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Siegfried VII

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Posts posted by Siegfried VII

  1. I would like to comment on the range options of the current stormcast units.

    The example of the Tempestors and the Crossbow Judicators is a moot point as a 12inch range is no ranged threat and with the stats it has they actually can't do any notable damage. Specifically the Tempestors crossbows are for their -1 to hit debuff rather than actually killing anything...

    The Judicators with the longbows are a very decent unit, but their main saving grace is that they are battleline. Other-wise I don't see them at 160pts being that mauch of a threat as they do an average of 3 wounds on a 4+ save unit. For these points there are better shooting units out there.

    The Prosecutors with javelins are nice but if your shooting unit must enter 18 inches in order to shoot you very much risk them getting charged, arcane bolted etc...

    That said I do not feel the need for more shooting units for stormcasts, but as daedalus81 has said some speed and some long range shooting will help get the Stormcasts away from the need to do Warrior Brotherhood all the time...

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  2. Guys remember that excluding the Lord Veritant it's been a whole year since the Extremis Chamber and in my opinion Stormcast are much in need for different ways to play them. 

    Personally I am not a fan of the fact that most competitive Stormcast lists are a Warrior Brotherhood variant and I would like some other viable options to play with them.

    Apart from Warrior Brotherhood and Skyborne Slayers the other battalion warscrolls are miles worse...

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  3. I think that this will be a great book and it gives gw the chance to give Stormcast Allegiance abilities, artifacts and all the themed love they need. 

    And this also opens the way for more updated battletomes with allegiance abilities for all other armies... :)

  4. 1 minute ago, shinros said:

    Why would they create a similar unit again riding most likely a demigryph? GW don't do that, Also GW said with the sliver tower warrior priest it will not be the last we will see of him or his faction. 

    I still believe this leak is related to free people or devoted of sigmar. 


    Well Devoted of Sigmar has a chance,  I don't argue that, but Free People is unlikely to me...

  5. 4 minutes ago, shinros said:

    Stormcast already have a mounted crossbow option that rides a dragon and in the grand alliance tome devoted of sigmar's main colour is also blue like the hammers of sigmar. 

    They also have Hammers and swords but that does not stop them to have multiple units with these weapons. Also I get the feeling that this weapon will not be the main weapon of the rider but rather an extra thing. If it was the main weapon I think the rider would hold it in his arm...

  6. In my opinion it is most likely a new Stormcast model. Free people already have a Griffon and I don't see them getting another one.

    The colour of the cloth/cape seems very Hammers of Sigmarish to me. Also as much as people compalin that we get Stormcast all the time, apart from the Lord Veritant it's been about a year since Extremis Chamber got released, so I feel they will pour some more love on the poster boys again... :)

  7. I watched the live broadcast from the warhammer tv guys and I must say it was a great tournament. Well done Ben! :)


    p.s. I think it would be nice if we can see somewhere the lists of the top five armies or something...

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