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Everything posted by Cdance93

  1. AoS would be worse off without the double. Without a doubt - those who dislike it are usually ones who refuse to play around it
  2. It's just an issue since AOS was rolled from a new game - give it about 2 years and itll be quite stable
  3. Yeah I wouldnt mind seeing some tweaks to them specifically but choosing one per turn, while I dont love, isnt so bad,
  4. No they clearly state spell lore is part of faction packs
  5. They showed a surprising amount off about the rules for 10th, so I expect to at least know most of the high level stuff.
  6. He's LARPing as a Skaven bell until the reveals
  7. I dunno - I find it very hard to believe they would squat an entire army this late into the game. I mean sure, it happened with Chorfs in end of 2nd but I don't think they received any support if I'm not mistaken. I personally don't see it happening
  8. Ah thank you, pre-coffee brain missed that!
  9. Maybe @SG Warhound has a pic to back it up? 😁🙈
  10. two really great things that can happen for AOS. USR are absolutely the way to go for balance as well
  11. Keep a close eye on the cinematic, for 9th, 10th and 3rd they revealed pretty much all of the new units in the box just in the cinematic so at least you'll know what units are coming even if you dont get to see the figures.
  12. its not UK but you should be able to deduce
  13. I take offense! We are not arrogant, we are... enlightened
  14. Who says they didn't have sweet kicks back in Fantasy times?
  15. I missed these mentions! where in the tome?
  16. I'm not sure we'll ever get a Zenith temple tbh - Its supposed to be 'rare' , would be cool to see what these "strange" aelementari would be. Also happy you said just Tyrion , I always see people saying "Tyrion's wave of releases" and think... guys thats the vanari - they're already here.
  17. Isn't 2nd wave already up? (All Bretonnia and TK stuff)
  18. I don't play 40k but I thought it was doing ok? What's the current state like
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