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Everything posted by Jetlife

  1. Really? This reason is why I gave up on stormcast. I wish they did break up the parts of the army into separate stricter stormhosts. There are so many options that it is maddening trying to pick and choose units. Especially since there are enough units for each chamber to look and feel different. I'm curious to where people stand on this.
  2. Sooooo many. They did it with SOB and it was pretty cool. I think there are a lot of units that could use this treatment. Fyreslayers and Ogres come to mind. This could even work for the Grot spider kits. I would love to see an upgrade sprue for the Mawkrusha since people run two of them. Some variety would be cool.
  3. Rob shoots at like a 50% rate. I remember when he swore Ogres and Sons were getting a combined book. Sometimes he does just spout stuff and then plays it up as a joke in the end, so who knows. Both those rumors seem pretty far out there. I know he used to work for GW, but I do think at times he can be click baitey
  4. I could very well see this…. Tomb Kings were basically reinvented as Bonereapers. While the lore does have them, I don’t believe it would be super difficult to innovate new story lines to adapt to their changes. Typically, they choose a design element from an exsisting unit and just do it up for a whole army. However, I would find it odd if they deleted an army that has had a Battletome, especially a new one. I do think BOC does lack its own unique AOS identity and hope to see them get re worked.
  5. Could the Dino mount be a new salamander/razordon kit?!?
  6. In order, definitely looks like a new slan. You can see it looks like a chair. It has similar vines to Kroak, and a skink on the chair arm. Second looks like new saurus warriors. Doesn’t have enough bling to be a hero. Look similar to the one that came in the underworlds warband, so probably a unit of them. Third looks like a new saurus hero. Might be a multi kit like Carnosaur/Troglodon kit. It looks to big to be a cold one unless they just framed it to look larger. Fourth one screams darkoath to me, so who knows. Could be a warcry character or even new Khorne foot hero for their book, even though we were hoping for Valykia Last one, looks like new Malerion Warband. The swords look similar to the rumor engine cutlass. I also have this feeling that that model is the one standing on that broken face statue from the rumor mill.
  7. Excellent idea. It would make sense that the Oathbreakers would lean more towards technology. It may seem out of place for AOS, but what they did Kharadron somehow worked. Kind of in between AOS and 40k
  8. Happy holidays to all! im wondering if there’s more to the Gitz release then we thought. One unit of Gitmob wolf riders, and a new squig boss replacement already. It’s supposed to be the era of Destruction. Maybe, we’ll get lucky and they have a nice surprise and they will expand the gitz even more. Would love to see them have the Moonclan, Squiggs amd Gitmob all in one book.
  9. I think that is the issue. Everyone feels they have to play matched play games and their current rules because there isn't much support for the other ways to play. So for the player who plays once a month, 6 month rule changes seem frequent. Those who play weekly are usually ready for a new twist. Open play is too... well frankly, open. I understand the concept of "just using' the core book rules but it might be harder to find people who will play that way. I personally like the GHB's because it forces the meta and lists to change, but it also can create rules bloat. I think the solution lies within a supplement that organizes the rules in other ways then "matched play" All ways to play should use points but change open play to simple play. With just the basic rules. Could even name them. Battle for simpler games and a War for the current tournament standard.
  10. There's a good chance the advent calendar was supposed to be Slaves to Darkness. Maybe due to it getting leaked they just decided to do away with it.
  11. Whitefang mentioned that is was complex. I wonder if the warscrolls will get removed but not the models. For instance you could mix and match all the spearmen from the old factions, but they all fall under one new generic spearmen warscroll. I totally get reducing the number of warscrolls for the army. Especially, if its meant to be mixed arms. It could look really cool to have a unit compromised of different models but with the same profile. Think about having a calvary unit mixed with models of Drakespawn Knights, Dark Knights, Wild Riders and Sisters of the thorn, but they all share the same warscroll for ease of the game. Would be really thematic and people could get creative with what their units would look like.
  12. Only Gitz model with nails like that is Skraggrott I'm not so sure it's a cloak as much as some sort of wrap or chain. Which would put it in line with an aesthetic similar to their old warband. Looking at other rumor engines....... same finger style Maybe this isn't gitz and is a new weapon for new FEC.
  13. Very odd that they mention him as a one off and a great addition to a FEC diorama..... This model makes me want to collect and play FEC. Hoping this is a sign of what is to come. Just the face on him looks so much more badass than the others. Not that they need a refresh, but they could easily use 3-4 new kits.
  14. Are we certain that it will be a brand new GHB? The fact that this ones says 2022-2023 makes me feel like it's going to be around in some sort of capacity next year. Could GHB be every summer and maybe every winter we just get a new Seasons of War book???
  15. It seems like each season at least one of the battletomes gets a decent upgrade (meaning more than just a foot hero) Spring 2022 - Nighthaunt got 3 new warscrolls; Awlrach the Drowner(New Hero Model) Scriptor Mortis(New Hero Model) Craventhrone Guard(New Unit Model) Daughters got 1 new warscroll; High Gladiatrix (New Hero Model) Idoneth got 1 new warscroll; Thrallmaster(New Hero Model) Fyreslayers got 1 new warscroll; Auric Flamekeeper(New Hero Model) Total for Spring 2022: 6(New warscrolls)= 5(New Heroes),1(New Unit)= 6(Brand new Sculpts) Summer 2022 - Sylvaneth got 4 new warscrolls; Gossimid Archers(New Hero Model), Spiterider x2(New Unit Model) Lady of vines(New Hero Model) Skaven got 1 new warscroll; Deathmaster(Re-sculpt) Total for Summer 2022: 5(New warscrolls)= 2(New Heroes),3(New Units)= 3(Brand new Sculpts) 1(Re-sculpt) Fall 2022 - Tzeentch got 1 new warscroll; Curseling(Re-sculpt) Lumineth got 1 new warscroll; Scinari Enlightner(New Hero Model) Behemat got 2 new warscrolls; King Brodd(New Hero Model) Beastsmasher(New Hero Model) Ogors got 1 new warscoll; Bloodpelt Hunter(New Hero Model) Total for Fall 2022: 5(New warscrolls)= 5(New Heroes)= 4(Brand new Sculpts) 1(Re-sculpt) Now an upgrade doesn't mean a range refresh. I think the new Slaves to darkness update would count as a range refresh. But so far each season gets around 5 warscrolls. The upgrades from 2022 in my opinion would be Nighthaunt, Sylvaneth and Sons of Behemat. While the other armies were just given a new model. So looking at it in tiers we have (This excludes warcry and underworlds) 1. Range Refresh Slaves to Darkness 2. Upgrades Nighthaunt Sylvaneth Sons of Behemat 3. Addition Idoneth Fyreslayers Daughters of Khaine Tzeentch Lumineth Ogor Mawtribes Going off of this tier list we can look at future releases. What is interesting is the Winter release. We know S2D got the big range refresh, but does that mean Gitz and Beast are only getting one new warscroll each? Here are my predictions for 2023. Id love to see y'all's as well. 1. Range Refresh Cities of Sigmar 2. Upgrades Gloomspite gitz (Maybe 2-3 units of gitmob) Seraphon (Could see 2-3 kits re-sculpted) Flesh Eater Courts (New hero and maybe 2 new units) 3. Addition Beastmen (Wish this fell under range refresh) Khorne (Thinking Valkia) Slannesh (Some new hero) OBR (New foot hero) Now just out of personal fun. I think the priority should be in this order Range Refresh: Beastmen Skaven Bonesplittaz Upgrades: Seraphon Flesh Eater Fyreslayers Gloomspite (Re work of spiders) Addition: Everything else. I think majority of armies are decently fleshed out. Getting a new model here and there is a solid pace for them.
  16. ah yes good call!!! So hope that they might re do somethings that are outdated plastic sculpts. I tend to find they like replacing outdated sculpts that are offered through other 3D model printers. I.E Belakor, Kroak, Daemon Prince.
  17. Have they replaced any plastic kits since SBGL ? I know they have replaced finecast or metal. But I'm not sure if they have re-done just an old plastic kit for 3.0........ yet
  18. I do think this 40k revamp is warranted though. Since AOS has started 7-8 years ago I feel it has gotten the majority of releases. Revamps of old models and lines and a ton of brand new faction. I don’t personally play 40k but felt a lot of their models were outdated. So, I feel this year or so is 40k heavy and dersvingly so. I think it will bounce back to AOS at some point. Overall, the game and game system is in a solid place. Their are tons of options for armies, models and rules. I think over time we will see the changes so much of us want, but it just takes time.
  19. Necromunda, Gitz on a spider, Dark Mech, Gitz Shaman, World Eaters One of the two gitz is probably the new underworlds warband and the other will be the new hero with the battletome.
  20. Another interesting antidote is the holiday battleforce for this year.... 6 of the 7 have a 3.0 battletome... Using optimistic analysis and calculation it would make sense for them to at least drop the news of new GSG battletome to push the sale of the squig box.... not that the box needs help for hype!!!
  21. I would love to see them just go crazy with Gloomspite. Warband, battletome, new hero or models, and a battlebox!!! I think it would be a great way to kick off 2023!!
  22. Fyreslayers are the exception to all of this, simply because they have a a decent amount of warscrolls. (Double of IJ) but, suffer from un-imaginative design. As far as IJ the ability to basically use everything you can collect from an army is pretty cool. Again, I think their is a blurred line between what we want and what an army needs. Analytically, external and internal balance of IJ is damn near perfect. For OBR there is evolving. They have a variety of heroes that could be altered and/or Immortis guard, Harvester and two versions of Morghasts. I personally don't think much needs changing except for a 3.0 battletome upgrade. At the end of the day, we only have 2000 points to play with. Right now as all armies stand, there are roughly 803 warscrolls in the game with only 509 being used at least 5% in lists. that means only 63% of the current warscrolls/units are seeing the table. Even if we subtract stromcast from the data we are still only using 66% of warscrolls/ units in the game. To me personally, that seems too low. Adding more units/warscrolls to armies is only going to bring that number down even more.
  23. I also think some armies don't need a second wave...... Ironjawz has 10 warscrolls (8 if you subtract the Underworlds and warcry units) But they play just as they should on the table. I would much rather see GW spend their energy on evolving warscrolls of certain units and give them different roles within an army. As an OBR, Seraphon, IDK and Sylvaneth player I don't want anymore new units/warscrolls. I feel they have enough. I would prefer they change the concept of these units in their rules. Sometimes I feel we want models just to have models, even though so many will never be played within any army. I would even like to see them remove old outdated models and replace them with newer sculpts. An example would be, Salamanders. I would much rather see them drop a new kit with them and then just remove the the Razordon scroll completely. Now.... I understand that this perspective is from a competition gameplay standpoint and there is a large part of the hobby that likes to collect, paint and play narratively. However, that information is much harder to accurately quantify outside of sales data. For instance having IDK get a new large sea monster/creature would be big hype. Except then there's a high chance that that model doesn't get much play in the game or it replaces the role of the turtle that you've already paid 100$ for and now doesn't see the table.
  24. So glad we are back!!! Seems like we are back and better than ever!! First, great find on the skeleton beard and Throgg. He’s a character I could see them bringing back. Which then makes me think, who would he be apart of. He could be a great centerpiece for new BOC refresh, but for some odd reason I feel he might fit in with these rumored chaos dwarves…. Second, the fact that the S2D release is coming much earlier than anticipated has me really optimistic we will get a new army before Christmas. A good guess might be to see something tomorrow (Halloween) . Here’s hoping!!
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