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Everything posted by Goatforce

  1. I mean, maybe the Chaos Kits like the new Chaos Lord and Chaos Warriors will come before christmas, but no rumours on that (that I know of), just guessing GW might want it out for Christmas.
  2. Hahaha, apologies I misread what you wrote 😅
  3. Maybe, but Votann didn't get one this year remember. Personally think it is more likely the completely new armies will generally get a christmas box the year after they release, as the release boxes they get might be judged as enough of a high discounted option for a year. May well be wrong though
  4. Yeah I was talking to a friend when they were shown, and I said exactly the same thing, really suprising there were no Eldar. yep, this is one of the reasons I don't have any interest in 40K as a game, if it isn't Space Marines or at least Imperium it hardly gets any support, especially if it is Xenos. I mean AoS is definitely not perfect in this regard (looks at Fyreslayers having 3 units to its 8 or so heroes compared to SCE), but it is not nearly so bad and certainly not so brazen in its bias.
  5. So they did 8 boxes but literally no Xenos.... Peak 40K support that is 🤣
  6. You think Warcry is bad? Try Adeptus Titanicus! There hasn't been a non-FW model release for that in a year, and that was a variant of a model from a year and a half ago! Even the FW stuff is pretty sparse. Makes me sad
  7. Not necessarily. There is a lot of hype for them thanks to them being the only races that didn't make the jump (in some form or other) to AoS, it also would mean a fair few of the races - most I believe - in Fantasy might be able to be played off the bat due to a lot of cross compatability between AoS and OW I assume will exist (can use cities stuff for Empire and such, Soulblight for VCs etc so long as you get square bases). Since there is nothing currently that offers what they offer they might be a decent choice. That said I think Kislev vs Chaos is probably more likely, one of the new races vs the classic big bad makes more sense to me. I just don't think that a TK vs Bret box would be a bad way to go if they went that way.
  8. Well I've commented asking him on his video, if he gets back to me with them I will post them here if someone else hasn't found something out on them by then
  9. I've heard that there are rumours on the Christmas Battleboxes floating about. Valrak's youtube channel mentioned that both the 40K and AoS boxes had apparently come out (again in rumour), but of course he seemed to neglect to mention what the AoS ones supposedly are. Any word on here about that?
  10. In the Warcry map that revealed the Warcry Warbands or at least hinted them, was there a Slaanesh one? As those Slaaneshi pics could be from a Warcry set. Though I guess a Slaanesh book does need to come out sooner or later given we are halfwat through the edition.
  11. Yeah I agree, though they should at the very least be equivalent to Stormcast Paladins in general in terms of strength, even if they aren't Annihilator strength.
  12. Not too far as these things go then! Wonder what they will announce. I assume: - A Warcry box (as aren't they quarterly now?) seems fairly likely - A new UW Warband perhaps, or another box idk how many standalones they release for that before a new box. - For AoS, perhaps More stuff for the Ogres, as I assume Brodd is the only thing Behemat is getting and hopefully they will at least replace resin kits, though knowing GW they might just leave it at the Hunter. Also the cover reveals for Ogres and SoB I think is inevitable. Maybe a bit more STD as there might be more for that, Chaos Warriors and Knight kits would be my guess. That's probably all and I doubt they will do any reveals for next years stuff until December. Think those are fairly safe bets, outside the outlandish idea that GW will update Ogre resin kits in the next release! Other than that I hope that Titanicus gets a big reveal, but not too confident on that one, pure hopium.
  13. Whatever happened to the Seraphon vs Sons of Behamat box thing from years ago btw? Was that a fake leak in the end? The whole SoB getting stuff thing reminds me of that!
  14. They were in the lore, quite a few references to them attacking ships and stuff, and I seem to recall they may be referenced in a Gotrek and Felix short story but I may be wrong about that. We know they took over a Lizardmen city that sunk into the ocean, and I think they are in the underground sea under Naggoroth too. So they are absolutely a thing, I think there were even rumours that GW were planning a model line for them if they hadn't blown up the world, but that is very much pinch of salt - they might have modified there plans into the Idoneth though. Even if they didn't they seem to be bringing back the Lovecraftian style fishmen references back with the Idoneth book as I seem to remember that references an ancient enemy in the deep seas that is remeniscent of the little we knew about the Fishmen.
  15. Nice! Also finally a preview I shouldn't be in work for!
  16. There is some sort of delay, rumour is that the pre-order was meant to go up but didn't so they are holding off on the trailer.
  17. Is Gencon the one next week? I forget do we normally get a preview then?
  18. I think Order is, for the most part, the loose "alliance" of the pantheon of the Gods and their devotees or creations of the Age of Myth that stand against Chaos. The exceptions being the 2 gods formerly of that Pantheon who have their own Grand Alliance, Nagash and GorkaMorka. Order I think is mostly a "enemy of my enemy is my friend" kinda a deal. Death is pretty much getting what you suggest as Nagash has been taken out of the picture, at least temporarily, by Teclis, and to my knowledge the Grand Alliance is in flux as a lot of the more "independant" Mortarchs (i.e. the ones who don't want to serve Nagash) are taking advantage, whilst the more loyal Mortarchs are either tied up (katakross and perhaps Olynder in the 8 Points campaign) or also temporarily out of the picture too (Arkhan after his duel with Eltharion). Personally I think Destruction fits as an "other". Their unifying factor is Gorkamorka, but ultimately they are basically the "non-Chaos Chaos", they are an anti-order group of races that are not aligned with the Chaos gods. Their honoring of strength I guess also means that with a strong enough leader (Kragnos for example) they are actually one of the more unified GAs sometimes. Chaos, as you say, is one that fits together best (the irony is that in some ways Chaos is more unified than Order imo), obviously they are unified by the Dark Gods, and Archaon as an overall commander but obviously that is a little loose with such fractious groups over an area the size of the realms. Ultimately I like the Grand Alliance system, and so long as it is interpreted fairly loosely (the forces of Order being generally more opposed to the other GAs than any of the factions that compose it) I think it works as a way to organise the playable armies into distinct groups - and does it far better than WH:FB's "Order" and "Destruction" breakdown.
  19. It is odd, the Titanicus starter set seems to sell very well, at least it often seems to sell out quickly on 3rd party sellers. I am hoping it is a quiet period before a new edition and big release. I have heard rumours of Aeronautica being integrated with Titanicus though, and rumours of Epic returning, maybe AT is waiting for some of that stuff, at least I hope!
  20. Well..... No Adeptus Titanicus... Again I am sad
  21. Maybe the mythical Seraphon vs Sons of Behemat box? Or was that a fake? I remember it being a big thing a few years ago.
  22. Ouch, for that I would have expected some sort of "Elusive killer" rule which would give it a 5+ Ward or something, or at least a 6+.
  23. Not so sure about that, they certainly had time to publish a second book for the Lumineth, which to me suggests it wasn't supply line based (especially since as I recall the supply line issues hit books worst for GW). But whilst a Lumineth wave whilst races like Skaven have so many badly outdated madels is pretty bad, to me a book with nothing else to really show for it when it has kinda been established that Lumineth books come with a wave and new temple is almost worse - would really prefer them to just wait until next year so the book gap is not too small this time and release the 3rd edition book with the 3rd wave, maybe around the time Malarion (hopefully) comes. Would be so much better for any Lumineth "fixes" to come in an FAQ document like the ones the now release quarterly which messes around with some rules to bring them into line and maybe fixes some broken warscrolls. But I guess they can't charge £30 for that.
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