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Everything posted by Sahrial

  1. As much as the butcher model does need upgrading… I’m also gonna be a little disappointed if that’s all we get, skaven style, just because. Well… so many of us have made great kitbashed butchers and I sort of love that about our army culture lmao ogors players have done so much kitbashing on the whole thanks to the fact our model torsos and legs are so interchangeable. I kind of hope that stays, somewhat.
  2. Agreed. So much about the stats don’t make a ton of sense, even through the lens of game balance formula. Being high-wound chunks of meat that tank damage vs negate it is really the only thing I think is really on point. gluttons need reach and rend ironguts and mournfang need more rend. mournfang and thundertusks need a general upgrade. leadbelchers are… surprisingly okay but overcosted
  3. Well, I guessed like half the sylvaneth battletome months in advance when I was writing up a custom update as a thought exercise, including Season of War focused around AWW almost point for point, so we’ll see if I’m actually a prophet of AoS. Lol
  4. Alternatively ”The Moonlight Feast” very whimsical. Romantic even.
  5. Okay so I know everyone is pretty sure the autumn tomes are LRL DoT SoB GSG and most comments I see seem to have it be LRL vs DoT? so then it would be destruction vs destruction? Giants vs gitz? That seems like a weird matchup to me.
  6. Sentinels didn’t change at all?? Theyre UNPLAYABLE Now!!!
  7. Sylvaneth points from potato cam photo on discord Battleline: Dryads 100 Tree revenants 110 Conditional battleline: Treelord, oakenbrow army 260 Kurnoth hunters, heartwood army Bows 230 Scythes 250 Swords 250 Spite revenants, dreadwood army 105 Revenant Seekers, Harvestboon army, 235 Spiterider Lancers, Harvestboon army, 210 Leaders: Arch-Revenant 120 Branchwraith - Unlisted - Branchwych 130 Drycha 335 Ylthari (and guardians) 180 Lady of Vines 325 Warsong Revenant 305 Alarielle 840 Treelord Ancient 360 Spirit of Durthu 370 Other: Gossamid archers 220 Skaeth’s Wild Hunt 110 Endless spells: Spiteswarm Hive 40 Gladewyrm 50 Vengeful skull root 60 Awakened Wyldwood 0 faction terrain Allies: CoS, Fyreslayers, IDK, SCE
  8. “We Realized Coalesced Was Bad. Here’s the opposite of that. Which is good. Yes. Good. Give us money now.”
  9. Yknow what GW fine I’m gonna make all my mournfang bounty hunters and lose every game but wreck all your puny veterans I can.
  10. Anti-Ogor Summer confirmed well, not confirmed, but like…
  11. Or just the fact they’re actual huge people with long arms and weapons. They got reach. If dryads have 2” so should Ogors.
  12. I’ve seen both version, and since it’s rumors we really can’t know until it’s released. Fingers crossed I guess.
  13. They have 4 wounds and the rumor I saw said less than 4, not less than 5, so they aren’t applicable.
  14. I really hope these GHB rumors aren’t as true as some other rumors. RIP Ogors. Especially my mournfangs are gonna suffer.
  15. Tbf it’s also necessity. If you tell Americans our money isn’t worth as Koch as the euro they get really angry.
  16. Nothing official. Until we get to pre release date where people are getting advance copies I’m gonna be skeptical on anything. 16” sounds possible for a flyer cavalry though.
  17. I’ve heard a few but nothing I feel comfortable is true to be quoting it
  18. primer, what y’all are talking about is primer.
  19. My gut says a gem/crystal version of contrast. Something that dries hard looking and glossy but is easy to apply.
  20. Other than them being the next issue, I don’t think so, but I’m sure we’ll see issue leaks soon, as people get advanced copies or they hit stores early.
  21. Sounds like whitefang took the advice to start spreading chaos to people analyzing their every action to heart you reap what you sow, TGA
  22. Agreed. Wait until 4.0 and refreshes are completed to roll out a whole new army.
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