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Posts posted by Vasshpit

  1. 18 minutes ago, Flippy said:

    Skaven, who are, from the start, infinitely better as villains and narrative driving force than bog orcs and pony god.

    It all depends on effort here, imo, to which the bog boyz recieved minimal. 

    No matter as their models are infinitely cooler than rats. 😜

    It's just science. 😁

    • Like 2
  2. Also, I don't think Kragnos was as well recieved as Geedubs had hoped. 

    Sure there's folks who like him but I do read more often then not that they don't so I wonder how well a whole army of ponies would be recieved. 

    Not poking fun here at anyone if he's your jam. 

    3rd was... weird. 

    Edit: But hey, I got Kruleboyz! 🤘💚🤘

    • Like 1
  3. Did I miss something with Kragnos?...

    Read that short twice even. 


    @Baron Klatz Care to elaborate on you GA destro gping through changes comment?

    also, end of 5th going into 6th!!?? 

    So destro fans are supposed to wait another 6 years for another edition where they do absolutely next to nothing.... again. 


    Like honestly what was the point of third? I'm still trying to figure this out. 

    • Like 1
  4. 9 hours ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

    Needing opinions... I've started painting this chappy, and I'm unsure of what colour to go with on his armour. Robes and sword aside, he's covered in the bone-patterned armour. I was thinking of doing it all gold, but I'm now worried it might be too extreme a look. Could go with a dark iron colour (similar to what I've base-coated him with, but a lot neater). Or I could go with actual bone colour... but is that too necromancer-ish, not Slaanesh enough? 



    This might look good. 


    • Thanks 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, KarrWolves said:

    But the size/strength should only affect the wound roll, rend should be defined by the weapon that is used?

    Excellent point. 

    If going by that then the old rusted out weapons of ghouls shouldn't have rend?

    I do wish there were USRs for weapon types. 

    But this is a discussion for...

    😁 the brand spanking new general chat thread or Kruleboyz thread. 

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Lucentia said:

    Essentially, yes, but they're treated as the 'elite' version of ghouls, so they get a bit of rend as a treat.

    The point was that they're "Adjusting stats to better reflect midels" and I think a 7' tall orruk that can rip a man's arm out of its socket seems odd to not have rend when a little ghoul, basic or cryptguard,  does. 

    Power to my green peeps!

  7. 13 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

    I could see them leaning more into the traps and camouflage rather than deep strike. Play up using terrain and cover instead of generically off board set up in reserves would be pretty cool imo.

    maybe some non magic teleports. Set up ambush markers or something, and a unit can jump out of one/charge from one.

    Or maybe lean heavy into redeploy mechanics whilst mist is up. 

    • LOVE IT! 1
  8. Anyone else in favor of changing the thread title to just "General Chat Thread"?

    Might catch the eye a bit better and get the great migration going a bit faster. 

    Doesn't really matter either way. I've been advocating to change the rumor thread to rumors and general chat for a log while now so is wha it is. 

    • Like 2
  9. 3 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    Looks like you have to make sure the gun+holster can be removed safely though, which is a big ask on top of having to buy the full unit for a newbie.

    There's options, could green stuff into a sachel, or it's nothing a dremel can't fix. 

    If we're doing the $$ math you could also look at it like this, a single hero would cost $35-40 for one wheres this gets you four more minis to do something with for another $20. 

    Regardless I really don't care as I don't play chaos but I think it's a cool mini and was just trying to help.  

    • Thanks 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Luperci said:

    it's a real shame that they did actually get new sorcerer lord but it was locked behind wh+, I'm sure there are a bunch out there still but future s2d players might find difficulty getting it

    I don't even play chaos but I think this is a fantastically suitable proxy from chaos space marines. 


    • Like 3
  11. 8 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Did you play Realms of Ruin? Their tentacles from the swap thingy could be interesting.

    Sadly I have not as my pc won't run it and I don't own any consoles.  Someday. 

    I have watched the whole campaign cinematic though. Are you referring to that big black gooey thing?

    Traps might be interesting. Like six smallish tokens that you'd lay down and write down three or four that can activate with enemies or something. 

    I know some ES are more like summoned creatures so maybe some nasty swamp critters could work as well. Idk... I'd really just prefer more units to be honest. 


  12. 2 minutes ago, Sabush said:

    True. I think I will just play without endless spells until KB gets their own hehe.

    I'd much rather have units over endless spells or terrain. Meh so hard. 

    They'd really have to drop something special for me to care. Most of those models are very lackluster imo. But with emphasis on them now I fear you might be right...

    Ideas on what those could even be for the bog boyz?

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