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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. +1, please. Maybe these two will end up being some kind of end of edition event...
  2. As I'm working on my FEC I've come to the conclusion that this should be an FEC unit or at least a new dual army kit. 😁 Also an update to old and new additions to the deathrattle side of things would be most welcome.
  3. This fella is right proper unto itself... ...but will definitely make for a suitably sweet alternate marshcrawla sloggoth conversion with the little grots falling out and holding onto the tipped back howda. 🀘
  4. Mostly incoherent frothing gibberish... 😝
  5. Very hit and miss for me. For example didn't care much for the kruleboyz mosta-killaz however bands like huanchis, gorgers, cos, vamps were excellent. I'd love a gitmob band, geeduds. 😁
  6. If anyone goes to warhammer world and they have zagnog the commemorative Kruleboyz killaboss and wouldn't mind shipping to the USA I'd definitely make it worth your efforts. Just saying. πŸ˜‰
  7. So after watching the video I don't think this is a unit but just a single model. However it just may be big enough and anatomically close enough to use for a second marshcrawla sloggoth conversion πŸ€” to break up monotony. It'll get better rules next edition, right?... right?... 😬
  8. Hope that creatures is in a unit of three. If so, just found my proxy for some fellwater troggs. 😁 A little sculpting and bam!!!🀘
  9. Whoever sculpted this ork head, Geedubs, drop the leash and let them go wild!! It's on point!!!🀘✊️
  10. 2nd time quoted as I jut had a thought. This would be a great way to incorporate the Snarlfangs poisonous mouth that is addressed in lore but strangely absent from their warscroll rules.
  11. Legit!✊️ I say bring them in and make it a new spiritual successor to orcs & goblins.
  12. If we're going by armies in need of updates "technically" gitmob have one kit... ONE! 😝 So they should be first and foremost. Heh. They just suffer from the destro soup tome syndrome. All you other GAs don't know how well you have it. 😁
  13. I just use the sword versions of the cryptguard.
  14. @Whitefang Oh you cheeky buggÑ!!! 🀣🀣🀣
  15. Double post. πŸ˜… was as excited as a snarlfang pup on its first hunt. Heh.
  16. This is not a rumor but you could call it a bread crumb. When the gloomies wave released that snarlfang were apart of I made a post about further expansion in the form of a chariot hero and a mounted shaman as well as bringing along their own kind of trogg but could not see an infantry kit as too much gloomy overlap and all of this in the form of a regiment or army of renown. I did get a whitest of the fangs like HOWEVER there was also some other bits In there as well about adding armor to rockguts to better match gitmob, another bit about the basic gloomies grot kit getting updated that it would be rad to see the little mushroom blow dart fella from the underworlds kit replace shootas, and maybe more. It was many moons ago and I don't know how to find that old of a post. Whitefang may have been hinting or may have just liked an idea I had. Again, bread crumbs. But there is that one RE pic that is a damn near identical arm to the gitmob and krules grots sooo yeah... I'm right there with ya for more in that design though!🀘🐺🀘It's an absolutely fantastic glow up of a kit and the bits of lore so far are on point! But I digress, it's such a great time for the rat fans that it's hard not to get excited for y'all. Not for me as it would be next levels of impossible to top the wonderful surprise that was Kruleboyz for this destro fan but gitmob... oh, you smelly lil green dubious raiders, you... are a very close second. And to see the same sculptor(s) do them was the bee's knees!!
  17. (Squints eyes in gitmob) look harder.... 😜
  18. I've had an idea for a shipwreck graveyard themed board for awhile now. Like all smashed up in a cove but still playable on. Warcry would be the perfect size I think.
  19. I do hope that whitefang confused reaction is pertaining to your gitmob reference, @Shankelton. 🀞
  20. You rat fans have got to be getting all gooey fo sho!! Been a long time coming. Hope it's everything y'all could want. πŸ€œπŸ€›πŸ€πŸ€˜
  21. Just need to lay it out on a board, glue it down and start shaping your base foundation. @Dracovski has some great points. I'd suggest an initial layer or two of just glue over foam for a solid working foundation then start with texture. Just need to pick a landscape type; rocky steppes, dessert, jungle, etc so you have a good design flow and focus to follow. Again as it's your first I'd find an image of one you like and just copy it's layout then just tweak to your preference and materials available. Like you could use the layout of that 2nd and use your coffeesticks and cardboard to make some burned out or ruined structures. One last thing is be patient. This isn't an overnight project so don't rush the important steps like preparing the foam for a good base so your project has a solid foundation. One more last thing, heh, if you go through with it... POST THEM W.I.P. PICS, forum friend!!! 🀘
  22. That second pic is impressive! I'd open the buildings up but overall damn nice. I'd say find one you like, copy it and tweak to your liking. Keep it simple and start with step one, the ground. You stated not flat so go from there. What kind of foam do you have?
  23. @Gitzdee A few questions to get the focus going may help. Are you thinking modular or fixed design? What is the landscape you're wanting? Will it have buildings or all wilds?
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