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Everything posted by Sahrial

  1. New Durthu leaked im iffy on it being 50pts better but it is better
  2. Exactly. I never really bothered because they’d just get shot or otherwise killed off the board the second something looked at them too harshly
  3. I am so hyped for this queen of wrath and thorn
  4. Fr if anyone has some sylvaneth book or echoes warscroll leaks for the units besides bows and archers tonight would be really good for it. Please? I could use some good news.
  5. Yeah. Honestly I’d much rather see the wyldwoods play a more dynamic role in the army depending on play style, and be easier to get on the board and/or turn other terrain features into wyldwoods
  6. Ogors deserve some love and I’m going to be obstinate and optimistic and say we’ll get exactly that
  7. I’m gonna be big sad if SoB instead of Ogors or Gitz get a new book but LRL clearly proves there’s no limit to updates on healthy armies in a short time. more eggs in my sylvaneth basket I guess
  8. It definitely feels one list gets quality and one gets quantity. 10 expensive, mostly new models vs 30 cheaper but all old models except 1. im already made pans to go halvsies with a friend who wants to start skaven and I’m gonna end up buying them some extra rats so I don’t feel like I’m ripping them off.
  9. So at 3 a pop are we expecting the sylvaneth lancers to run more like plague drones? Eels? Terradons? Flying gore gruntas?
  10. Well they did say sylvaneth was the summer tome, along with skaven, didn’t they? I was hoping the closer than we think comment might mean earlier in summer rather than end of the quarter, but like it is GW
  11. I wouldn’t be completely surprised if dawnbringer mentioned at all was thrown together last minute because they cut something due to last week’s leaks. It had the least substance to the trailer, just a voiceover on the coin.
  12. I’ve already had to deal with police and an anxiety attack today and I’m only 2 hours into my work shift I WANT MY TREES AND OGORS
  13. It’s like they haven’t even seen the new sbgl underworlds kit
  14. Kurnoth being reborn and getting a mini would be the phenomenal I hadn’t even thought of that holy ******
  15. Alarielle please be bountiful this thursday
  16. on the one hand I could believe it kurnothi beetle cavalry on the other I could also believe it’s a git. really a coin flip. i hate mondays. Be Thursday.
  17. That would feel very out of left field to me, and I really hope gitz and mawtribes are on the docket before a new destruction faction releases. Drogrukh also feel like they’d inevitably be mega-gargants lite, like BCR running all stonehorns, and that seems like an odd way to double down on an existing play style when updating those existing armies is needed. I guess we’ll see either way
  18. I’m a big fan of transparency. A bit of “this was the intent” can go a long way in explaining why things are a certain way.
  19. So this really has been the best day ever for leaks imo. Those NH pages. God I’m excited for the future. I got my whole weekend’s worth of dopamine today.
  20. They did a week of teasers that led up to a single box reveal. A lot of people in my discord chats and on Reddit were pretty livid, myself included. It’s an admittedly small sample size but if it was proportionate with the global community… /assumptions made
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