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Big Kim Woof-Woof

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Posts posted by Big Kim Woof-Woof

  1. 1 hour ago, Ragest said:

    There are tons of rumors about a refresh of daemons, from bearers to daemonettes, slaanesh chariots, letters and such.

    Are there? Intriguing. 

    Personally I don't think there's anything on the Slaanesh side that needs refreshing too urgently... aside from the Viceleader. 

  2. Here's some work in progress... I'm really not sure about it yet. I fear I might have made a hash of it by making the greyish/purple flesh tone too dark (bearing in mind that the claws and the stocking-things will be dark too). I'm hoping that a fair amount of gold detailing and iridescent horns will lift it up, so I'll keep working at it... 


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  3. I was half-expecting the Chaos Warshrine to bite the dust in this cull. It doesn't really fit with the new Darkoath style, and it's gotta be one of the few Slaves to Darkness kits left that was inherited from Fantasy Battle. 

    But, then, it's not in the Warriors of Chaos list for Old World. So... ?? 

  4. I'll use the 'Legends' rules. Simple. 

    Although I've been thinking for a while about homebrewing some stuff, fully integrating my Slaanesh-styled Beasts units and whatnot into the Hedonites faction. Could probably do with collaborating with someone who's better at the nitty-gritty of the rules... I'm good with the fluff (no false modesty there... nor any genuine modesty) but not so hot at the dice-rolling side of things. 

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  5. It is rather upsetting to see the Beasts get the boot. I've got a unit of Slaanesh-painted Bestigor that I'm very fond of. But, then, I'm most likely never going to play in a tournament, and I wouldn't have included any Beasts units in it even if I did! I was pretty damn sure that coalition units were going to be a thing of the past, anyway. 

    They do publish points values for 'Legends' units, don't they? 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    AKA people were playing within the ruleset that a very big succesful game company gave them. I also hate it when those ultra-competitive people build hotels on Park Place!

    Exactly! I'm glad we have an accord. 

  7. 13 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

    So if what most of us are speculating is true and allies are being removed with regiments of renown as the stand-in for them, that is going to break a few flavour specific (i.e. non-competitive) ally choices, like the Black Coach allied into SBGL (because that's where it belong you thieving bedsheet ghosts! *cough* ahem).

    Same for fluffy stuff like specific SCE into order factions as a city-protectors based splash, or Dryads, etc. into an order faction for a splash of my guys/gals are from the living city. Yada-yada. Unless you're one of the lucky ones and the hero or unit you like having in your army gets a Regiment of Renown box...

    That's a little bit of a bummer if it plays out that way... we get a win for construction flavour but at the cost of ally flavour.

    I was thinking something similar. But, then, I never really expected the Allies rules, at least as they currently stand, to survive in this new edition. It's a a shame... but it's the same old story, rules changes because some ultra-competitive clowns were exploiting (or abusing) things for the sake of winning a game. 

  8. 21 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

    One thing that I am concerned about with 4th rules previews is the 3" melee rules. Does this ultimately mean that all weapon types are so homoginized that I'm suppose to accept a spear and a dagger are the same martial tools of war? This for me is overall simplified rules at the cost of immersion. 


    See, I find that sort of rule simplification perfectly fine, in most cases. Let the unit's stats tell the story. 

    My favourite unit is my Symbaresh Twinsouls. Individual models are armed with all sorts of gear, including a damn whip! I've had fun customising them, with the knowledge that "Merciless Blades" will cover all. 

    Also, not having specific weapons on the Warscroll will let me use a variety of different hero models (of which I have a plethora) without having to resort to 'counts as'. 


    • Like 2
  9. Oh, definitely the Skaven. 

    If you'll indulge me in a little wander down memory lane... the first time I ever saw a real game of Warhammer in progress it was Empire vs Skaven. The Skaven grabbed my attention immediately, with their Doomwheel and Screaming Bell and whatnot (this was back in old metal days, when there weren't a great number of big kits around). I've fancied them ever since! I'm yet to actually put an army of them together, but it's long been a 'future project' of mine. 

    And Stormcast are utterly boring. 

  10. 5 hours ago, Cambyses said:

    Maybe I'm just a boomer gamer, but I find that in any wargame, a morale system is a must, even one as simplified & abstract as the one in AoS. Morale was one of the most important factors in most historical battles, up to and including modern times, and IMO to do away with morale entirely would be to lose something fundamental in the wargaming experience.

    I kind of agree. It'd be nice to have an individual warrior's courage represented in some way. 

    ... but it certainly ain't a hill I'm willing to die on. I'd sacrifice it for a clean, quick, easy-to-learn set of rules. 

  11. I'm utterly ambivalent to their presence. I find the Stormcast bland, and have no interest in collecting them... but then I have no interest in buying a starter set anyway (unless by some dark miracle the Hedonites end up in a starter set!) 

    But, like others have said, their ubiquitous presence is probably good for getting new players in, which is never a bad thing. 

    • Like 1
  12. 8 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    True, that is because AoS is balanced through tournament results and lots of tournament players min-max there lists. Which imo gives a skewed result. For the more casual player that doesn't take the min-max approach, but more the rule of cool or immersion is punished with those tournament balance things and restrictions.

    I hope that AoS 4th will give Chaos and CoS/SCE again the possibility to mix the units a bit more with shared keywords.

    If I was religious I'd give that a hearty 'amen'. 

    The rule of cool is king in my naughty little book! 

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  13. I'd wager that the Chaos coalition soups will vanish with the forthcoming new edition. As it is they've made it virtually a tactical hindrance to include coalition units in the god armies. 

    A pity. I've spent a lot of time converting and painting Slaves and Beasts units as Slaanesh devotees! 

  14. My main target is to paint my first Slaangor Fiendblood. It's going to be a little complex, as it's the first one, so I've got to work out a colour scheme that tickles my fancy. 

    Subsidiary target is to get some significant brushwork down on Glutos... a target I comprehensively failed to hit last month. That's going to be an ongoing project. 

    I've also got a couple of random old Chaos Champion models thst are half-done. If I get stumped with my other goals, I'll try to finish at least one of these off. 

  15. 6 hours ago, Tonhel said:


    I really hope that they found a way to make foot hero's playable and give Chaos lords some good rules, so my foot Chaos lord doesn't has to hide anymore.

    That'd be nice. I feel like at the moment you either have to roll out dirty great big heroes, or not bother at all. Go big or go home. 

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, mojojojo101 said:

    When I first started in 2nd edition I hated the double turn, then I played a few games without it and I found the game to be slower, more predictable and found myself playing a predictable, established plan rather than what was on the table in front of me. It just wasn't as fun or interesting.

    This, exactly. I'm a slacker when it comes to strategy... I've got a tendency to just stick to what I know works. The double turn challenges me and makes me think on my toes. 

    Even if the dice like me and I get the double turn, it's not like I go "oh, there's an automatic win for me". I have to think about how to best exploit this piece of luck. That's a challenge in itself. 

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