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Everything posted by Jetlife

  1. Maybe we will get the battle scroll tomorrow?? Last time Metawatch did AOS first so this time they flipped it?!?!? Optimism is running high!!
  2. Looking back at these rumor engines, and the fact that Gitz haven't gotten a book yet and they were technically next in line based upon WD articles and other book. We could very well be getting Grotbag Scultters. I feel that would be a very educated guess. I don't know if it would be a big expansion, but maybe couple kits. The book may move toward Warclans and offer ways to play, Trolls, Squiggs, Grotbags and spiders more individually. I for one would love to see this.
  3. I think Age of sigmar really grew during the pandemic. A lot of people stuck at home needed a hobby and got their feet wet. It also happened to be same time Broken Realms was going on, so all these new players were exposed to a game/system that seemed to be actively growing. I also think with 3.0 they found their sweet spot with the rules. Not everything is perfect. No game is, but the Battletomes have for most part all been positive. However, the game is at a standstill. While underworlds and warcry move along, AOS hasn’t moved since Dominion. Battle boxes and new heros are great. But those should be sprinkled in with larger releases and or narrative/lore pushes. This worry’s me for the fate of the game. I love AOS. Everything about it. But it’s been a slog now. Part of me wishes they would have Warcom article and video and just be like, “look we have a lot coming. World sucks and we had to move a lot of stuff around. “
  4. While GW hints at some stuff and there are leaks that come out, they usually do a good job once a year surprising the community with something no one saw coming. OBR was this way and Kruleboyz were this way until Grimdark blew their spot up. Could even make the case Giants were a surprise to what rumors were out at that time. I think they have something hidden up their sleeve. I’m just hoping it wasn’t the upcoming S2D release. I’m fearful it is since it was scheduled to be released around the holidays. Their previous big surprise releases drop in late spring for the summer or the fall for the holidays. I know I saw a spending report once that said their sales are always highest for holidays (December to January) and summer (July - August) which makes sense.
  5. I have 5 2000+ Points armies and I usually come up with a list of things for each army and consider investing the time and energy to paint them. FS is the one army I don’t have the urge too. I like the aesthetic a lot, at first glance. But then when you realize magmadroths don’t have a lot of variation and/or decent converting concepts. Then you are like cool 20 orange bearded guys seem cool for a unit, but then realize that EVERY unit. Different profiles but I can’t tell the difference. As bad as it seems, the rules aren’t terrible. I honestly think 3 kits could make a world of difference. However, all studies and surveys show they are the least popular army, so I can’t imagine them spending resources and money into new kits for them. Even if it could potentially change their popularity.
  6. I love this idea. Gitz could handle a Warclans style book. You can mix everything up or unlock more specific abilities. You could have regular goblins, Your jaws of Mork squig, trolls, and then spider/forest gitz. Giving people the opportunity to dive all the way into one or collect em all!! From experience I love Squigs and the trolls. Everything else is blah to me. So I would love to be able to dive into one of those fully and feel they are supported enough with own set of rules, while still allowing me to mix in other things of I wanted to run their version of big wagh. Just call it big moon lol
  7. Would love to see a mega gargant holiday kit. I think more people would jump in if it wasn’t 200$ a model. Do a box with 2 and give it a 50$ discount for Broods sake. Could Seraphon eventually become a 40k race? I know nothing of 40k lore but feel like an updated version of them for 40k could be popular. Shoot, we finally have space dwarves now so anything is possible. 40k is the big brother to AOS. However, I do feel like AOS is growing rapidly. Rob on honest wargaming mentioned each year more players and tournaments and that’s only tracking competitive gaming growth. I think over time AOS will close the gap
  8. The timeline is interesting for upcoming releases. I think it really depends on when Slaves to Darkness fully release. I know it says winter, but is it pre holidays or post. If they get everything out before the holiday then I could see them dropping something else new early in 23. However, if Slaves trickles out past the new year we might be screwed. Would be nice to get something brand new in the early part of the year then again in the fall/winter
  9. I think we can pretty much bank on whatever this is next year. I wonder if it is all new models or will some of it be upgrade sprues to exsisting models
  10. I think they will do this faction justice, if and when it comes out. I’ve been wanting to dive into a chaos army and if they stick with the horns of hashut design with dwarves and these machines I’m all in!!!! I feel it’s inevitable with how much they have appeared in the lore!! Bring on them chaos duardin!!
  11. Could it be possible that BOC becomes more of a sub faction of S2D? Similar to legion of first prince. I could see Legion, slaves and BOC being in a war clan style book. Considering the ogroids, tzzangor and the slangor are all spread throughout. What if they just keep adding beasts to other chaos armies that could be used together if you wanted to in a beasts sub faction.
  12. I think they get one model and it’s Valkia which would be the mortal tie in.
  13. I agree that redoing some of these armies would help convince people to dive in and start collecting, but GW doesn’t want to wait 5-10 years for a product to hit that hot cycle. Unfortunately, I do think there are armies in the game that do only appeal to smaller audiences. Like Skaven and Ogres. Either you love them or you don’t. I think some of those are more niche compared to say, stormcast, Sylvaneth, and maybe slaves to darkness. For me, anything that is fine cast or resin should be replaced immediately. The current trend is they have been replacing models that have become popular amongst third party 3D printers. Popular prints were alternates for Kroak, Belakor and Daemon princes. Those have all been replaced. I wish GW would release statistics on what armies are purchased the most. Might help paint a better picture of their decisions.
  14. Something that gets overlooked is the ability to sell new stuff compared to rescuplts…. For instance adding a new unit of Sylvaneth is probably more lucrative because it’s new. Newer army and newer units. Remaking Skaven or beastmen or insert army here won’t sell as well potentially, because people have had that army for a long time and will be more hesitant to go out and buy 60 more clanrats just because they are newer sculpts. I thinks that is why they stick with this 1 new hero plan. People will be willing to spend money on a new hero because it’s an easy addition or replacement for one unit. They are also aware that if they make one new unit for Skaven or Beastmen or ogres or whatever older army, that one to two new units won’t be enough to make people want to go out and buy the whole army since so much is outdated. Compared to Nighthaunt and Sylvaneth where you buy the new units and invest in the rest of army because units are more up to date already. I think the hard pill to swallow with GW is the Fan vs consumer. As a fan of AOS and everything asscociated with it, I want to see them pump out all this creative stuff and over saturate the game with new stuff. New ogres, new rats, beats etc. but reality is as a consumer I’m only going to buy so much stuff. They obviously know this and their goal is to make money above all else. And while they appear to reinvesting their profits into their bussiness by hiring new people and moving stuff in house, they can’t continue to make new products unless money keeps flowing in. Sad reality. I also really believe that they have a lot of stuff just waiting to be dropped. Problem is they can’t drop it all at once because people can’t afford to buy it all at once and new things lose their luster after a while.
  15. I could see a Christmas time seasons of war release. Considering they said they want a new supplement every 6 months and the GHB was released early summer. The seasons of war are basically a less rules, more narrative version of GHB. I think Thondia came out at a weird time last year due to shipping issues. It would appear to make sense to do GHB, 6 months Season of war, 6 months GHB. From a marketing standpoint having a season of war holiday box wouldn’t be to bad of an idea!
  16. I love the narrative they are building with Archaon and Belakor. Feels like it’s starting to be Chaos mortals vs chaos Daemons!! Still would love to see some more Belakor specific units like this guy!
  17. Only thing that worries me is majority of the range is already in plastic. I’m hoping ogres get the Soulblight treatment at the end of the editon. I would love to see them redone with yethis and those type of creatures imprisoned by them.
  18. Agreed. While I think they over painted him. Meaning the paint job in unreal amazing and almost too good, but it takes away from its a toy look. I’ve always wanted to get into ogres but feel they just look like fat pirates. Heading into a more creepy direction makes them way more interesting. I would be deathly afraid to know he was lurking in the woods. I also love the theme of the ever winter. I think combining that with more murderous and sinister look is a recipe for success
  19. Yes sooo good!! Makes me kind of pissed that they didn’t update the art on the other books that have come out this year…..maybe I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and blame it on switching the publishing from over seas to their backyard
  20. Would love to see new SOB sculpt and book. Would love to see like 3 ogre kits and a book. Show off the rest of The S2D models that we have already seen. Announce the Winter Battletome roadmap. Doesn’t have to be what exact tomes but give us the alligence!! A personal thing I’ve wanted for a while is a new multiplayer supplement. Update to old triump and treachery. Having fun and exciting multiplayer/team battles seems like a great way to bring more people into the game!!
  21. While I like the idea of combining them, maybe similar to how Gitz and troggs I’m not sure that will happen. If dwarves didn’t get combined I’m not sure about these two. I don’t think we will see a battle box. I’m thinking ogres with new butcher for one Battletome and SOB with something new. The fear is that it leaves gitz with nothing. However, there were rumors a long time ago, that gitz was getting a duel box with S2D. That is starting to look more and more true. Could easily be a duel Box for winter. We know S2D is coming and I truly can’t see them skipping Gitz by that much considering they had early tome celestial
  22. Order of Azyr could be a sub faction of Dawnbringers easily. The question is, are Dawnbringers purely humans or will they mix other races in. Also, Dawnbringers vs Oathbreakers has a nice ring to it…. Just saying. 😉
  23. 40k - Seems like a great chance to drop the whole squat line. AOS- I think we will see them show the new LRL Battletome and Tzeentch one. I also expect they will “reveal” more slaves to darkness units that we have already seen. Just like they did with the ogroids last time. I think they going to hold out for those two destruction tomes since they know everyone wants to know. HH- Same ole kits just updated Underworlds- Definitely the Khorne warband. I’m not sure if we will see the new season yet. Out of everything I “want” to see a glimpse of a new AOS army. Give us a teaser of something new. Even if it’s a video like they did with Kruleboyz. (The video of the humans in th swamp getting picked one by one)
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