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Posts posted by Someravella

  1. I think that Sigmar lied has to do with collaborating with greenskins. What if Sigmar creates orruk stormcast (since they do not have souls, because they are angry fungus) to fight the skavens?

    Besides: ruination = ruins = destruction.

    You deny it because you are afraid of  the truth.


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  2. 9 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Exactly. Underworlds was to me, the designers able to go wild with new ideas and potential for the future.

    Then Warcry kicked in the door once it was done just doing Chaos Warbands and opened the floodgates. 

    Unless you make bands for KB, in which case you make more gutrippaz.

    • Haha 3
  3. 14 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    If we're going by armies in need of updates "technically" gitmob have one kit... ONE! 😝

    So they should be first and foremost. Heh. They just suffer from the destro soup tome syndrome. All you other GAs don't know how well you have it. 😁

    We kruleboyz say that gitmob grots are welcome to join us.

    2nd KB wave and gitmob. Two snotlings with one stone.

    • Thanks 1
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  4. 2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    Is not only the crafting/ aesthetic side. It is everything. They are a pure counterpart. Ambush/patience vs Speed and quick attacks. Swap vs Plains. Dark vs Light and sure there's more stuff lore wise that I am not aware of.

    Maybe they develop the grot side within Kruleboyz away from the concept of "Fragglegitz" (or whatever it is called, I do not remember), as there are already grotz collaborating with KB... Thus, Snarlfangz could fit either GSG or KB, because they are welcome in any of these factions.

    Anyway, we know that the lore can be pushed into any direction to justify any soup that is necessary, so...

    PS: I accept that the BoC are being squatted, but if you take the Sloggoth away from my KB now that I'm painting it, I do not know what I am capable to do. 😝

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  5. 5 hours ago, Whitefang back me up said:

    Unlike BoC Endless spells and Faction terrain are staying, although how terrain works will be changing. 

    Project Star will be releasing very close to project Scooter, although that’s a 40k release. I’ll give you a clue, what’s a popular scooter brand?

    What about the herdstone?

  6. 59 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    I think sometimes players forget that a unit type or soldier is just that. It doesn't have to be grand and burdened down with unnecessary details. In this instance of kroot hounds they are, well, just hounds. The unit function is simple and the models represent this. 

    They could of been a bit more dynamic imo but overall I really like them for what they are and their funcion,  a war pup. 

    Great job, sculptor(s). Can't wait to start a full kroot collection and I don't even play 40k. 

    It's all subjective in the end. 

    You know that you really want gnashtoof hounds and these kroot are the closest thing to our doggos.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Beliman said:

    A few years ago, when Soulbound was released, I joined a group of people to translate that book as a fanmade project.  One of the main administrators from that group had a chat with the manager from the same company that translates and sells Warhammer rpg book in spain.

    I don't remember exactly the same words but they were something like: "AoS? Are you crazy, I'm not touching it even with a stick".

    Are those that are currently translating TOW?

  8. 6 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

    What happens to greenskined "souls"?

    They become squigs. JK

    Iirc, in AoS it is thought that orruks are born from the corpses of other orruks. After death, the body of a dead orruk decomposes into a kind of jelly, which, if it is in a dark, humid and quiet place, will form creatures that end up becoming orruks. So, I believe there is a reincarnation of the soul (assuming a jelly can have a soul... maybe it is like Dark Souls, where rats drop "Humanity").

    See, orruks are green not only because of their skin, but also their sustainable habits. I do not understand why they call them "Destruction".

    • Haha 3
  9. 6 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    Ugh, sounds horrible. If GW is planning to 40K certain AoS factions, dreadnoughts for SCE, huge tanks - walkers for CoS than ugh. Than I really hope it flops.


    This is laying the grounds for the final crossover of 40k vs AoS, which will cause that all armies go to legends in their respective games, as the great BoC prophecy speaks. Then we will have the final duel of Sigmar vs the Emperor, and we will know who is the real Warhammer.

    • Haha 2
  10. So, what was the mainstream opinion?
    - BoC will be completely removed from AoS; gors and ungors will be merged into the other Chaos armies. <- @Whitefang, say "Thanks"
    - BoC will evolve by the grace of Morghur, becoming something completely different from the traditional beastment (thus, in practical terms, being removed from AoS). <- @Whitefang, say "Like"

  11. 2 hours ago, Vagard said:

    Ok so Nezzhil's rumour is that all the orruk warclans warscrolls will loose their KB/IJ keywords and get a common one instead to allow players to play more versatile army lists right?

    Why can the elves come in multiple flavours without being souped and my KB have to be related to those gross and pathetic greenskins?

    (Typical destruction behaviour)

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  12. 8 hours ago, The Red King said:

    I'm going to be pretty done with GW if this is true. From wanderers to cities to beasts of chaos. If they don't want my money then I'll keep it.

    I know it sucks, but I think it was an "announced death", as we say in Spain. Elves (Wood, High, and Dark), Dwarves, the Empire... they are vestiges of the World-that-was that imho they were merely included to smooth the transition from WHFB to AoS. I think that GW focuses on developing new ideas/aesthetics for typical fantasy races and will squat the traditional approaches to those. I would not have any hope for the remaining units...

    With this in mind, I have to say that the Skaven being in AoS and not in TOW unsettles me.

    By the way, I think that BoC moved into Legends means that they will disappear as faction, not their models. They will be probably merged into existing Chaos armies, or even an aosification of beastmen.

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