction at the start of the Era of the Beast with its Destruction focus? I wish we could have just a little bit of narrative that isn't all about the great centaur god we are all blown away by...

    Kragnos? Who's that?

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  5. 4 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    Kruleboyz warcry band. 

    Some kind of scout hunter unit with melee and bows. 

    The article even says "bog" and "sulphur smell". New KB confirmed.

    I guess mounted KB because the cloak is moving.

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  6. On 4/30/2023 at 4:24 PM, Vasshpit said:

    Right there with ya. There's a big official event by me in June (Kansas City) and If its possible I'll grab a bunch of these for my TGA Kruleboyz fam. 

    I'll try guys. 🤘

    In which events is this model sold? Only UK and US events?

  7. Also, I think that one thing GW has to fix in KB is that Kragnos, who is one of the main "centerpieces" in their lore (see how many models have trinckets and banners modelled after him), should have useful synergies with the army.

    Yes, I bought Kragnos and I feel stupid.

    • Sad 1
  8. I think KB should have been a Destruction army on its own. Yes, they are another greenskin army, but they are physically and culturally different from regular orruks and gitz. Within KB, there could be different subfactions that express kunnin and morkiness differently:

    - Grinnin' blades: Ghurish Swamp sneaky predators, specialized in tricks, traps and debuffs.

    - Big yellerz: Chamon creative orruks (aka, Mordor orruks), specialized in balistas and machines.

    - Skullbugz: Shyish monster-lover orruks, specialized in monsters and magic (iirc, they are more spiritual)

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  9. 9 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    Silent People vs the Techno Chamber!!!

    Honestly, I am excited for tenth I am going to split it with my cousin as our proper foray into 40k.

    Morghur still feels to me like the last minute big bad of 3rd Edition. I just feel like we are going to see an epic duel between Kragnos and the God of Chaos Spawns... I still think Yndrasta will clutch the Victory by Tossing an epic Javlin at Morghur and then Kragnos will wreck house with Yndrasta thinking she attacked the wrong beast-god

    Well, BoC are allied with dragon ogors, who hate Kragnos, if I'm not wrong...

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