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Everything posted by Sahrial

  1. GW can’t decide if they want to bring back the dad or not and are making it everyone else’s problem
  2. We know we’re getting two destruction tomes in the autumn quarter, and apparently it’s Gitz and Sons according to rumors (I keep seeing people @Whitefang ) (did I do the summoning right?) I have to assume S2D is not actually the only winter tome, and they only announced its existence because of the leaks. that means there’s a chance of that being the Everwinter Quarter? But more likely next year, is my cynical feeling. winter with Death could be a thing and I agree OBR needs the update most. maybe we’ll get lucky and winter will also be a big release quarter.
  3. I feel similarly. There’s a lot of “in spirit” sameness but I think the new versions are definitely cleaner and have more utility, and isn’t that exactly what you want in an update?
  4. Good news for the rat men. Excited to see what the rest of the book brings.
  5. Indeed. They need to merge stuff into similar units so models are still useable, but the way they’re going 80% of the game will be SCE warscrolls by 2030.
  6. SCE honestly… needs their roster cleared out. Will it happen? No. but they need it.
  7. Super real and why I added the unverified disclaimer. I’m taking it as speculation until proven otherwise, but hoping someone here could prove or disprove.
  8. The following info is unverified and relayed to me in text form Spiterider lancers - 225 for 3 3 wounds Save 4+ Bravery 6 16” move Lance/2/3+/3+/-1/2 - extra rend and damage on charge Fangs and claws/2/3+/3+/-1/d3 Poison sting/1/2+/2+/-1/d6, d6MW on hit of 6 180 for alternative build, fight worse, but resurrect d3 models or heal d6 wounds
  9. Preorder reveal and no Sylvaneth book sadly. Maybe next week. 😭
  10. If you have a Grungni issue, here is a Grungni tissue! G to the R to the N U G N I Grungni wasn’t thereeee
  11. Me, shouting into a pot of soup: “THATS IT! HAND IT OVER! GIVE ME MY TOME!”
  12. I will eat the book and use it’s power to curse GW
  13. What you did was received as inflammatory and uncalled for by the community. What everyone else did was a form of self-policing consisting of corrective social behavior. There is ample anthropological evidence for why one is condoned and the other is not.
  14. There’s 100% point changes. I think that was officially announced even, we just don’t know what and how much. I’m buying a lot of books this summer I guess.
  15. Except for the cost of buying the models I’d definitely be into reasons the field more revenants and dryads instead of taking the minimum I need to make my list of heroes and kurnoth hunters, for sure.
  16. The big hope, yeah. I’m keeping the branch-fingers crossed for a 3” range on “you’re too close to the woods effect” abilities to balance that out.
  17. Because GW is trolling us is what I’ve come up with. It makes no sense to me, either.
  18. i still think it’s pretty crappy that both armies have had years (if not as bad as skaven or BoC) without a real update or refresh. i guess I’ll just hope for Ogors when they expand the roadmap in for what’s coming out in winter w s2d. /resigned sigh for Everwinter jokes
  19. Yknow I was so happy when I saw two destruction tomes because SoB is in such a solid place that I was sure Gitz and Ogors were getting the upgrades they need. This makes me really sad.
  20. Do we actually have a timeline beyond the roadmap for any of the WHFest updates? I know people are talking about DoK/NH books next week, but are we expecting summer tomes or any other releases before, I dunno, September?
  21. Overgrown feels like it’s something to do with turning existing terrain into wyldwoods which is something I’ve been pitching forever as an idea to combat wyldwood placement issues. im very excited see what it is
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