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Everything posted by Sahrial

  1. Noooooooooooooo Id rather not get Ogors updated until next year rather than see them comboed. hate hate hate
  2. Just gonna throw it out there that the wiz kids Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures giants scale very nicely with mancrushers and fit wonderfully on the appropriate base.
  3. People point to the s2d cover and the roadmap with nothing else in winter as proof it’ll be a standalone release and I’m just like… we only got it on the roadmap because of leaks they 100% never intended to give us winter on the roadmap. There’s other stuff coming that season.
  4. If the people claiming Ogors and Gargants are getting merged wind up being right, I’m not gonna lie, I’m gonna be a little peeved.
  5. We still don’t have the sylvaneth vanguard. I’d be surprised if any hints of those two arrive before the books.
  6. Yeah the vibe I got was always “someone thought this would be a cool way to imply the world is bigger and had more people than we see and there’s nothing more to it” and a bunch of people were like “well this is clearly an Easter egg for a new faction” instead of taking it at face value
  7. Yknow, considering the LRL/DoT books are effectively already confirmed with the box in Pre order, my gut tells me they may not actually be the the big news at nova. I’m mean, why reveal something everyone already knows is coming like that, right? i think the destro times are gonna be the big AoS announcement. I hope, anyway.
  8. No idea. It was just the box contents scrolls
  9. Saw some LRL DoT box scrolls and it seems like a bit of a nerf for DoT just on those but we know how box does not translate to book. more interesting to me is that Tzaangors got changed to “Tzaangor Host”, and don’t have the BoC keyword on their scrolls like “Tzaangors” do now. that could just be because it’s for the box and don’t need it, but could be neat if they’re splitting the warscroll too and each army has their own slightly different rules for them
  10. On the topic of releases, it’s been a minute since the LRL-DoT box was revealed. Shouldn’t we be getting close to that Pre-order? I feel like we should have had some more info drop for the armies.
  11. It would be pretty sweet if all three other destro armies get something. Gitz and Ogors both really need it. Gitz just need such a general refresh, if not as bad as skaven, and a rules update, and Ogors need some serious toolkit expansion, and the finecast models updated. SoB are fine imo but I won’t complain about them getting an expansion if it means the other two get what they deserve.
  12. What tubes? You mean the ornamental spines and neck bones?
  13. They became vampires through Hrunspuul, hound of cairns, instead of Nagash, but they do follow him. I’m not 100% on the specifics of the arrangement but by head cannon is it’s an allegiance of convenience.
  14. I feel this buddy. I really love my Ogors. I also play sylvaneth so they’ve been keeping me distracted for a minute along with starting a BoC army. Before that I was chomping at the bit for any scrape of an update.
  15. I dunno about waste. I have a practice game for a doubles tournament next weekend to look forward to. oh, you meant in regards to news. Yes. Yes it’s a waste. Gottdangit geedubbya
  16. Fwiw He reacted to the post I made about him reacting to random stuff to throw people off so… Just saying lol
  17. The LRL book will leak on September 30th at 6:57 pm CST, the day before it goes on Preorder. It will be accompanied by the Tzeentch book, and a hoaxed destruction battletome two days later, featuring rules for a Gargants and Gitz faction merger that will be disproven within the hour by a press release from GW officially updating the roadmap to show the actual destruction tomes, and an unspecified tome that s2d will be paired with in winter. so says Sahrial, who looks into time, and speaks the visions of What Will Be
  18. So my totally on topic AoS rumor that I heard just now when I made it up is that Ogors are going to be revamped to be Maneater focused, with five new kits that optionally go together to make a super big Ogorgant kit like Voltron.
  19. Listen, all I’m saying is there’s lots of completely fictional monsters, including the shape shifting variety, that GW can steal and remarket as their own IP. im really confused by the sudden investment in using a particular label in a faction that doesn’t actually exist??
  20. No worries, mate, I figured as much. 🤘🤘
  21. Brodd asked a question about the context of whether something they said was offensive. i just gave context. D&D doing something problematic with optional monster and lore is neither the same as, or grounds to make it acceptable for, GW to do something culturally appropriative and misrepresentative. im not against the theme design by any means but we can just call them werewolves or lycanthropes or something entirely unrelated to the real world terminology and lore.
  22. Epidermis Pedestrians are a very real part of certain indigenous American culture and folklore, even saying the actual name is taboo. Using them in fantasy/horror fiction has fallen out of favor in recent years because of the insensitivity to the subject.
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