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Big Kim Woof-Woof

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Posts posted by Big Kim Woof-Woof

  1. 13 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    That has been all greenskins since O&G. I wonder what the masterplan is, if any.

    I doubt there is one. I think we project the image of an all-powerful Tzeentchian GW with grand plans extending far into the future.... when in reality GW is more like a crazed Skaven warlord, desperately trying to hoard the most warpstone and changing its plan constantly. 

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  2. First job for the month will be to finish off Lascivyr. As you can see, not much to go... 


    After that, I'm still working on Glutos and his merry band of miscreants. 

    My 'fun' model for the month is this ancient piece of metal. He's another one I've been hanging on to forever! 20240602_111927.jpg.d8d98566f644977702328ea27e35a382.jpg


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  3. 4 hours ago, ZarFranz said:

    What is people’s opinion on a species being part of more than one Grand Alliance? Right now, only Humans and Ogors are part of more than one (not including Warcry and Underworld) but I would personally love to see more corrupted species with existing uncorrupted counterparts.

    Slaaneshi Aelves? Yes please! 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 43 minutes ago, Tonhel said:


    But there is always the possibility with GW that in 18 months they turned AoS 4th in a bloathed mess. I really liked how third started, but they lost me 2 or 3 GHB's ago.

    I hope that they'll be focusing their creative energy on getting the Battletomes all out in a reasonable time-frame, rather than fiddling around with additional rules and whatnot. 

    • Thanks 2
  5. 7 minutes ago, MitGas said:

     I think they could've helped the situation by taking a page out of WHFB's book - where not every new unit had actual models and people built their own until they were ready.

    Ah, back in the good old days. Before the phrase "kit-bashing" was even coined! 

    In the current climate, though, I guess GW don't want rival companies putting out models that are filling gaps in their own line. 

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  6. 34 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    I think it will be removed. The are making the rules very thight and balanced as possible. Allowing allies will unbalance it.

    That's what I suspected. 

    And absolutely no surprise that Coalition rules are being scrapped.... even in Third Edition they were being made less and less viable. A shame, because I've got loads of Slaves and Beasts units painted up in my collection's livery. Never mind, I've got almost enough Slaves stuff to run a separate army of that... and, assuming Beasts are getting a Spearhead, nearly enough for that too! 

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  7. 21 minutes ago, Sception said:

     the chaos factions need new basic core daemons

    Some more than others, I'd say. I think the Plaguebearers are holding their own, and the Horrors are OK. Khorne? Well, you can't polish a t... 

    As for the Slaanesh Daemons... I'd be happy either way. The current models are still good enough for me. True, they could be a lot more dynamic... but it effectively means re-doing the Daemonettes, Seekers, and all the Chariot permutations, because they've all got the interchangeable parts. Hell, it'd probably mean re-doing the Hellstriders too, as their Steeds are interchangeable as well. 

  8. 30 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    Also keep in mind Warcry as a vehicle to add in more units. If GW is planning to have at least one warband per faction KO, Slaanesh, Idoneth, Skaven, Gloomspite and Ironjawz (if they decide to split them from Kruleboyz) are left. Not counting Sons of Behemat because that just wouldn't really work. 

    I've been waiting for that damn Slaanesh warband for Warcry for what feels like an age now! I've been saying to myself that I'll get into the game properly when they release a Slaaneshi bunch. Still exercising my patience...

  9. 16 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    And I think the opposite (what a day I'm having xD)

    Spearhead marketing is focused on new players, and for a new player, watching an easy to achieve paint scheme is not as frustrating as watching a eavy metal work with tons of details and techniques.

    Yep. Seeing miniatures all painted up to an exquisite standard is all very well, but can be very dispiriting. I've never been a naturally skilled painter, and I often need to remind myself that my models don't have to be of a competition-winning standard. 

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  10. 15 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    I have that mini. I  miss inquisitor. I'd love to see gw try something in a larger scale again, especially if it's for AoS. 

    Wouldn't that be brilliant! I liked the idea of Inquisitor when it came out, but had no real interest in the 40k setting. An AoS-set large scale game would be tasty as hell. 

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  11. 3 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    I just love how clear the warscrolls are. Its easier know when to use an ability. Before i had to read everything a lot to know when to use something. Now i just start to read when its actually relevant, saves a lot of time and i get to enjoy the game more because less reading. 

    Same here. Maybe I'm getting old or I'm just plain thick or something, but I think the nice and clear, and colour-coded, rules on the Warscrolls is a vast improvement. 

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  12. 15 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    Hashut watching the rats rampaging thru the whole universe and enslaving/killing thousands of people:


    Hashut will have his membership upgraded to First Class Gold Star Proper Chaos God status before we know it. They're letting just anyone in these days... 

    • Haha 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Pizzaprez said:

    I could absolutely see Slaanesh speaking directly to people. Didn't that happen to Glutos? I forget.


    No, it was a Slaaneshi daemon called Loth'shar that appeared to Glutos. And is still talking to Glutos, come to that. 

  14. 1 minute ago, LordSolarMach said:

    In Realm of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness (1988), the writers use "he", while stating that Slaanesh is male on the left, female on the right.

    But yeah, Slaanesh has tended to be portrayed as fluid - both The Dark Prince, and She Who Thirsts.

    Basically He'll answer to any pronoun.

    Just like me. 

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