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Everything posted by Lithdaydora

  1. Sadly, I believe you can only use the Kings ability at the end of your own charge phase. Great report though, hope it was fun!
  2. I played a friendly game against my friends Coalesced Thunderlizard Seraphon last night on Savage Gains using this list: I don't know Seraphon all that well, but he had a Slaan, Skink priest, a Bastiladon, a Engine of the Gods, three units of two Salamanders, three units of skinks as screens, and probably something else I am forgetting. He was also a two drop and won the roll off, so made me go first. I picked the Low and Flood tide rituals, as I knew I'd be the one doing the advancing in this game. I turtled with everything apart from the shark and the Storm Eidolon, which moved up to barely within 6" of the left middle objective, and ended the turn. He shuffled everything forwards, did a few mortal wounds to different units, but nothing crazy, and got a unit of Salamanders within 12" of the shark, killing it. However, he had brought all his Salamanders too close to the screens, something I was keen to take advantage off. He won the roll off for turn 2, but he didnt want the chance of a turn three double so he let me have the turn. With some really good run rolls everything went up the field. One unit of Salamanders were wiped out in the Reavers shooting, and my king, a unit of Thralls, and the Storm Eidolon slammed into his ranks. The King popped his ability for himself and the Thralls. The Thralls wiped the skink screen, then got the Dhom-Hain charge into a unit of bigger lizard bois the Engine had summoned, wiping them as well. The King wiped a unit of Salamanders with ease, and the Eidolon wiped most of the third unit of Salamanders, which then died to battleshock as my friend forgot to save a command point for it (I don't think it would have mattered at that point anyway). This sort of decided the match, as he had very little left, but we played till the end of Round 4 where I had managed to table him. The extra 6 VP's from the Salamanders definetly gave me a tidy lead which he couldnt come back from. All in all, I really liked my list, I felt like I could get places quick with the Eidolons, Shark and King, making them threats while my Thralls pushed up. Reavers are really good, just a single unit was very effective. The Storm Eidolon is not very good (the -1 damage from Thunderlizard made it even worse) but was able to be a big pain, stuck things in combat and forced shooting on him instead of anything else, and with finest hour and the 5+ ward he was surprisingly tanky. I also just really like Eidolons, so want them both regardless. It was great fun, I'm really enjoying the new book!
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