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Siegfried VII

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Posts posted by Siegfried VII

  1. 3 hours ago, Allonairre said:

    This is great advice. If you are running Cathallar and Stone Mage then it’s very possible to lock down a unit indefinitely. They only have bravery 7 so maybe 10 if there’s 30 of them. (-2 from Cathallar and Voice of the mountains) you only need to buy 1 turn though. 

    The bonuses in the bravery for more models in the unit only applies to the battleshock tests so they won't be able to use that bonus.. 😉

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  2. 1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

    Alitairi.... the powercreep continues, big time.


    I must say that I strongly dissagree with what you say nor appreciate the hashtag..  As others have already stated most battles are over by turn 3.. He will be able to hit like a vanilla Spirit of the Mountain on turn 5... IF he lives until then.. Of course it all depends on the other abilities and the point cost and we should wait for the whole set of rules to have a truly informed opinion but I really could not in good conscience leave your comment unanswered..


    54 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    indeed ;)

    The latter will see some use with CC heroes from now on.


    LRL aren't one of the highest NPE Armies for no reason.

    Blade of Leaping Gold at the moment is locked on Cathallars so as it is now, no it won't see any play... And if it becomes available for a non-named close combat hero I believe it is the right ammount of + to attacks because quite flankly +1 or +2 doesn't really cut it and defensive items get picked all the time.. Having an actual good choice of a weapon artifact will create a nice balance for when one chooses an artifact for his character...

    • Thanks 2
  3. 3 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    Thank you!  

    Wow 😮 25 that’s awesome! I have 20, 15 fully painted now (10 for each weapon once they are done), and working on Avalenor. The Spirit is also built and primed.

    I don’t think I’ll get more, at least not for some time, because I’ll buy at least one each of the new models, so that will take me awhile. I still have ca. 30 models unpainted from what I have bought previously. 

    Blue Crystalls - Enlightened minds think alike 😆 . They are not the best looking, but sufficient for accents, and otherwise it would be really a lot of effort to do paint all of them. So I’m happy I found them. 

    One of the problems with Stoneguard apart from the price is that the fact they are only 5 in a box means it is difficult for the stores to calculate how many boxes they'll need resulting in me having trouble to find more to buy..😅

    The crystals are awesome! Basing is one of my least favourite things in the hobby and I always try to "cheat" my through, most of the time using shattered dominion bases (who I can just paint) paired with some tufts and crystals in this instant..

    Crystals will have an important role in  a big fluff project I am slowly creating, so I have bought other colours too and plan to have most of my armies have crystals on their bases.. 🙂 

    • LOVE IT! 1
  4. 7 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    Finally completed 10 more of my Stoneguard. 5 more with mallets to go, but Avalenor is first.



    Nice job! 🙂 

    How many have you all in all so far? I have Avelenor and two Spirits of the Mountain and 25 Stoneguard and I'm thinking of maybe getting  5 or 10 more but I'm not sure it is worth before at least having the full picture with the new range/rules we'll get..

    p.s. I have used the same blue crystals in my bases too! 🙂 


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  5. 15 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

    Those Bladelords look kinda plain in comparison to the other foot units

    I think they're great models but I think they would much better if they had greaves on their feet.. I would prefer them a bit more heavy armoured. That being said they are Vanari, they are not as special as other units who come from the elemental temples, so it kinda makes sense for them not to be super elite looking imo..

  6. 6 hours ago, whispersofblood said:

    Yeah I was more thinking of them as a mobile shining company anvil, rather than an hammer. 10 would take defensive buffs quite well, and Mv14/28 makes them quite dangerous if they retreat from combat and deathly furrows doesn't require charging so the opponent can't just chaff them up with things like horrors. But I see how that is counter intuitive and a bit gamey, and I don't know if I have the wherewithal to paint a suffecient number of Dawnriders...😅


    In some battles I used my unit of 10, cast on them speed of hysh, ethereal blessing and pehaps mystic shield and sent them to sweep the chaff of my opponent and block his army for the first battle round. In some instances it can be quite a power move and buy you precious time to get in position to score vps etc, but still you're feeding the enemy 260pts.  In some cases it works, in some other not so much and you still have to have a low drop army to properly utilize this strategy..

  7. 6 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    Let's see, with all the new heroes, and one being specifically for cavalry, the Dawnriders might become a bit more overall useful. I just started building my second 5 (after being scarred of them for 6 months 😅). I also think are one of the most beautiful models in the range. 

    I know what you mean! I have 20 Dawnriders of which I have painted 15 of them (the other 5 I kept/used for conversions) while they were fully assembled (minus the shield) and I still have ptsd  from the ordeal...😅

    With the new cavalry I plan to paint the rider and th emount seperately to protect my sanity.. :P 

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    • Haha 1
  8. 5 hours ago, whispersofblood said:

    @Siegfried VII 100% I'm in love with LRL the more I read the fluff the more I recognize my HE's, I have a few other armies, but LRL is what I've been waiting for. 

    Shining Company is an extremely impactful rule, its just also extremely limiting. Ultimately the game is about getting somewhere else, and most units get most of their movement by charging. I think the first big decision in every match with LRL is deploying your Wardens in Shining Company or not, if you don't you really don't want to go first so you can get your buffs up and generate CP. But not you have given control of the double turn to your opponent. If you go second you are somewhat protected from the double turn, and from alpha strikes but you can't get out of your DZ until turn 2 reliably. I've often wondered about alternative blocks in my army, so if maybe 15 Dawnriders and the main block might be better than 20/30 wardens just for the ability to move around. I'm currently experimenting with Soulscream bridge but that might just be because I like Warden models.


    I love the Warden models too, but I hate their spears with a passion.. It is extremely annoying for me especially when I try to pile in and it is stressful for my opponents as they try to dance their models around mine trying not to break the spears.. I would prefer shorter spears even if it would make them look a bit less cool..😅

    Regarding Dawnriders I have tried running a unit of 10 on most of my battles.. When there is 1 wound infantry in the enemy army they are the fast hammer we all want, but if not they tend to become dead weight.. Still I use them all the time as they are by far my most favourite models of the range as far as units go.. 🙂 

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  9. 48 minutes ago, whispersofblood said:

    Yeah I often worry about being able to choose an objective and just go get it. Unless treerunners can ignore models for movement, and have decent combat stats I don't see how the new models help. Other than making the army more immobile and adding more shooting power. Which kind of seems like worse KO. 

    I've basically autoincluded soulscream bridge in every list now just for a chance to escape my deployment zone. 

    It will be interesting to see if Bladelords are more mobile than wardens but if they are 100 points for 5 I worry they won't be able to compete in their ability to hold objectives. But, I'm hopeful. 

    Indeed. Both Treerunners and Bladelords will walk a fine line regarding their usefulness  in my opinion..

    On one hand we have the Treerunners who'll most likely fill the role of fast cavalry.. From even the time of fantasy battles all the way through aos these units tended to be either extremely useless or extremely powerfull (see skyfires), more often than not of the first category.. I'm afraid that they won't have a good role to fill... If their shooting is not that good (their close combat won't be for sure) they'll have no place as a dps unit and without fly or something equivelant will compete with Dawnriders and they may lose, in which case they won't see much play..

    The same problem may occure with Bladelords. Unless they give them a movement of 8 or something there is high propability they will be as slow as Wardens or Stoneguard, without the resillience of Stoneguard and since Wardens have great damage output and 3 inches reach combined with the fact that sunmetal works better with weigth of attacks may result in them being also not the best points per damage unit (plus they will be fewer in number or objective grabbing)..

    I have more hopes for the Spirit of the Wind which may give us good movement with fly combined with shooting..

    Speaking of movement the more I play, the more I come to the conclusion that I don't want to use shinning company. Apart from the being restrictive with how the unit must be formed the fact that you cannot run has in my opinion a crippling effect.. You HAVE to choose to use shinning company before battle so if you do, you deny yourself the choice in the first turn to run  your wardens in order for them to get into position. 6 movement is not good especially if you can't run and you can't rely on speed of hysh to always go off and even then sending a single unit up front of the rest of the army gives your opponent the chance to destroy your army piece meal..

    So I find that I'm leaning more and more on Stoneguard who while having only 4 movement can run freely, be in any formation and their abilities can be activated without restriction in formation or having to cast successfuly a spell..

    Disclaimer here that I really love the army, I've waited all these years from the day aos was born for the equivelant of High Elves and it'll remain my most favourite and most played army no matter what!! So I'm not aiming to be negative, just giving some feedback on my experience so far with our shinny pointy Aelves!! 🙂

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  10. 2 hours ago, whispersofblood said:

    As people become more familiar playing against LRL, my original concerns about the faction seem to becoming a reality

    - a low level of ability to get out of the deployment zone

    - low ability to do focused damage

    - very low ability the redeploy or correct general deployment errors

    I haven't been able to game recently to test this out for myself but what are people's experiences lately? 

    Regarding damage I think we are fine more or less.

    Regarding movement and deployment we are at a very bad spot at the moment.. The army as it is, is extremely slow and bad deployment can cost you easily the game. So far I'm at 11 - 11 of wins and losses but many of the battles I lost were due to movement and deployment (or stron anti-magic opponent).

    Opponents with lower drops and fast armies just pushed forward, trapped my army almost in my deployment zone and since we lack fast units (except Dawnriders who are situational) and flying units resulting in him scoring early and easily objectives putting me on an uphill battle in vps... I needed a double turn on many of those occations to come back to the game..

    Of course all this might change with the new units and the synergies they will bring so we'll have to wait and see.. 🙂 

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  11. 6 hours ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    if TTS results were kept separate from actual games then fine, but using the data together isn’t giving an accurate representation of the state of the game.

    Agreed! I believe that TTS results should be recorded separately.. It will also be a nice comparing point to see what the game would look in video game format..

    • Like 1
  12. Wardens are very irritating when playing the game in my experience so far.. It takes time for each charge, pile in etc where you have to dance around the opponent's models just to bring them close and my opponents get anxious when they move their models because they don't want to damage my models by accident.. That is the reason I have only 40 of them and in spite the fact they are the most reliable of our units will try to use as few of them as possible with the new release wave..

    • Like 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, Ragest said:

     and LRL works different, better scores in online

    It may be that on TTS it is much easier to play 80 sentinels lists than it is viable in physical tournaments.. 😅

    Generally I believe that TTS games remove the monetary/rule of cool limitations from lists and as a result we get different results..

  14. 11 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    Some people recommend VMC Ivory as an alternative for Wraithbone. I have zero experience with it myself though. 

    I have extensive experience with the Ivory.. It is a great colour (one of my favourites) but it is not quite the same as the Wraithbone.. It is more white and more bright so I would't recommend it as a substitute


    19 hours ago, whispersofblood said:

    LRL are consistently represented 4-1/3-0 but also at the 2-3, 1-2 level. LRL are a toolbox faction, you generally want to be a toolbox  rather than not. But it's almost always better to just be strong.

    I expect LRL to have quite mediocre winrates over the long term. It's actually a quite difficult army to play well as there are probably something like 3-4 decision more per decision an average faction is making. 

    I don't think LRL are better than DoK or IDK so that already precludes them from the top 3 competitively. They aren't better than DoT, or Seraphon clearly. LRL actually struggle quite a bit against specific mid-tier factions like S2D, I'd say that depending on the player they are probably the toughest faction to beat outside the top 5. But, they are probably also the toughest faction to win with in the top 8. 

    Totally agree with you mate. I don't know where we will stand with the new wave (probably stronger), but at the  moment we are in the top 8 but not in the top 3 or 5 and it shows in the stats!

    • Thanks 1
  15. 13 hours ago, EMMachine said:

    In case of the double turn discussion. Does it really change anything if the rule is removed?

    If the shooting unit has range 12" or less maybe yes, if it has more more likely no.

    If the shooting unit has 16-18" range and you didn't fokus on cavalry (for example Fyreslayers) see what happend. He moves his unit to the 16" mark (if he has to move at all, for example because you started) and shoots at you. You move your 4-5" and try a 11" Charge most likely to fail, or run to get closer.

    Guess what happens next. He moves back to be at 16" again shoots you a second time (and you are in the same situation as in the battleround before). Without the doubleturn your units will get shot 2-3 times before you even get into combat (and if he can't retriet further), he can still shoot, charge you and attack before you if you he doesn't have a better target (or charges you with another unit).

    With the doubleturn (and you as the second player) you could move + run in the first round and than move and charge in the next turn so you maybe only get shot once before being in combat.

    This. I fully agree with you mate. Shooting armies will shoot twice almost all the time. The double turn actually gives close combat armies a chance to get up close faster and avoid being shot twice...

    In my opinion if whoever ends deploying first just wins the tie and the first turn is decided on a dice roll it will make a huge difference because all the alpha strike/shoot offending armies will think twice on how they will deploy and will also help with scenarios where the first turn gives clear advantages to a player.

    The game will be more strategic and interactive that way!

    • Like 1
  16. On 1/30/2021 at 12:31 PM, Rakthen said:

    I was indeed planning on Alarith I love Geomancy thanks to Final Fantasy Tactics so the theme of them really gets me. I figure speed might be an issue but at 1k I doubt I'm going to run into too many people who'll just sit back.  I do want some stone guard too! I love their looks, matter of fact i pretty much love the look of everything in this army. I just want wave two already so I can see everything LRL will have to offer!

    I am a huge fan of Final Fantasy Tactics myself and that was my first contact with the term geomancy too.. Though I never used the Geomancer class really in any of my playthroughs.. 🤣


    19 hours ago, Pyrescribe said:

    It's awesome to see so many new armies getting started!

    Yep! I believe that with the new wave many people who were on the fence will soon jump in the fun!

  17. 26 minutes ago, LuminethMage said:

    You can break formation of Shining Company in the movement phase before you want to charge or by taking away the correct models to break it, if you get hit first in combat, then you can pile in. 

    That is a great observation mate! Haven't thought of that! That is a great way to mitigate at least one of the negative side-effects of Shining company! 🙂

  18. Game-wise the champion special weapon is worse than the normal one and the same goes for the standard bearer..

    If you use a unit of 15 the banner is a good choice, otherwise I would build them all as normal stoneguard..

    If you just want the rule of cool build one og each for each of your different units! 😉 

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  19. 4 hours ago, Wyliekyote said:

    Can’t wait to get the new Blademasters to help support LoE, and the Cavalry Archers!  so excited!

    Yes, the hype is real!! 🙂  So far I have fully painted:

    The Endless spells

    x1 Light of Eltharion

    x3 Cathallars

    x2 Stone Mages

    x2 Spirit of the Mountain

    x40 Wardens

    x15 Stoneguard

    x15 Dawnriders

    x1 Conversion for Avalenor

    x1 Conversion for Eidolon Aspect of the Storm (themed ally)

    The last two were because I wanted a mounted fighter character.. 😛 

    Tomorrow I will have finished my 20 Sentinels and then I will paint the beastgrave warband before I tackle Teclis..

    Then I will impatiently wait for the new release!! :D 


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