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Posts posted by Someravella

  1. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    If the theory about the trailer city being Embergard is true, ratpocalypse happens years after DB 6.

    In fact we have plenty of stuff to close for DB 6.

    Main plots:
    - Callis & Toll and Geomantic lines. This includes Trugg, the new S2D scenery and rats.
    - Both cities ending. Abraxia. Zenestra.
    - Hammerhall siege. Probably involves SCE seeing the end of some characters and some follow-ups on others like Ionus.

    Minor ones:
    - Krethusa.
    - Phoenicium.
    - Ushoran.
    - Khorgos.
    - Kragnos, Kroak and Karazay.

    Minor between the minor plots:
    - Bael.
    - Blacktalon.
    - King Brodd.
    - Belthanos.
    - Arkhan.
    - Nurgle? Seems Abraxia stepped into that.

    I cannot remember now if there was something else significant opened during the books.

    Minor plot the fight between Kragnos and the dragons? It was a cliffhanger at the dragonball level! And also the part of Gobsprakk and the drogrukh.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, RetconnedLegion said:

    I don’t think it’s that odd for Hobgrots being both. They’re only a single unit in Krule Boys, just like Cities have their Ogor.

    I am not 100 % sure but, in 40k, aren't genestealers a unit both for tyranids and GSC?

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  3. I bought Daggoks stab-ladz and read the lore from the cards, and I want to share this one because I loved it:


    Unlike other orruks, Kruleboyz can think without having to speak aloud.


    • Haha 6
  4. 2 hours ago, Beliman said:

    Yeah, probably. The weird thing is that Counter-Charge doesn't have the Charge keyword.

    New command cards getting obsolete even before the release of the new edition.

    • Haha 1
  5. 57 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    IMO the "weird" and "challenge to logic" bit refers to the lore. What about Azyr being completely destroyed or Stormcasts not being able to be reforged anymore?

    It has to do. Otherwise, it can mean literally anything.

    I am gonna say that bonesplitterz, gors and the incarnate fuse with each other and then Morghur wereboars appear in the realms. Or that Sigmar forge the first stormcast grots. 😝

  6. 18 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Btw, is this a new Skaven icon?


    Yep, Ratnos, a giant beast that definitively does not look like a rat but a hyppo, but who is somehow tied to skaven lorewise, and who has been awakened on Aqshy but will do nothing.

    • Haha 1
  7. 5 hours ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    There was the Ironjawz warband that had the first Weirdbrute. I think Myari's Purifiers had the first Vanari Bladelord in it, and Dread Paegant featured both the first Blissbarb Archer and Slaangor Fiendblood.

    I guess the krule with the flail of the new KB band will end up being a new unit too (with a more agressive role than gutrippaz).

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    With the new regiment system, a pure IJ or KB army is gonna become repetitive very soon because you'll always get the same units even if you bring lots of unique heroes. Meanwhile wity Big Waagh, you can get an IJ frontline regiment with a megaboss, ardboyz and brutes, supported by a KB regiment with a gator and boltboyz... Opens up many possibilities.

    That's why I think it will be a battletome release + 2nd wave 🤞. Lorewise, it makes sense to have different greenskin cultures in Destruction.

  9. 4 hours ago, Whitefang back me up said:

    Power level is the number after wizard at the bottom, so Wizard (9) means you have a power level of 9 and can cast and dispel 9 times in a battle round. 

    Nagash can cast and dispel 9 times in a battle round? What is he, a god? Thank godness he is has been robbed by a boy that do not want to leave his room and beaten by an aelf, which shows us that he is just a skeleton with a large hat.

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