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Everything posted by crew4man

  1. @commisarh As SlayerofMen put it, that's just old warhammer. And nothing wrong with that, just most people didn't want to play it, as @Chikout mentioned. @Kamose It's interesting that we've gotten to the point where complexity is a concern, since one of the major goals of AoS was to murder rules creep by destroying the game. @Wraith01 wisely points out that a key draw was it's original pretty simple nature. I highly recommend the goonhammer on this: https://www.goonhammer.com/age-of-sigmar-a-5-year-retrospective On the note of simplicity though, just because the game continues to add rules or mechanics or explanations or clarifications doesn't actually mean the game is collapsing under the weight of rules if the fundamentals are still clear in most cases. Twilight Imperium to me is a good example of a game with alot of rules but is still actually fairly simple at the end of the day, or a Dota 2 -- the basics of what you're doing are easy enough, there's just a huge swathe of details that you learn as life moves apace. In contrast, a game like Twilight Struggle or Europa Universalis IV are just complex and even figuring out what the shape of the game is like requires some homework. @EccentricCircle & @yukishiro1 mention AA. But I'm willing to say that switching from IGUG to AA is such a fundamental switch as to just have made a different game, and at that point you would not be in charge of making AOS, but some different game 😛 And there's more opportunity than ever to play on the other turn. In terms of my own thoughts? More should be done with the whole 'mortal realms' aspect of the setting.
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