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Everything posted by Lordkroaq

  1. Hey! I also started a ptg just recently and think I can help you a little bit. The most important thing is to distinguish between core enhancements and bonus enhancements. In ptg you get your usual core enhancements and are able to earn additional bonus enhancements by unlocking them via quests or territories, etc. You get core enhancements as per the core rules, this is described in step 4 of creating your path to glory army. The core enhancements are described in the core rules ( number 27.3) so you get one artefact, one command trait (which your warlord has to take) one mount trait (mount traits and command traits are not the same), one triumph and unique enhancements if your battletome mentions them. You also get one spell lore and one prayer scripture as core enhancements. What you highlighted in yellow are the warscroll abilities of your unit (the 2 under unit abilities), those are not enhancements, and the spells that that wizard knows. Every Wizard knows mystic shield and arcane bolt and I guess the arch warlock knows warp lightning storm. Section 27.3.4 of the core rules mentions that when you pic a spell lore for your army you can then choose one of the spells from that lore for each wizard in your army, the same for prayer scriptures. You get those core enhancements since it is possible for you to play with your path to glory army against another player who isn't on a path to glory campaign (who also gets the core enhancements as per the core rules). PTG expands this by allowing you to take bonus enhacements that you've earned when you play against someone who is also using a path to glory army. This is explained in the path to glory rules under "fighting path to glory battles" and "fightring an opponent not on a path to glory campaign" I hope that helps somehwat?
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