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Posts posted by Sahrial

  1. 7 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

    Stonehorn monstrous rampage: if you charge then you can move 3d6 inches and move over models but it must end that movement 3 inches from any enemy unit

    … huh. That’s… Yknow that’s not what I was expecting but do that on enemy player’s turn and get it out of combat to set up a charge on yours… that’s potent. Sort of a mini Manfred game of catch me if you can, with impact hits.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Plinketts Mawtribes said:

    Shame the new Ogor dice are basically plain white d6s, I was hoping for pink/red meat coloring at least. Well, at least the book is coming!

    Giving them a mottled white-yellow bone look would have been great imo

    • Like 1
  3. 28 minutes ago, Plinketts Mawtribes said:

    Just...please just give me my Mawtribes battletome preorder.

    My lgs friend confirmed it wasn’t in their preorder list for today but I was hoping GW might pull a fast one on us. Sadly no. Fingers crossed for a preview tomorrow.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Bog_Goblin said:

    Hyped for the gloomspite one!


    I thought the second was sylvaneth, although maybe it’s not organic enough, and I don’t know too much about sylvaneth… heraldry? But the eyes, mouth, horns…



    Honestly I thought the same thing, and the fact there hasn’t been a sylvaneth tie in to the gnarlwood is criminal, but I also have a hard time believing they’ll get something after the update wave they fit thisnsummer

    • Like 1
  5. Alternatively: “We are really excited to reveal, and we think all our Sigmarites and Chaos Cultists will be too, coming next month… Age of Sigmar 4th Edition! We’ll be rolling out updated tomes for Lumineth Realm Lords and Disciples of Tzeentch first, along with a much needed new wave of expanded Stormcast models! Be on the look out for a roadmap being released soon! For all the Tomes still waiting on a 3rd edition tome, don’t worry! We’re releasing a battlescroll next week with great news for all of you!”

    /the battlescroll is an official announcement about non-updates factions being retired

    • Haha 1
    • Sad 1
  6. I’m happy for the chaos kids but also

    TWO rounds of s2d leaks and we’re still waiting on a delayed Ogor tome preorder to go live this is a CONSPIRACY i tells ya

    if we don’t get at least a preview on Sunday I’m gonna pick up 30k and buy almost exclusively Etsy minis

  7. 11 minutes ago, novakai said:

    I mean in this edition is probably too late for Fyreslayer, Deepkin and Ironjawz to get one at this point in time

    It’s been less than a year for FS and IDK, basically a year for IJ. This edition isn’t even half over with yet, from my understanding. I’d imagine there’s a good chance for any army to get some kind of update as we pass the halfway point and see some prep for actual end of edition.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, Plinketts Mawtribes said:

    How is it that the Sons book is releasing before the Mawtribes? The Sons' last book was more recent (also designed with 3.0 in mind, according to talk), and they had a WD update shortly after.

    Because they love the giants more.

    im really hoping the delay is because it’s just that awesome

  9. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    For sure. I want to say one last thing before I get back on topic, though. I think for non-competitive players of fairly skill-rewarding games (games without huge random swings), Johnny is probably the most common player type. People who want to do clever stuff but don't primarily care about winning or competition are, in my opinion, exactly the kinds of people drawn to complex strategy games with a casual player base. I think the difference between the guy who just wants to show up, roll some dice and have a good time (Timmy) and the guy who spends forever tayloring his list to do very specific things that are uniquely his own (Johnny) is real enough that the distinction is useful.

    Now you have me thinking about colour identities of AoS armies again. I will have to make a contentious list at some point.

    Mtg colors AoS armies

    CoS five color too many options
    DoK b/r
    Fs r
    Idk u/w
    Ko r/u/w
    LRL g/u/w
    Ser r/u/w
    SCE w - artifacts
    Sylv b/g/u
    BoC g/r
    BoK b/r
    Dot b/u/w
    Hos b/r/u
    Mon b/g
    Rats 5 color all clans all mana yes yes
    S2d b + allied legion colors re commander rules
    Bonesplitters g/r
    Ironjaws b/r
    Kruleboyz b/g/r
    Big waagh b/g/r/I
    Gutbusters b/r/g
    Beastclaw raiders r/g/u
    Gitz b/r/u
    SoBs r
    FEC b/r
    OBR b/w
    Sbgl b/r/w
    Nh b/u
  10. Making the star Drake red was

    a choice.

    Something feels weird about Stormcast being Boros. White for sure. But like… I dunno I kinda feel like artifact/colorless plus white more than a secondary color, but if you had to have one, blue more than red.

    every Stormcast soldier should be a “artifact creature - human soldier”

  11. 9 minutes ago, willange said:

    I think you mean WWE super slam gargants!!

    “It’s King Brodd!!! With a steel chair!!!!”

    ” He’s throwing him like a ragdoll!!!”

    ” Invisible John Cena noises “

    Honestly if someone doesn’t customize pro wrestler outfits and accessories on their gargants im gonna lose what little faith in humanity I have left

    • Haha 6
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