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Everything posted by Jetlife

  1. This is a good counter point as Tyranids would very similar to Skaven relaunch. My only push back would be those revamps came in later editions. I wonder if they would roll that type of revamp for 4th edition of the game. However, to go along with your point even more Idomitus and levithan box sold very well.
  2. Was thinking about all three edition launches of AOS. Khorne got a ton of new stuff but was an already established army. This makes sense as it was a new game and wanted an easier transition, just like TOW is doing with its starter armies. This makes sense from a business standpoint because you want to make an easier ramp into a new launch. However, nighthaunt and Kruleboyz were completely new aesthetics. This is important because they want people to HAVE to buy new models. If Skaven is going to be a launch army for 4.0 it doesn’t make sense for them to redo kits and sell them. They will lose some buyers because people don’t want to spend money on a new model. This leads me to believe that we will get a completely new type of Sub faction of Skaven. Similar to Kruleboyz andWarclans.
  3. This!! Season of war Thondia was great. The GHB is great. However, I think I'd like to see these combined more into the yearly thing. A larger book with new rules and battleplans alongside the lore of a region or realm is the best of both worlds.
  4. I know that there are heavy rumors that new Skaven are coming and that it will be with 4.0 launch….. however, I always found it odd that they would launch the new edition with current armies on both sides and nothing new. What if Skaven are refreshed and released prior to 4.0?!? We know there should be a chaos Dawnbringers book and Skaven could wind up showing up there. Narratively it could make sense as well. With all the humans traveling around the cities could be left unattended for Skaven to hatch a big plan that then pushes the narrative toward 4.0 and the aftermath of their actions. They could have a release that mirrors FEC. Maybe, maybe not
  5. I feel like this was the consensus on Nighthaunt until their latest Battletome. I think most completely new factions struggle because it takes time to get solid feel for their identity. Shoot a lot of the first edition armies didn’t really find their way till the third or fourth try. I expect Kruleboyz to find their way whenever they get their next rules release.
  6. I definitely think we will see those 3 updated in 4.0 too.
  7. Agreed. Ushoran is lining up to be an extensive kit. THWG mentioned him possibly being Nagash sized. While I doubt that big, I’m assuming he’ll be solid size, maybe even with a mount. The cites launch box excluded Talia which is a decent sized kit, so I wouldn’t think he makes it into the battle box. Gorewarden is a solid bet. Probably the new ghouls that have been leaked. Maybe Jerrion and some sort of elite or cav unit.
  8. I'm still hoping for a Death dragon kit that comes with a variety of builds for FEC, SBGL and OBR!!
  9. Wondering if we could see a STD expansion similar to IJ….. With us getting hints at a new hero and now maybe new Mauraders, could they get another kit? Fleshing out just a few more kits would kind of complete the modernization of the army. Im hoping the new hero is a replacement of the manticore. Compared to newer beasts and the COS version it really sticks out at outdated. Now wishing….. I would love to see a new soul grinder and mutalith beast/slaughterbrute
  10. Yes the battle boxes CAN be for exsisting players but most people have fleshed out their army enough that they aren’t banking on a battlebox to complete it. I tend to find they are geared towards people who may have just started that army and could use some depth or someone ready to start a new army project. I’m sure there’s a hint of motivation on what armies they want to push sales of. In theory you sell a battlebox, then more people will circle back and buy other product from that army. Hence why we almost always see the starter armies offered every holiday season (Stormcast, Nighthaunt, Kruleboyz)
  11. Long shot…… but what if it was a kind of dual kit and was for FEC, OBR and SBGL. Considering the old kit is used for FEC and SBGL already. They could make it have some variety and different heroes that ride it for each faction. If so that would be a pretty sweet release to go with one of the dawnbringer narrative book releases.
  12. could those feet be something for a new zombie dragon for FEC?!?
  13. If Kurnothi is coming and is tied to either cities or Sylvaneth (I’m with those who believe it’s not a stand-alone faction) How many kits should we realistically expect? Ironjawz just got a basic infantry, dual build elite kit, hero and the pig multi-build kit. So 4 kits, 6 warscrolls? Kurnothi could follow up with a similar pattern. If you look at the Wanderers kits that hung around in AOS it wasn’t much more than that. (Minus all the heros) I could see dual build infantry. Maybe an elite Calvary unit and a hero or two and it would at least start to fill the gap the wood elves left in people’s nostalgia.
  14. Beast of Chaos are interesting. For one they lean heavily into the bull/goat aesthetic. Is that truly unique enough for AOS? I know they have the other random creatures and monsters, but it’s kind of a weird combo. This is a pure guess, but I keep having this feeling that Chaos dwarves and Beasts of chaos might be redone to fit together somehow. Hashut models already carry the bull aesthetic and having a dwarf army with pure machinery is almost too identical to the Kharadron. Having the dwarves with machines and monsters would give them the kind of unique spin AOS tends to gravitate toward.
  15. This editon has proven one thing. They understand that older factions are worth going back and revamping. This is something I think we weren’t sure of heading into 3.0. Seraphon, Slaves 2 Darkness, Cities, Flesh Eater and can even throw in Ironjawz. Heck, Nighthaunt, Sylvaneth, sons of behmat and Gloomspite even got some legit additions. I definitely think the trend will continue into 4.0 with Skaven, Beasts of Chaos and Ogres. Good chance we will see Tyrion and Malerion as well. Exciting times!
  16. There’s a lot of fun stuff in the works it seems. With more rumors of Chaos Dwarves before 4.0. FEC getting a sizeable release and whatever random things they throw in, it’s a great time to be in AOS. I’ll say this, they have done a pretty good job of keeping there game fresh. I know not everyone gets what they want for their army all the time, there seems to be a commitment to refreshing and expanding the AOS line. It’s a marathon, not a sprint and they seem to be chugging along. My only complaint would be with underworlds, and this preview show only made me think about it more. The models they release for Underworlds are truly amazing. Some of the best sculpts they make for any system. I just wish they made these models to fit in with mainline AOS more. I know they make great proxies, but I feel it such a waste for them to not be on the table in the giant AOS battles.
  17. A Morghast hero would honestly be a really nice addition to OBR. Everything in that army has some other unit to power it up outside of the morghasts. Having a hero that can buff them could help them be included in more lists.
  18. Could the rumor engine be a Nurgle Pesitgor?? Didn’t we see one in the Blacktalon series??
  19. Definitely!! I think there is a whole lot more and it will mirror Lumineth release. I also believe they are going to let the lore promote the future release waves. Right now it’s all about dawnbringer crusade, but when 4.0 hits the story focus will shift back to someone making a push against stormcast and then stormcast needing help. I think we will see the second wave and Battletome early in 4.0. I’ll guess late fall/early winter 2024 being about a year removed from first wave.
  20. I could see a Warclan box. Especially pending what is coming out with Dawnbringers 2
  21. Seeing the acutal COS Battletome definitely makes it all seem more real. I most likely won’t (but never say never) start a COS army, but I feel this is the most important army to be added to AOS. While stormcast are cool in their own style, I have always felt there was a huge need/desire for regular human army. While they aren’t the brettonia of yesteryears, I’m overly impressed with how subtle but modern their take on this design space has been. They appear to have set themselves up for an endless supply of updates for them as well. This army could easily get 5 kits a year and never seem to be too much because people will be able to use what they don’t like and use what they like. I’m feeling this army is a win win. While AOS has rapidly been growing since the pandemic, could this army be the one that completely blows the game up and entice a lot of new players?
  22. I think majority of us can look at a model and say that doesn’t fit. Obviously, metal and resin have to go, but there are a lot of plastic models from a long time ago that still work. Skinks and saurus are a great examples. The skinks still work and didn’t need an update, however the saurus looked unsettling. The Seraphon update is what we should expect. They kept what held up enough, they replaced resin and metal, and retired things that had run its course. Looking at that army as a whole there isn’t anything that screams, wow that doesn’t match. For FEC, everything they have works. They just need a shot of additional models. I’ll go out on a limb and say that I think what’s they have out now will stay as the rag tag ghouls and we will see influx of more dignified ghouls. More clothing, weapons, etc. For Ogors, the plastic Basic guys hold up well enough. Replacing everything that is resin or metal will improve that army dramatically. Bonesplitazz is a tough one. Their design space is different enough from the other warclans but their body dimensions and squared angles really make them look out of touch from other orrucks. Especially compared to what we saw in the underworlds warband. They might have to be a complete relaunch. BOC is another one that I feel the plastics don’t even hold up well. The gors could use some work and of course everything that is resin has to go. Skaven is the hard one. There are some great looking units that not only hold up, but they excel. But then there are some terrible outdated ones. There’s also so much Skaven. Part of me feels if they are the 4.0 launch they won’t be redoing as much as maybe releasing a new clan with all new stuff. But I’m not sure
  23. Could they have one per a realm? The kronspite was for ghur and maybe the next doesn’t come until we move into 4.0 and Ulgu…… A spider would make sense to be the incarnate of that realm .
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