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Everything posted by Jetlife

  1. Yes, the battlescroll update is interesting and the new GHB doesn’t help sons. Either way I think all 3 are around the corner. Rumor images are always weird. Sometimes they post them and they are revealed for a year. Sometimes there’s giant releases and there isn’t any rumor pics. The one giveaway to me that Sons is out there is they accidentally reposted the old Gargant sprue rumor pic once… the million dollar question is when? Considering they all could be individual releases outside of the battlebox they could technically switch up the release order to whatever they want.
  2. This box set will be good for Tzeentch. The Curseling should help unlock more playable versions of Tzeentch mortals. I know pepole have been waiting years for the Acolytes to be playable. I’ll assume the Battletome will have ways to buff all that stuff to offer a change to the hordes of daemons and spell meta.
  3. I was told the duel boxes were supposed to release way ahead of these Battletomes. Previous intention was to drop these boxes after 3.0 initial release then the corresponding books after few months. Then the vanguard boxes a while after the books. However, global situation has messed it all up. So now they trying to get back on track by pushing everything together. Gitz and ogors are next up. However, I couldn’t get confirmation that this one was going to be a duel box. Butcher is definitely coming and I just got the word spider….. so I don’t know if that mean one hero or hopefully few kits to replace old spider kits. Only problem is they are already plastic, so we’ll see. In another conversation though on gloomspite now that the army has a heavy dose of squigg riders, would they want to stick with the spider theme as well? I’m sure they would be interested in maybe allowing some other army the ability to ride some spiders…….
  4. The Idoneth rules for Sharks were changed from box to book. I’m pretty sure the reavers were too.
  5. Yes, and that same rumor talked about gitz in winter with S2D, so that would check out based upon your hypothesis
  6. To me if they are going to update models for ogors then the whole line needs a refresh, Soulblight style. Give them a more amoured aesthetic like the tyrant and cursed city one. I don’t think that is happening. Most are plastic already, so I’ll assume new Butcher and rules only.
  7. I totally agree. I just for fun got a pack of the rockguts and it’s by far one of the best kits they have out with the amount of customization you can do. It’s got me thinking of building a full 2000 point troll list !!
  8. I think the Fall will be the Battletomes and one hero models for the armies that get one. We already know new lumineth hero with Battletome We assume Tzeentch is right behind that or even with it in a battle box. The assumption is a new Curseling mortal model. To help buff mortal side of Tzeentch. Then two destruction Battletomes: Which two is the big mystery. Either way it appears that SOB is getting an update sprue or new kit with another gargant. The rumor images of those little goblins in a beard and on a wall seems to be tied into a new Gargant. Gitz has been rumored to be getting new spider hero kit. Would love for them to update all the spider kits, as that is the really only stuff that people use that is outdated. Ogres will get a butcher update most likely, but I can’t see them getting much outside of that. If we don’t see ogres or gitz this fall, then I’ll assume they are getting a bit larger of an update than just one hero. My personal guess Lumineth, Tzeentch Ogres vs Gitz Then winter will be new Sons kit and book. Slaves with their large update. Spring will be death with Soulblight and OBR
  9. These changes all seem good. I’m actually shocked to see so much done in one update. I’m glad they are using the app to update stuff, however, it would be nice to see a rundown article from them….. I’m sure it’s coming. The fact that Gitz got a few nice buffs is intriguing. I wonder if that’s a sign that their book might not be this fall and could be roped in with S2D time frame which was a rumor a long time ago. In turn, Ogres didn’t get anything which means their Battletome could be right around the corner as one of the fall books. GW has made rules before and in weeks they have changed them again. They did this for IDK in the battle box to the Battletome. Khorne change seems slight, but will breathe a little life into them. They actually have some decent tithe abilities. Scaly skin is a nice change. Find it interesting Kroxigor we’re specifically mentioned…… could new models be coming soon?!?! No game is perfect, and unfortunately it takes time to go through each army and update, but I truly like the direction they have been heading with the frequent updates and changes
  10. Didn’t say, I’m pretty sure Those are all due soon. 2 are coming in the fall. I assume Gitz and Ogres. Sons I would assume will be coming Winter with Slaves perhaps.
  11. My usual source has hinted that 2023 will be a big year for AOS. Not to expect a new army until later in the year, but expect the remaining Battletomes to get flushed out with some getting new hero and other getting a few units similar to Sylvaneth. Seraphon will get more than a hero. Didn’t specify outside of rescuplts. I’d imagine Kroxigor and/or salamanders. OBR and Soulblight will both be getting new units not just a hero, sometime next year. Khorne is getting a much needed hero rescuplt….I’ll assume Valkia whenever they drop that Battletome. The perceived plan is to flesh out the rest of the armies and get everything up to date for 3.0. Then expand into other armies. Similar to what 40k has been doing this year.
  12. Plus if cursed city gets expansions as it’s supposed too, then I could see them falling right into the Soulblight army.
  13. Perhaps, however when they released there was a lot of talk that there was a second wave of them to come similar to LRL…. So who knows
  14. Are we sure we have Sons of Behemat coming? Seems odd when the army has already gotten a Tome Celestial. However, Slaves got one too and we already know they are getting a Battletome in the winter. But for fun let’s take a look at what is released for rumor sake. Tome Celestials in order: Sons of Behemat Slaves to Darkness Seraphon Cities Of Sigmar Soulblight Bonereapers Beasts Of Chaos Blades Of Khorne Kharadron Slannesh Flesh Eater Courts So far none that have gotten a Tome Celestial have gotten a Battletome. Now I understand at some point that will change: Who’s gotten a Battletome: Ironjawz Kruleboyz Bonesplittaz Stormcast Nurgle Fyreslayers Deepkin Daughters Nighthaunt Skaven Sylvaneth This leaves: Lumineth Tzeentch Gloomspite Ogors All without an update! Which is even more suspicious because the released 4 Battletomes for fall are: Order Chaos Destruction Destruction Which matches the remaining ones. We know there will be more than one Battletome in Winter so could Winter be the first era of Battletomes for armies with Tome Celestials?!?! Everything would have been “updated” by then and the new cycle could start. Could the Tome Celestial be the release schedule for new Battletomes??? My guess is SOB and S2D in winter. Follwed by Seraphon since we did see two Seraphon rumor images. Next would be cities, but that’s a wildcard because we don’t know what is happening with DawnBringers. Obviously, shipping and the sewage leak has altered their initial plans, but maybe they have presented a road map.
  15. And Tzeentch is supposedly getting a new Curseling in plastic. They showed off his staff previously in the video where everything was in shadow. Apparently, this box set and the accompanying Battletomes were supposed to drop before the GHB but all the battle boxes got pushed back.
  16. From a business model and hobby model, I agree that expanding factions helps sell. The thing we have to remember is product stock. GW can’t bring in new stuff without their current stock being sold. For AOS when they drop a new army that usually becomes the hot ticket item and they sell pretty well. But then this can put a hold on previous stock. The long amount of time between new armies means that people get bored and then turn to an exsisting faction to start a “new army” Using these battle boxes and 3-4 unit expansions is the best of both worlds. Using Sylvaneth as an example, they are one of the original AOS armies. Over the last 7 years they have had 2 books, and maybe 3 new heros. GW is still sitting on old Sylvaneth product stock. Now they drop new units which get people who already play Sylvaneth excited and so they will buy the new product, but now people see new stuff and are more inclined to buy the new kits and go back and start a Sylvaneth army. Same with Slannesh drop, and now the S2D one coming . I’ve already seen on social media people posting about starting S2D already to just be ready for new stuff. I do think this edition we will see focus on making older armies popular again by giving few new kits. Seraphon seems like a no brainer. Salamander kit, kroxigor, and a regular slann will stir up enough interest for people to hop on that train. The two armies that I’m not so sure about is Skaven and Beastmen. I’m not sure what they want to do with them. I think both of those armies would require more than a few kits. So those could be more along the lines of what they did with Soulblight. Which will probably be far out. GW still cares about them because they do continue to find their way into the lore, so I do believe at some point they will be redone.
  17. The question is what will be AOS in July. I feel it would be too late to show off anything new and it be up for preorder in July. Probably, Skaven and Sylvaneth Battletome and maybe new warcry starter set. Thinking September could be a decent AOS month. We already know winter will have the big S2D release and maybe something else decent sized.
  18. Definitely has a dark Aelf/slannesh concept. The sword and stance has strong Black Ark Corsair vibes!! Usually, GW picks an older style unit and just expands it, so I could definitely see this being Malerions dark aelfs.
  19. That’s a good point. Hopefully, 3.0 is bringing all Battletomes up to date and the rules changes can slow down. I’m hoping just for some range refreshes then. I do think they will drop more armies because I know a huge part of their sales are from people just collecting new stuff. I also heard a rumor that new models for warhammer plus subscribers will be more exciting to get people to sign up
  20. Maybe 2….. 2.0 was death and they got Nighthaunt (Kruleboyz) as starters then Obr and Soulblight So here’s hoping!!!
  21. I believe AOS is an idea that was started as a rebrand that they weren’t sure what to do with it. GW is a games company at heart and the game leads the way. WHFB was a complex game and I think their intial agenda was to evolve the world into something different but mainly make an easier game to attract a modern audience (unfortunately, new players don’t have the patience for WHFB) GW has already admitted AOS has done better than they thought it would at first. So now, they are trying to pour resources into it. 7 years for a platform that consists of game rules, models and books isn’t a long time especially with the pandemic affecting the last 3 years. I feel in last few years they have tried to improve the lore, with Broken realms and now there are new novels with side stories. AOS is also constrained by its actual model releases. The story can only grow as they release models and that has been hard the last three years, so technically the game has only had 4 clean years. Take into consideration that models take almost 2 years from design to shelves, Battletomes another 8-9 months and then novels well over a year. Even these warhammer plus shows are 3-4 years in the making. The future in AOS is bright. They are starting to get back to the individual character stories that people loved about WHFB. Belakor got a new model and was inserted into the story. Kragnos was just added. AOS actually uses its smaller games to tell stories too. Underworlds set the stage for Kragnos. But again it’s a game before it’s a story.
  22. The original IDK book wasn’t that bad to begin with so they just kind of tweaked it. All the books have new and exciting ways to play. Everything is becoming more balanced. Competitive isn’t the only goal of the Battletomes. Most now allow you different ways to get more of a variety of units on the table compared to before which makes the game and hobby better.
  23. I’ve seen multiple rumors of a new spider kit along with the Battletome. What kind of kit I’m not sure. Is it definitely winter, who knows. I know they are sitting on so much stuff right now that their original release plan is moot. With two destruction tomes due in fall it could be one of those. I’ll assume one is ogres with new butcher kit and I’ve seen rumors on here that it’s Sons of Behemat which seems odd. All we know for winter is slaves but there will be more than 1 book!!
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