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Everything posted by Sabush

  1. A lot of people would've assumed it was for Bretonnia and then gotten really disappointed and salty hehe.
  2. For me its mostly wishlisting, coming from a DE-player in WHFB. But there's also Har Kuron and Khainite Shadowstalkers that link it together in the AoS-setting.
  3. This is very interesting, I missed that. Maybe its a Har Kuron Army of Renown?
  4. It is just one with different build options. Or am I missing something?
  5. In my opinion having the rules in an app/online is better for casuals. As you say, they aren't thinking about FAQs etc, but if the rules are kept up to date in an app/online they don't have to! And I think kids today have great knowledge of using apps and finding information online. Sorry for continuing this off topic discussion, btw. Rumour talk: I wonder when the new kruleboyz warcry warband will be released and I'm very interested in seeing the AoS-rules for it.
  6. I would love if they made rules free online downloads and then the battletomes could focus on lore, paint guides, strategy tips, sample army lists, etc.
  7. Finished up the 10 spearboyz. They were already 70% done from before the summer. Now onto a big task of 20 gutrippaz and 6 boltboys. Have a tournament in the middle of october and would like to have them painted by then. Wish me luck!
  8. Finished up my Sludgeraker that I started last month. Next up is finishing 10 gutrippaz thst I have already started on. And after that I’d like to assemble and base 20 more gutrippaz and 6 boltboys.
  9. I'm beyond ready for an orruk "civil" war that leads to the battletome splitting into two (or three*). (*I don't care for Bonesplitters personally and would rather see their aesthetics split between IJ and KB)
  10. I don't think that's moss, I think its shedding the velvet of its antlers. My guess is Kurnothi. But could also be BoC or Ogors.
  11. I think it looks great! Distinct Ironjawz look but still different enough from brutes/megaboss.
  12. I’m intested in trying out the Gloomspite Regiment of Renown in a 2k list in the new GHB. Has anyone tried it? How did it perform?
  13. Finished up the mirebrute troggoth. Pretty happy with how it turned out! Now its time to paint the 10 gutrippaz.
  14. Nicely done! One question. What does CA stand for?
  15. This month I will try and finish 10 Gutrippaz and 1 Mirebrute Troggoth.
  16. Man that’s a great looking killaboss. Wish it was available to the rest of the world…
  17. Finished up the Murknob and have primed and based 10 Gutrippaz and a Mirebrute Troggoth.
  18. Is it OK to get hyped for more Kruleboyz simply based off of this Facebook-comment?
  19. Sure, but the background looks orcish. So maybe the death/life is for AoS, but the orc-background is for 40K?
  20. This RE is very interesting IMO. The hand doesn't look like anything else in 40K or AoS AFAIK. It has claws and is very dark skinned. Much darker skin than most things I can think of in the game. Maybe Belakor comes closest. Based on the detailed painting on the claw I'm also guessing the hand is quite big. Also looks like it's using some sort of magic. My guess is either some sort of Chaos daemon or some kind of Malerion-/Ulgu-creature (I have a suspicion Malerion's elves will be dark skinned).
  21. I think my main issue with kruleboyz is the lack of variety in playstyles. I think it would be very good to have the possibility to lean into a whole bunch of other strategies. Such as: Ambush, Big scary monsters, Heavy debuffing, Movement shenanigans including slowing down enemies or even pinning them completely. All of these could quite easily fit thematically as well.
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