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Everything posted by Someravella

  1. Unless it says so, you cannot shoot in combat.
  2. I've just came to say this an wait for a @Whitefang's reaction.
  3. Now I am looking at the Reclusors again... do you also agree that much of the model looking good is due to the the change of color schema?
  4. Marked for sacrifice, meaning that spirits and demons will try to kill you.
  5. I hope the new ruinator model is not too similar to the regular stormcast.
  6. Minor plot the fight between Kragnos and the dragons? It was a cliffhanger at the dragonball level! And also the part of Gobsprakk and the drogrukh.
  7. I am not 100 % sure but, in 40k, aren't genestealers a unit both for tyranids and GSC?
  8. I bought Daggoks stab-ladz and read the lore from the cards, and I want to share this one because I loved it:
  9. New command cards getting obsolete even before the release of the new edition.
  10. I would keep only "Silent" (insectoids?), "Change" (Tzeentch? Morghur?), and "Hungry" (Ogors?).
  11. It has to do. Otherwise, it can mean literally anything. I am gonna say that bonesplitterz, gors and the incarnate fuse with each other and then Morghur wereboars appear in the realms. Or that Sigmar forge the first stormcast grots. 😝
  12. Yep, Ratnos, a giant beast that definitively does not look like a rat but a hyppo, but who is somehow tied to skaven lorewise, and who has been awakened on Aqshy but will do nothing.
  13. What if KB become a standalone army and then chorfs are a subfaction with their own aesthetic? How would you feel about that, hum? Do not touch our hobgrotz.
  14. I guess the krule with the flail of the new KB band will end up being a new unit too (with a more agressive role than gutrippaz).
  15. That's why I think it will be a battletome release + 2nd wave 🤞. Lorewise, it makes sense to have different greenskin cultures in Destruction.
  16. Nagash can cast and dispel 9 times in a battle round? What is he, a god? Thank godness he is has been robbed by a boy that do not want to leave his room and beaten by an aelf, which shows us that he is just a skeleton with a large hat.
  17. Shortest-life miniature in AoS: BoC beastlord.
  18. The prophecies of Doom...! So, does Rob gain "leaker points"?
  19. This army creation certifies Orruk soup; otherwise, what can the non-hero units KB be? Only gutrippaz and hobgrotz
  20. I hope LRL, Idoneth, and DoK are also souped as Aelven mobs.
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