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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. @Nezzhil Just joking around, bud. Didn't mean anything by it. 🤜🤛
  2. Could shave down the fat end to match the back and would look dope!
  3. @Ganigumo We'll have to wait and see but these are good points.
  4. You could of said "we'll be doing STUFF in the new edition" and still come off as having insider info with that statement. 😄😜
  5. Thinking this means heros will not be joining units... I was hoping for this.
  6. Was always interested in crystal fortress but have yet to purchase anything. I'll check out your recommendation. 👍
  7. I would say CoS with an alternate city design for said troops with a much simpler design. So like steelhelms as basic troops but a different city and a different and simpler model design.
  8. They can be if it's at the cost of immersion for what I think are most players. The cannn vs bow example earlier is prime point. I think is safe to say that most folk understand that a cannon is way more powerful than an arrow at base level and that examples like this of real world physics and mechanics should ultimately be applied to gameplay for a "common sense" and quick to understand approach. One thing that I am concerned about with 4th rules previews is the 3" melee rules. Does this ultimately mean that all weapon types are so homoginized that I'm suppose to accept a spear and a dagger are the same martial tools of war? This for me is overall simplified rules at the cost of immersion.
  9. I think the pic scaling is off as the spear one looks smaller than It really is in comparison and in reality they're both the same size and proportion. Like they're all on 40mm but the spear one looks slightly scaled down pic wise. Overall it looks good enough and nice to see the army as a whole will get a unifying look and both sexes represented in units. 4th edition starter is just not my jam. Looking forward to other new things with far more enthusiasm. Edit: Just realized the reference pic in the article is an old liberator, a new male liberator, and a female vindicator and that's why it looks chunkier.
  10. 100% leave the imaginative to us flesh bags but stat balance could definitely use a mathematical and mechanical touch. Not surprised to see gameplay take the lead here. It's such a teeter totter in my view. Take old orcs and goblins, they were very "thematic". Heh. So much so it affected a good deal of balance, gameplay, and enjoyment. I'm very curious to see where Kruleboyz go for 4th when it comes to gameplay vs balance. The bits of rules we've seen have somewhat turned their theme upside down; killaboss ability is void with no battleshock, everyone will be "poisoning" on 6s, etc. I still think that middle ground is achievable with fun and thematic rules and still knowing through tactical ability that you've got a good chance of winning.
  11. I honestly can't pick one or the other as I think both are equally as important. That fine middle ground is what I'm aiming for. A little bit off topic but I wonder if tabletop games designers start using AI to balance a game instead of art production could we get to this perfect middle?
  12. Another cool idea would be a new hag (New breed or existing, just no more dankholds please.) with a handful of critters, squigs, etc. Similar to a Mollog style warband. Narratively it fits as well with all the magic going on from the downed lizard ship. "Mama's looking for some new shiny bo-jangles and fancy new glowy what itz. You landing in my jungle so now its MINE!"
  13. Would be super cool for destro to get some more. They're lagging behind with only two and even being a krule -fan- boy I felt theirs was super lackluster. Not to mention being set in Ghur which is pretty much destro home field kind of feels neglectful. The gorgers, and a few others, on the other hand knocked out of the park! Gitmob would be my choice. Ar the beginning of this season of warcry I was so very much hoping we'd get a box or two of monsters like how chaos got in season one that could be taken across different factions. Meh. I still think world events impacted third editions direction pretty good.
  14. Care to elaborate? Kruleboyz haven't exactly been tearing up the scene this edition.
  15. Seems similar to One Page Rules design and I like it. We've heard that 6s will just be auto wounds so I really do wonder how much of an overhaul Kruleboyz are going to get as that's kind of a big one with them... Exciting times ahead.
  16. Oh my frakking dog!!!! YESSSSS, FINALLY!!!!! 💚
  17. I think gitmob nasty stalkers are a ripe candidate for a warcry band. Just saying.
  18. -Squints in kruleboy as an ominous fog starts rolling in- ... "Did you just call us grots?" 😜 Love me some Kruleboyz. Best thing to come out of AoS yet, imo. Rules not so much. Heh. Some of their basic gutrippaz troops have more personality and attitude than a good chunk of huge center pieces across all of AoS. Again, just my opinion. 🤘 Edit: out of likes but +1 to ya and a few other posts.
  19. @Shankelton @Gitzdee My prediction, as much as I'd prefer not, is that gitmob will indeed stay souped with glooms much like orruks. I'd wager the next book will even be titled a new as well. Something like "Gitz Klanz" or "Grot tribez" with a sizable expansion outside of gloomspite bringing gitmob into their own and possibly more. As per Snarlfang having an awkward place I really really do hope they tweak the rules to present gitmob in a more "capable warrior to be feared" with a malicious intelligence. Fang riders should almost be an elite grot with excellent stats both in ranged and melee BUT still being grots and all they're not terribly strong. So still leaning into the horde grot mentality but not on the level of glooms. I'm so very excited to see what becomes of them and sincerely hope the range keeps the feeling that the initial fang riders kit presents. And being grots I do hope they bring their own kind of troggoth to field as well. Maybe even a reimaging of sourbreath. Kits I'd like: I would really like a foot troop kit (so I don't have to buy 30 fang riders kits to kitbash custom stabbas and shootas... I'll do it Geedubs. Don't test a ******.😆) Chariots of course with build options. I'd love a war coach. Think like the black coach from Nighthaunt but snarlfang and loaded with gitmob. Perhaps even a ballista of something. Or even as a transport, unit type very much lacking in AoS, would be cool. A heavy calvary Ike a gnarly plains bison all AoS-ified. Just a few. 💚 the new gitmob aesthetic and want more!
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